We really need to spread a simple idea in which man can reveal to us what we are and where we are going and that space would be a place to make us think and understand about various atomic aspects which in turn made us more physical among various ideas that can redo ourselves over a great variety supposedly equivalent to the elements that compose us and their particularities that reserve us in a nucleus called the human body that we can simply understand its dynamics and organic functions that are exposed on the body, spirit and soul and let's decipher this question that for a contradictory effect we can accept its dynamics that can vary on the dense material body and the subtle spiritual body that we are going to prescribe as a lesson that there is a science that makes us understand called anthropology which is simply the science that is dedicated to the study of human species in its entirety, taking into account its origin, development (physical, social, cultural), comp culture, psychology, racial particularities, habits, customs, knowledge, beliefs and perhaps their aspects because they are combined with the electricity of the spirit that governs and makes nuclear chemistry study the transformation of one element into another through the emission of energy in the form of radiation , but it is not only to harm man that Nuclear Chemistry exists, it also brings benefits such as its use to generate energy to replace the energy generated by hydroelectric plants, and has application in medicine, agronomy, industries, etc.... I believe that we have failed to pacify the more relative side of life that transforms us every second of existence because of the organic functions that would be like a transmission generator to the atomic nuclear center that classifies us between a relationship between man and human and elemental nature. that proposes to us several chemical reactions that come into action and combination of certain substances of development, growth that makes our organisms develop under certain classes and food chains that we can prescribe all these systems of metamorphoses under a great variety and construction of cells to all the organic chains as a particularity and development of the human being. The atomic bomb is the result of nuclear fission! Let's talk about the body that is atomic and makes us feel in all the chemical reactions of the spirit its functions of pulsating as the universe that generates the human body that is formed by thousands of cells, which are united forming tissues, organs and systems. The various systems of the human body work together to guarantee the functioning of the organism as a whole and, consequently, our survival and we must know that there is a formation between our organic system, when verifying the administrative practices and the relations with the external environment of the organic organizations, defined that unlike mechanistic organizations, it is a suitable model for flexible activities with complex development in the face of an unstable environment and when we talk about an Organic Organization, we talk about a company that has adopted a management model focused on human development . Companies that adopt this organic organization need to have a decentralized system of decisions, as well as a flexible hierarchy. I simply want to talk better about their jobs and functions that always align all educational purposes in which we sow life among various and fearless ideas about the notion of the human being in life who may be entitled to such functions that would not allow him destruction between the free will of the human being who is on a more dressed up panorama, able to live who, due to certain and deserted incapacities, could have better consulted the scope of evolution on planet earth in which we could hide any biological questions more prudent and effective the human relationship of life of the human being with the animals that we can exalt a good reasoning between the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms that we pass from small living beings that we are fatally apprehending and conquering every day our planet that seems voracious to our wills and dedication in which we we can narrate certain opinions between our planet and living beings because I think we are sweeping a field too solid to believe in the existence of life because I believe that we weaken our wills on such consequences that we could simply say how selfish we are with ourselves when the planet could understand the will and function of our knowledge that is giving us life and death to such consequences in which we can someday understand the origin of being alive even better than perhaps falling apart in various conquests that simply pass from more esoteric dreams that make us believe about such existences when nature is showing us up close its effects and collateral functions on the planet itself that is expanding from the collateral effects of its existences on the various destructions of the human being who does not think and rewards to each shelf its role in life that is on virtues and greed of ambition that would be in physics in relation to its construction, its own end as failure, destruction on various dilemmas of evolution and contradiction that the human being can understand perhaps among its triple aspect in which we can also unveil its knowledge and support that makes us sufferers today maybe of some heroine in distortion with the relations of life in which the human being can contain himself, act and survive certain disseminations between time and space that today we total in half a period of vast time a path that we have followed in search of some answer in how much we only find infertility that we may have picked up in the past and caught cold in the future that we can still believe today the world can be