Frankenstein, by MARY SHELLEY


Victor Frankenstein built a monster with parts of body dead people. He didn’t think about personality or sentiments, he only wanted to accomplish his plan: to revive people.

When his work was finished, he saw that it was frightening, so he abandoned his creature.

When the monster was alone, it left the laboratory and went to the streets. There the people saw it and were frightened, some people attacked the monster, so it went to places where nobody saw and attacked it.

First the monster felt hunger, then it felt cold, this was the first indication of humanization of the monster, because it sought a shelter and food.

When it was attacked, it was unhappy and frightened, so it started to watch a family that lived near it. It saw that the people were kind, so it learnt to love. But it was rejected again, so it learnt to hat, too.

The mosnter was revolted and started to seek its “father”. When it met him, it questioned why it was abandoned. Why it was so ugly and frightening, and why it was alone. The people didn’t like it, they felt terror.

So the monster saw that if it attack the people that Victor loved it was destroing him.

This revolt is a human’s sentiment, when feel us rejected, so we revolt. The monster knew the good and the bad. It learnt to love and it learnt to hate.

This process of humanization of the monster. We have to think before acting.

The monster was sorry for its action and punished itself with death. However it showed a caracteristic of all human: the revolt.