2363-AMOR DE MÃE-IDIOMA : (2) Inglês

2363-AMOR DE MÃE-IDIOMA : (2) Inglês


Soneto Nº 2362

Classic, sáfico, heroic; strong syllables

in 4ª, 6ª, 8ª; 10ª syllables;


For Sílvia Araújo Motta

Love of Mother are shining sun and heat

an entire family, night and day;

in the sad hours it puts the faith in prece

of intercession of the Virgin Mother Maria.

Love of Mother is flame, always grows;

it generates a life, it enchants, alenta and guide;

it transforms the blood and when the son is born,

of the pure o milk and proves to such magic.

Love of Mother makes to see the indigo sky,

in the stream bed, blows up the star and brings song;

balsam, calms the pain that is in the chest.

Love of Mother sublima favours a thousand,

leaves homesickness and in the soul, peace, pardon;

Flower that the life perfumes: love-perfect.


BH, 2º sunday, 10 of May of 2009. –

http://www.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/silviaraujomotta http://clubedalinguaport.ning.com http://clubedalinguaport.blogspot.com

Silvia Araujo Motta
Enviado por Silvia Araujo Motta em 06/05/2009
Código do texto: T1578764
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro