Sorry angel

Sorry angel, sorry so

Your eyes are looking for me

But I’m not here

I’m not there

I don’t know where I am

My past is smoke

From an old man smoking a cigarette in the cold

Sorry angel, sorry so

I’m not perfect

I took your life away with my kisses

My cold kisses

But, I’m not cold

Sorry angel, sorry so

I’m not yours

I don’t know where I belong

I’m not black, I’m not white, I’m not green

I’m red

Red as the anger you’re feeling deep in your heart

Sorry angel, sorry so

You’re crying and I don’t care

Your tears make me laugh

I’m smiling at everyone because you want to die, taking pills

Sorry angel, sorry so

Your eyes are looking for me

And you’ll never gonna find me

Sorry angel, sorry so.

*Dedicado a Monsieur Gainsbourg

melody nelson
Enviado por melody nelson em 28/06/2008
Reeditado em 28/06/2008
Código do texto: T1055801