.carta secreta.

Oh! Doce olhos castanhos esverdeados que não libertam meus pensamentos.

Em meus sonhos há tempos já me visitavam e agora um presente divino, a presença destes olhos cristalinos.

No coração, a certeza de uma amanhã improvável, cheio de obstáculos, e quem sabe sem estes olhos de grande magnitude.

Mas sei que, no fundo, sempre estarás em meu pensamento e sempre serei tua dona.

Dona de teus pensamentos

Dona de teus mais puros sonhos

Dona de teus desejos mais secretos.

Dona de ti por inteiro

Da cabeça até a ponta dos dedos.

Para completar.


The Veronicas

Feels like I have always known you

And I swear I dreampt about you

All those endless nights I was alone

It's like I've spent forever searching

Now I know that it was worth it

With you it feels like I am finally home

Fallin' head over heels

Thought I knew how it feels

But with you it's like the first day of my life

'Cause you leave me speechless when you talk to me

You leave me breathless the way you look at me

You manage to disarm me, my soul is shining through

Can't help but surrender, my everything to you

I thought I could resist you

I thought that I was strong

Somehow you are different from what I've known

I didn't see it coming

You took me by surprise and

You stole my heart before I could say no

You leave me speechless when you talk to me

You leave me breathless the way you look at me

You manage to disarm me, my soul is shining through

Can't help but surrender, oh no, my everything to you

You leave me speechless

The way you smile, the way you touched my face

You leave me breathless

There's something that you do, I can't explain

I'd run a million miles just to hear you say my name


Enviado por segredosmeus em 18/08/2008
Reeditado em 05/11/2009
Código do texto: T1134687
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