perfect in which people still avoid and undo, between life and death, desirable dreams in which it makes the human being aware of ten from his birth time until maturity about uncertain ironies that time shows us how much we do and the earth forces us to establish certain doctrines between perhaps the way of living and relating to nature while the human being shows its devastating role that doesn't even make me think about the time of the monkey that maybe we could have effectively shown more love and affection on the our planet that gave us life and that today is in extinction, perhaps because it establishes false rules that define the true inconsequential value between the human being and the animal that supposedly can favor us on certain occasions when it would only fit us between understanding and extinct to preserve our lives better as we strengthen the dark side of life that cannot be more aware of the true value of the human being that makes us at dusk maybe our days between a world of wars between a challenge between terrible beasts and human machines to undo in the human being and in life their sick actions while nature consumes us by deconstructions supposedly created in a small interval of time and in a short space called an atom that in a smaller fraction of an element is able to enter into combination, a short space and a moment in which we may still be able to witness the construction of life among a universal relativity in which life was made in a smaller fraction of a element and the human being shows itself uncontested with its artificial dynamics that due to its own ignorance would almost not be able to conquer the space that maybe it can tell us, can make us understand why we live and that nature would just be a reaction of life that is clearly being unreasonable by the living beings who are unfruitful against perhaps the highest and most ambitious way of thinking about the poor planet that is expanding where every moment of circulatory and vibrational life in circumstances of life and death making us understand that we could reap something better between both things devoid of ambition and the pure disappearance of perdition and that one day everything can be conformed to the existence of life in mere distraction that makes man die early between the sin of knowledge or the indiscreet ignorance that still shows itself socialized to the world that closes itself between four walls for the inhumane who try to discourage and unreason their own existence while nature reflects on life and give us abundance to our pleasures and deforestation would perhaps be an indifferent cause of the human being who can one day understand the superlative effect that consumes us between great earthquakes, burning of the soil and forests that burn because of the flora and the terrible deforestation that harms the flora and fauna causing the biodiversity of life and even today we seek to improve the ecosystem if we have to p protect nature against the fearless thievery of the human being who plays innocent when large industries pour large amounts of chemicals into rivers that are absorbed in the water of the seas and rivers causing the death of various fish and marine animals and the human being conserving and industrializing their wills that in the future only went from fearless turns of nature that due to the ozone layer that in respiration and cell, oxygen is used and carbon dioxide is released. We cannot forget that oxygen, under the action of the sun's ultraviolet rays, gives rise to ozone, which forms the ozone layer and today we are left wondering how man went to the moon to show us what the world is like and we can only of dreamers of the future that we sow here what we reap among perhaps certain more evolved human beings of human nature that makes us understand that we are going back, perhaps among several countries, to the beginning of the world that this Big Bang is more confused than among so many theories If we are scientific we can understand the cause or side effect that defines us and refines us between life maybe more between time and space making life denser that we can productively eliminate every feeling and bad mood from the soul that we can spread the unrealities with the realities that make us confused in the social environment in which we hardly believe in education that would be the most educational and constitutional means for human development and nature makes us die due to man's bad conscience about life that is a slave to his own thinking that someday they will seize the live and value your life as the simple existence of your planet that has always welcomed you between a world perhaps more captive and insufficient of pleasures and devastating power that has always killed the human being in life about its inconsequential extortion and way of living and I want to talk about space that always formalizes us between perhaps a time ceremony in which we meet each other almost empty inside a planet that is always in s showed where life originated and that its existence would in fact be the universe that specified our thoughts that someday we will all understand about perhaps its resonance that dances along with its pulsations of lives and deaths being all about the cause and creative deed of mother nature and that this formality, which is exposed on perhaps four constructive elements that give us life, love and hate, which are called air, water, earth and fire, in which we can perhaps understand that in matter there is life and that the atom is endowed with four elements that vivify us and give us life called an atom that in the smallest fraction of an element we can classify matter as the atomic nucleus that between the combination of the spirit vivifying each atom in the periphery and escapes and escapes of electrons in a combination of supposed