I want to describe here a beautiful story that, by a simple memory of me talking to my father, I want to say that I had a great imagination and that I learned today to know the world better about a certain logic and knowledge of certain sciences and different school subjects that I always remember my father when I was about 35 years old and I always talked with my father in different versions when he came to me in hours of silence and called me to talk and asked things about geographies, social science, history, English that it was when I learned and got to know his point of view better that he always had the best because he always told me that there is nothing better in the world than reading and he told me that he got to know the whole world by reading because when he was younger he I sold books in Vitoria de santo Antão and Recife which is in Pernambuco and I want to tell a beautiful ancestor story of my conversations with my father because he was a very intimate man smart and knew everything in the world because he was a great scholar like his brothers who had a great academic background and always showed a good family profile for the family that we always keep in each one's memories a good list of different grammars and sciences that for me It served as a great incentive for me to want to learn as well and I used to talk to my father about the English language, which he knew deeply, he even asked me questions for me to answer in English, which was when I dedicated myself and learned a little English until today. for my efforts when I made a PDF full of everything in English for me to study and I learned the language a little fluently in English since I was a teenager and I know the basics well and I made a list of several words to memorize and today I know the English without taking any courses and I only learned it at home and I want to talk about my father who always encouraged me to know the world and life that for me I was a teenager who saw the world the different thing is that today I know better the whole history of life that I dedicated myself deeply to various sciences as well as the English language and my father was a very good man for me and my family and a little nervous that he always came there to tell me that the best thing in life was reading and that he got to know the whole world by reading about everything and that he showed me his knowledge which was profound because he was smart even he made me believe about a better aspect of life and he told me to be very careful with life that worried when I left until I got home because he was too worried about me and my mother and my brothers and he kept watching the daily newspaper and the news and he always told us not to leave the house late and come back late because the world was dangerous and that we should pay more attention to people and make good friends and that life always taught him to know the world up close and that he was a very intelligent, controlled and educated man with people and who always told me to study hard because life was not an easy thing to trust and that we should make the future better sooner and that man should be stronger and more in control and have no weaknesses in life and should overcome things in moderation and I saw that everything was an example of perfect qualities for me to be a good guy and I was careful with my friendships until today and I was always a man of fiber and honest that I always controlled my daily emotions with great care and control over life and I talked to him about death and he was a straight man who always told me that life was always a more realistic cause of living and learning from life and that death would be a common thing for everyone and that we should enjoy life enough because things are always limited and it's never forever and we should be grateful every moment for the best things in life and that god was a case of thinking because life simply teaches us to conquer the things things in life and god would be a relevant thing about man who can believe in god and that he is deeply in about the most intimate and human thought of each one and it would be something undefined to his imagination that really is something realistic from the point of view of certain things and that we must always be a man in all circumstances of life and we must not give way to dishonesty and we must be united as always and that he never saw things in life being blessed and that the human being had to unite and contain himself about your purposes for living and the good thing would be to be grateful for every second of life and that we shouldn't ignore humanity and treat it more with respect or not mix with people and hold back on life.

I knew and I learned from my father the best things that turn to intelligence and character to live and contain yourself about people and he simply had no indifference about life because he was always simple and hardworking who made life with a lot sweat and work to get higher over a very familiar and normal life that was very close with his sister who liked him very much as his older brothers who always invited him to join the end of the year to celebrate the new year together in family that they presented him with beautiful wines and chocolates for the whole family and I always thought of him as a good conservative father of the family and a little extravagant with the drink he gave from his youth with his colleagues he always drank and had parties with traditional friends of the old and former city of Vitoria de Santo Antão until I came to live in Olinda after almost 30 years of being married to me and my mother and my aunt named Arlinda Xavier who live in Praça da Matriz in Vitoria de Santo Antão for a long time until my aunt fractured her thigh femur and stayed in bed until she lost consciousness with Alzheimer's, who reached 91 years old and passed away leaving a lot of misses for all of us who loved her very much for being a beautiful and beautiful woman with great qualities and happy that she helped us from her youth until her death that we cherish her passage to the other side of life with great respect and love and that my father was always a good brother and that he will always stay too kept in memory of me and the whole family forever and that we learn the best from our families and that we build the fountain of youth by learning to live and be happy simply through a gesture of loving and living and being happy and I want to thank you for this satisfaction that will be kept like a heroic flame of a traditional family that made a rudder a crossing over a more realistic margin of facing and respecting life and that death is not the end and that it just passes us by and make us believe in the best resistance and knowledge to face life and live and be happy for a simple conviction to live and leave with lots of hugs and caresses our best feelings for everything and everyone and I want to thank my father with deep love and with a real feeling that maybe can simply show us our realities about life that sound fearfully we believe in the existence of god and that god has always enlightened us and filled us with the best durability of both nights and days that makes us sound and sunset for internal memories about life and that we are just stuck in time with an alliance that transcends us love, gesture and affection for life and so we will always be alive and we will always be rich for the honesty and discipline of living and that my father Gerado José de Barros always showed us as a father the simple relevance of a good man that God made us more rigid about the indiscretions that disadvantage the life of the human being in and that nothing will ever change until our arrival at his resting place for one day we will meet and join together as always united to the ends of all existences of the human being and on the spirits that form in paradise in soul to deserve the god father on existences and relativities that will transport us to paradise as always and that we will all be the same and that we will live and leave our qualities to everyone and that somewhere we will sprout again together to conquer life better again and I thank you all and I want to leave my best hug and thank you very much from the heart and may God enlighten us and may his unchanging light shine on my father for all of us with many feelings I wish and leave you my biggest and best hugs from the great and dear illustrious writer Robert Barros. My father rest in peace!

By: Roberto Barros