God bless the oceans and all the wonderful forests and rivers which give human beings a means of survival. God bless the stars and all the celestial planets. Who knows? Perhaps there is life outside "our" planet too. God bless all the birds, for they are free, because life without freedom is as dry as a desert.

God bless the children. They represent the future, hope for a better world, a lass sad planet. God bless the pure of heart, for they will find their way in life. God bless those who understand we are here on this earth only for a very short while, for one day all of us will die. Life certainly has its beautiful moments, but it also is full of sadness. Many are the parents who are losing their children every day, and all that is left is a dark hole and tears. Let us thank God for the existence of HOPE, for life without hope is like a river without water. God bless those who create machines which help to save lives. Even though life is indeed full of bumpy roads, who does not like to continue living??? God bless the doctors who help to save lives. These people do a good job at helping millions of human beings.

God bless... IRAQUE

Enviado por Iraque em 24/06/2013
Código do texto: T4356768
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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