author, indivisible moment and short space and we can thank the space man who formalized us among so many ideas that today we can say that life would be clearer. ra and easy and that we can understand why we are alive and that life would eternally be an existence of the universe that we will fully someday learn to value its existence and its own life. We really need to spread a simple idea in which man can reveal to us what we are and where we are going and that space would be a place to make us think and understand about various atomic aspects which in turn made us more physical among various ideas that can redo ourselves over a great variety supposedly equivalent to the elements that compose us and their particularities that reserve us in a nucleus called the human body that we can simply understand its dynamics and organic functions that are exposed on the body, spirit and soul and we are going to classify this issue that for a contradictory effect we can accept its dynamics that can vary on the dense material body and the subtle spiritual body that we are going to prescribe as a lesson that there is a science that makes us understand called anthropology which is simply the science that is dedicated to the study of human species in its entirety, taking into account its origin, development (physical, social, cultural) q that we can simplify as the body that we demonstrate its physical state and its spirit as its chemical development that is spiritual that we are based on its social development when the soul shows us its effectiveness by the creative system of cultural development that systematically applies different flavors as a very warm recipe to a class that potentially makes us react and govern all the shades of life controlling the body and mind establishing a dilemma for the atomic nuclear system that we can systematically understand its value and consistency over all life and let's talk about the spirit that shows us electrical means about all the formalities of life and its resistances that complete the nucleus and give us the life called Nuclear Chemistry that studies the transformation of one element into another through the emission of energy in the form of radiation. Nuclear Chemistry studies ways of using all materials that suffer the phenomenon called radioactive decay which is Invisible, strong and Vitalino or light of the existing life that by the nature of one or creation of a life settles down to pulsate inside the nucleus the chemistry nuclear that is extinguished in several functions that is one thing and no one goes too deep with the unshakable conscience to put themselves in conflict and be with the soul or perhaps to be in conflict with the self, fighting spirit, spirit of life or whoever gives life always with us until the turn of life or time. In a nutshell, the spirit is our conscience that can be good or evil and is able to guide our attitudes. So while the soul is present in anyone as long as that individual is alive, a person's spirit can be eternal while the soul always predominates over the life of the body. o and subtle energy that makes us think and feel all the effects and constructions that the human being builds in the soul because their emotions of constructions of love or hate about life are simply sound and constructive, which can tell us how perfect or imperfect we are with the our constructions and capacities in which the mind aligns itself with all the processes that vibrate over organic functions, distracting us and involving us in all the intimacies of life and social well-being or discomfort that we can only build under an atmosphere of proper and adequate habits. our human natures that we can say that we are studying something related to an ethnography that is the descriptive study of different ethnicities, their anthropological and social characteristics, and we just need to be able to deal with the perfect orders as a definite manifestation and function created by a region of social prosperity and we must certainly move into the future, do we see a restriction or p perfect alcove of strict and rigorous laws, reality that pushes us further to the lowest walls of society that always exposes itself to conflict and learning so that we can move forward and save ourselves from the dark and cruel disadvantage that always brings back to the world and to life trying to avoid us the benefits that may be deceiving us in our dreams that we will not use the future as a precision to simplify something of power and value about the disintegration of life because we can still be the winners of a more powerful and voluntary society that we are able to administer the perfect commands that give rise to a certain version of human progress in life and we can say that we are socialist creators of not blaming ourselves for the life that we can sociologically unravel to contain and go as ethnography because we are able to build the world and we don't care about the weakness of life because we are a descriptive record of the material culture of a detail There are a few people who always overcome and we can manage life according to socialist ideas and within them they always suppress human well-being in life because they are the realities of steel with the simple desire of the conqueror who always dies before his progress triumphs over the simple conditions created by life we call art and we want to simplify the ethnography that studies and reveal the customs, beliefs and traditions of a society that are transmitted from generation to generation and allow the continuity of a particular and social culture or system. Ethnography is intrinsic to all aspects of Cultural Anthropology, which studies the processes of social interaction and the knowledge, ideas, techniques, skills, rules of conduct and habits acquired in the social life of a people who never allowed them to be imperfect to conquer life. . class and live the power to overcome and take everything as abstractions of life that we can simply manage each class and gain power as the first point of restoring a source of high value and appreciation for our actions and work performance for some purpose we will never have to close as a resolution and aim for progress as dignity and prosperity to live up to human rights and responsibilities as a genuine process of man on the threshold of progress, satisfaction, achievement of real life as a daily example in a context which looks more like the rules and laws of social life in the world that we call the means of progress, which are the laws of return based on a socialist impotence that we must always adhere to and never see our commitments as an idea to make life an incomplete structure that tomorrow you will have to give examples of your ideas and it is the opposite that we seek from the present to the past and from the past to the future in the path of profit and the yes we will overcome the lions crossing the paths of domination which is the existence of human power in your life in which we can say that we are able to change a story according to the time in which the seconds pass for the interruption of life takes us to wake up and code at a point of unexpected recovery where life is not an estimate of failures more of gains that we must always pay attention to because here we exaggerate the potential for failure and we live and must always progress as a lesson that we can commit to managing our lives and however difficult our ideas of conquest are what we call power. We really need to spread a simple idea in which man can reveal to us what we are and where we are going and that space would be a place to make us think and understand about various atomic aspects which in turn made us more physical among several ideas that can remake us on a great variety supposedly equivalent to the elements that compose us and their particularities that reserve us in a nucleus called the human body that we can simply understand its dynamics and functions that are exposed on the body, spirit and soul and we are going to classify this question that for a contradictory effect we can accept its dynamics that can vary on the dense material body and the subtle spiritual body that we are going to prescribe as a lesson that there is a science that makes us understand the call of anthropology, which is simply the science dedicated to the study of the human species in its entirety, taking into account its origin, development (physical, social, cultural), behavior, psychology, racial particularities, habits, customs, knowledge , beliefs and perhaps their aspects for being conjugated to the electricity of the spirit that governs and makes nuclear chemistry study the transformation of one element into another through the emission of energy in the form of radiation, but it is not only to harm man that Chemistry Nuclear exists, it also brings benefits such as its use to generate energy to replace the energy generated by hydroelectric plants, and has application in the measurement of energy. cine, agronomy, industries, etc.... The atomic bomb is the result of nuclear fission! Perhaps we are improving ourselves under a great list of activities in which we can review particularly an explanation that we will think of the body in its densest state of any materiality that we are only subject to material prejudices due to the flesh because a religious fiction is weak to the spiritual planes that are in elevation to everything that proposes to us and totally absorbs us in dust because it is from dust that the human being was generated between an aspect and atomic reaction that compromises us with the terrestrial planes and according to spiritism and science, space can be considered homogeneous to our nature that simply in everything and everything contains us under a relation of three atomic elements called protons, electrons and neutrons that versifica ly we call matter that is called atom that we can understand its manifestations, development and constructions in the material plane in which we can understand all the relationships of life getting nature as an entry and exit key the material in which the forces and forms of nature are built and destroyed in a movement of construction and death, leaving life as a generator of setback for the human being and we can establish norms and doctrines both spiritual and material, vivifying each atom between its natural relationships with the universal and material nature in what we call the foreground in which they are well coded to the dense and subtle state of the universe in which it passes into the material state causing life on earth. We really need to spread a simple idea in which man can reveal to us what we are and where we are going and that space would be a place to make us think and understand about various atomic aspects which in turn made us more physical among various ideas that can redo ourselves over a great variety supposedly equivalent to the elements that compose us and their particularities that reserve us in a nucleus called the human body that we can simply understand its dynamics and organic functions that are exposed on the body, spirit and soul and we are going to classify this issue that for a contradictory effect we can accept its dynamics that can vary on the dense material body and the subtle spiritual body that we are going to prescribe as a lesson that there is a science that makes us understand called anthropology which is simply the science that is dedicated to the study of human species in its entirety, taking into account its origin, development (physical, social, cultural). I would like to show you this fantastic text that I made a book created and developed by myself and that I did it with great honor and satisfaction, which served as a support for me to know the body, spirit and soul that we were looking for here for an existence in life that I keep as security of my life against illness and disease that the world is not in touch with the reality of life itself and I want you to feel the nobility of my studies on life behind the happiness of living and being happy that are wrapped in these countless pages theoretically by great masters of science and with great curiosity of my wisdom that rises next to my book that enters as an emanation of light on life and its contexts of life and being happy in full health. I want to firmly emphasize and indicate to readers that this compendium created and created by me is an extraordinary memory that I keep with love and affection so that everyone can read and understand with extraordinary firmness that life within us is something very precious for human beings and children of God and they know how to understand all the details narrated in these little sheets that were born from a feeling and thought that life is like an eternal box to never stop playing the same music or the same life that is a constant impulse throughout life . Biology is the science that studies living and living organisms, their structure, growth, functioning to, reproduction, origin, evolution, distribution, as well as their relationships with the environment and with each other; bioscience, biological sciences [includes many other specialized sciences such as ecology, biochemistry, genetics, zoology and botany]. The vitamin is in the biochemistry of each of the organic molecules, present in relatively small amounts in living beings, but essential for metabolism. Mineral salts are nutrients that provide important substances such as sodium, potassium, calcium and iron, etc. A biochemical protein is a macromolecule composed of one or more polypeptide chains, each with a characteristic amino acid sequence and molecular weight; protid [represents a large part of the mass of living beings and is necessary in the diet of animals and organisms that do not carry out photosynthesis.]. The cell is a structural and functional microscopic unit of living beings, consisting essentially of genetic material, cytoplasm and plasma membrane. The human body is a set of bone and muscle structure that includes the human organism. It is also responsible for the maintenance of human life, along with all other vital functions that the human body performs. Bodybuilding is a complex of muscular movements. The mineral is a solid and natural crystalline body formed as a result of the interaction of physical-chemical processes in geological environments. Each mineral is classified and named not only on its chemical composition, but also on the crystal structure of the materials that make it up. The plant kingdom is the kingdom of nature that groups together plants, a vast set of multicellular, non-motile and mostly photosynthetic autotrophic eukaryotic organisms, containing cells that usually include one or more chloroplasts, organelles. The mineral kingdom, unlike the animal and plant kingdoms, is made up of everything that does not have life, for example, water, soil, gas, minerals, rocks. The origin of minerals characterized by the cooling of magma, the precipitation of salts or the rearrangement of ions (metamorphism). Plantae o Reino: concept, is, meaning. The kingdom of Plantae is a concept that belongs to the area of biology and refers to the group composed of all land plants, including mosses on the large trees of the Amazon. Enzymes are organic substances with the function of catalyzing other chemical reactions and improving the production of compounds essential for our health. Autoimmune disease is a failure in a functional division of the immune system called self-tolerance, which results in immune responses against the body's cells and tissues. Any disease resulting from this type of response is called an autoimmune disease. The atoms of the thinkers of atomism, each of the tiny, eternal and indivisible particles that combine and disintegrate moved by the mechanical forces of nature, thus determining the characteristics of each object. The chemical element is the set of atoms with the same atomic number, that is, with the same number of protons in their nucleus. The atomic number is the number of protons an atom has in its nucleus. Physiology is the study of the normal functions and functioning of living things, esp. the physico-chemical processes that take place in cells, tissues, organs and systems these, you were a healthy life; biophysiology. Functions common to all living beings, also called vital functions, include: reproductive functions, including gametogenesis, fertilization, propagation of spores or other reproductive structures, etc.; metabolism functions such as breathing, eating; the functions of catabolism. Genes, in the definition of classical genetics, are the fundamental unit of heredity. Each gene is made up of a specific sequence of nucleic acids, the most important biomolecules in cell control, as they contain genetic information. Chemistry is the scientific study of the constitution of matter, its properties, transformations and the laws that govern them. Biochemistry is an interdisciplinary science (or branch) that uses principles and methods of chemistry to study the transformations that occur in substances and molecules of living beings and their metabolic processes; biological chemistry, physiological chemistry. Alchemy is the chemistry of the Middle Ages, which sought to discover the universal panacea, or remedy all physical and moral ills, and the philosopher's stone, which was supposed to transform metals into gold; spagyria, spagyric. Metaphysics in Aristotelianism, a fundamental subdivision of philosophy, characterized by the investigation of realities that transcend sensible experience, capable of providing a basis for all particular sciences, through reflection on the primary nature of being; philosophy above all. in Kantianism, the study of constitutive forms or laws of reason, the basis of all speculations about super-sensible realities (the cosmic totality, God or the human soul) and the source of general principles for empirical knowledge. The body first understands what the body is, because it is the visible part, that is, what we live in the physical world. There are passages in the Bible that state that God created man from the dust of the ground, which arose in Roman Catholicism and Islam. The organic composition of the body has 72% water, 14% carbon, 9% hydrogen, 5% nitrogen and 3.5% distributed among 15 other elements such as calcium, potassium, sulfur, sodium, iodine, chlorine, zinc , between others. Coincidence or not, this is also the same organic composition as the earth. In other words, the land that gives life to human beings is the same land that produces food. The Bible is very emphatic that Jesus became man in all things, but he was also 100% spirit. But to God, the body is his address, or his sanctuary, or a tabernacle of flesh, or even a little God. The soul in the New Testament recognizes the soul as a "psyche", translated from the Greek as an invisible inner part. It is considered the seat of emotions that works in the field of the human mind and emotional feelings. Also in the Old Testament, four categories of souls were suggested: the biological soul (linked to emotions in the physical sense), the eternal soul (gift of God, a differentiated soul), the soul as a citizen, and the soul as feeling (feelings like joy). and sadness). The spirit It's the part that connects Christians to God, it's the connection with spiritual things. It is something that belongs only to man. In the Bible, we see that the spirit was puffed up in Adam's nostrils. The connection between the spirit and God occurs through prayer, praise and glory to him. The spirit can govern the life and character of man, representing nature and transforming it every day into the true image and likeness of God, it is the active principle of our spiritual life and is also immortal. Responsible for maintaining a connection with God and receiving His knowledge. Homogeneous is what has the same nature and/or has structure, function, distribution, etc. similar in relation to (it is said of something compared to another). It is what presents great unity, adhesion between its elements. Physics is science is what investigates the laws of the universe in relation to matter and energy, which are its components and their interactions. Quantum physics is a branch of theoretical science that studies all phenomena that occur with atomic and subatomic particles, that is, equal to or smaller than atoms, such as electrons, protons, molecules and photons, for example. The five kingdoms are the most complete category and include living beings with similar characteristics but some important quirks. Currently, we consider the existence of five kingdoms: Monera, Protista or Protoctista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. The seven and five senses are taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing are not the only senses of the human body. We often hear the claim that we have five senses. But what scholars such as neurologist Alvaro Pascual-Leone and psychologists Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris, from Harvard University in the United States, say is that our ability to perceive the world, internally and externally, goes far beyond the basic 5 senses. and Aristotelian. To get an idea of what this means, we can try to answer the questions. At first, the title request for a silly receipt: in school, we learned that there are only five: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Then came fiction to expand our horizons: the movie "The sixth sense" introduced us to another, responsible for the perception of extra-sensory and supernatural experiences, while in the universe of the cartoon "The Knights of the Zodiac" it is possible to reach the eighth sense, would be superior to all others. But which of these assumptions is right? The answer may seem far-fetched, but a little research leads us to the answer that we are not limited to the "classical" senses - however, even fiction doesn't find the correct explanations. The numbers vary according to the research carried out and range from a minimum of 9 to a maximum of 33 different perceptions. break the myth The most common senses that we know and learn are called "fundamental senses". The classification is attributed to the Greek philosopher Aristotle and takes into account the most basic methods of perception of the human body, capable of explaining our relationship with the various stimuli in the environment. However, this does not mean that this information is incorrect, but only incomplete. Touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing are part of a consensual answer: they all exist, but they can be extended to more complex classifications. The problem is that there is no official formulation for how many senses there would be in the human body. As the more complex ramifications involve more specific scientific knowledge, we will address what the four additional senses of our body would be. perceptions Outside of fiction, perception has nothing to do with "I see the dead". any other kind of supernatural experience. Two of the senses are strongly related to everyday sensations, but you don't even think they fall into that category. proprioception When you close your eyes, for example, you can feel the muscles and limbs of your body, even though you can't see them: this is called the sense of proprioception or the body's spatial position. See how important it is: close your eyes and place your right index finger on your belly button. The person responsible for unconsciously "showing you" where these body parts are located is proprioception. balance Another important perception concerns balance, which is one of the most important senses in our body. After all, it is responsible for making us get up, walk, feel gravity acting on our bodies and play sports, for example. It works by moving the fluids present in the inner ear, which oscillate according to our actions. The skin's superpowers One of the most fascinating mechanisms in the human body is what the nervous system is capable of doing with the skin. It reacts to contact with any object - otherwise if we touch it with an ice cube or a grid, for example. It is responsible for the other additional senses of the human body. It is on the skin that most of the additional senses are concentrated, thanks to the high number of different nerve endings. What we call touch, therefore, can be expanded into thermoception, which is the act of sensing changes in temperature, such as cold water or when approaching the stove, for example. In addition, this is a very important defense function, as it keeps us away from possible dangers, such as very high or low temperatures. But like the other senses in the body, it cannot function without the help of other mechanisms. nociception This perception is often associated with other senses as it is activated to alert pain. It can be a physical presence from touch, such as a fist or needle, to thermal wounds (such as burns) and chemical wounds (such as inflammation). Those responsible for detecting this are sensors that spread throughout the body called nociceptors. the inner senses But none of these senses would have worked without brain activity and the nervous system. In addition to the mechanisms already mentioned, the organism is capable of manifesting perceptions that you don't even realize how it works, but that are essential for our existence. The functioning of organs can also be considered isolated senses, such as filtering the kidneys or releasing secretions from the liver. Without going into more complex issues, it is possible to mention perceptions such as hunger, thirst or the passage of time. Also, according to some of the studies that increase the number of human senses to 21 or 33, even the most specific parts of the body make the list, such as various sensory receptors scattered throughout the lungs, brain, or spinal cord. synesthesia Some people say that they are able to relate colors, smells, sounds or tastes, even if they are not present in the environment, such as combining green and a sweet taste or immediately smelling meat when you see the image of a barbecue done, for example. This is synesthesia, a very curious phenomenon about the senses. Anyone who is capable of mixing more than one sensory plane, causing effects as in the examples mentioned above. Generally, this activity is related to the use of hallucinogenic drugs, but there are those who develop this "superpower" without the help of any substance. Now that you know that the human body has more than five senses, notice during your daily life how often you use each of the complementary senses and be alarmed at what it would be like to live without it. The seven chakras and their meanings There are seven main chakras associated with the endocrine system of the human body, located along the spine, from bottom to top they are: basic, sexual, umbilical, cardiac, laryngeal, frontal and coronary. Mind power, we're talking about your ability to change your life. Many of us are aware of the existence of a "subconscious" mind, but we don't necessarily know what it is, what it does, or how we master it. Yoga or yoga means to control, unite. It is a term of Sanskrit origin, a language found in India, particularly in the Hindu religion. Yoga is a concept and a philosophy, which works the body and mind, through the traditional disciplines of those who practice it. Psychology is a science that deals with mental states and processes, human behavior and their interactions with a physical and social environment. It is a set of psychological traits characteristic of an individual or group of individuals. Now, we will decipher several questions that I used here with a lot of love for everything related to life and its variant strategies, in which we see the human body much more effective in our eyes, which perhaps does not simply see the relationship of the human being between science and science. life and thanks to all s! WHAT IS BIOLOGY? What is biology? Who has never asked this question when studying this discipline? This science is linked to the study of life in all its nuances. Biology studies life in its most varied aspects Before we begin to study any discipline, we need to know what it is. It was probably this doubt that brought him here: what is biology, anyway? The name of this science derives from the combination of two Greek terms: bio, which means life, and logos, which means study. Therefore, we say that biology is the science responsible for the study of life in all its aspects. But you're wondering: what would life be like? And, after all, what aspects are studied by biology? Amazingly, the first question is not easy to answer, because life does not have a definition accepted by all scientists. It is very difficult to clearly define what life is without excluding some clearly living organisms. Until then, the vast majority of researchers established that a living being is an organism that exhibits metabolism, reproduces and is subject to evolutionary processes. Other questions arise from the definition of life: what is metabolism? What is reproduction? What is evolution? We can say that metabolism is the biochemical reactions that occur in the body and cells of a being. Reproduction is the ability to generate a new living being. Finally, evolution concerns the changes that living beings undergo over time. Therefore, for an organism to be considered alive, it must carry out biochemical reactions in its body, be able to generate offspring and undergo changes over time. Now that we know what life biologists study, it remains to know the factors related to life that have been specifically studied by Biology. Unfortunately, even this answer is not simple, as this science deals with all the characteristics of a living organism. When we study this science, we analyze the physical and chemical characteristics of a being, the structures of its cells, its genes, how organs work, how the development and evolution of a living being occurs, how this organism relates. with others and with the environment, among many other fundamental aspects to understand how a being is established or established on the planet. Faced with so many questions to be answered by a living being, it was necessary to divide biology into different areas for the study to proceed satisfactorily. Botany, for example, is an area of biology that studies plants. However, there is no professional who studies all aspects of plants, as there are botanists who specialize in anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, genetics, and many other aspects. It is worth mentioning that biology does not exist only to describe living beings. It was with this that we made wonderful discoveries, such as those that occurred in the field of health and that contributed to the prevention of various diseases and to the treatment of problems that were previously death sentences. This science has also achieved wonderful results in genetics, such as the creation of genetically modified organisms. In addition, biology plays a vital role in crime, helping to hold criminals accountable by studying biological material at crime scenes. It can be seen, therefore, that biology, despite being extremely broad, complex and full of questions to answer, is also an area full of beauties and fascinating aspects that make us understand the importance of each being, from the macro to the microscopic. In this space, you will get to know the most curious points of biology and delve into essential topics for this science. Discover the most fascinating texts on the study of life in the texts below. Vitamins Vitamins are organic compounds not synthesized by the body, which are incorporated through food. They are essential for the functioning of important biochemical processes in the body, in particular as catalysts for chemical reactions. The main sources of vitamins are fruits, vegetables, legumes, meat, milk, eggs and cereals. Partial vitamin deficiency is called hypovitaminosis, while excessive vitamin intake is called hypervitaminosis. Avitaminosis is the extreme or total lack of vitamins. There are also provitamins, substances from which the body is able to synthesize vitamins. For example: carotenes (pro-vitamin A) and sterols (pro-vitamin D). Vitamins are found in a wide variety of foods. types Vitamins are divided into two groups depending on the substance in which they dissolve: • Fat-soluble vitamins: they are fat-soluble vitamins and, therefore, can be preserved. This group includes vitamins A, D, E and K. • Water-soluble vitamins: these are water-soluble B vitamins and vitamin C. They cannot be stored in the body, making cases of Hypervitaminosis rare. They are also quickly absorbed and excreted. fat soluble vitamins vitamin in A (retinol/beta-carotene) • Functions: tissue growth and development; antioxidant action; reproductive functions; integrity of the epithelium, important for vision. • Sources: liver, kidney, cream, butter, whole milk, egg yolk, cheese and blue fish. Sources of carotenes present in carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes, mangoes, melons, papayas, red peppers, broccoli, watercress, spinach. • Hypovitaminosis: keratinization of the mucous membranes lining the respiratory tract, digestive tract and urinary tract. Keratinization of the skin and epithelium of the eye. Skin disorders, insomnia, acne, dry, flaky skin, decreased taste and appetite, night blindness, corneal ulcers, loss of appetite, growth inhibition, fatigue, bone abnormalities, weight loss, increased incidence of infections. • Hypervitaminosis: joint pain, thinning of the long bones, hair loss and jaundice. D vitamin • Functions: absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It helps the growth and strength of bones, teeth, muscles and nerves; • Sources: milk and dairy products, margarine and fortified cereals, fatty fish, eggs, brewer's yeast. • Hypovitaminosis: bone abnormalities, rickets, osteomalacia; • Hypervitaminosis: hyperkalemia, bone pain, weakness, failure to thrive, calcium deposits in the kidneys; Vitamin E (tocopherol) • Functions: antioxidant action, protects cells from damage caused by free radicals, helping to prevent cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. • Sources: vegetable oils, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, wheat germ, avocado, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, dark green vegetables. • Hypovitaminosis: hemolytic anemia, neurological disorders, peripheral neuropathy, and skeletal myopathy. • Hypervitaminosis: no toxicity is known. vitamin K • Functions: catalyzes the synthesis of blood clotting factors in the liver. Vitamin K plays a role in the production of prothrombin, which combines with calcium to help produce the clotting effect, as well as being necessary for maintaining bone health. • Sources: green leafy vegetables, liver, beans, peas and carrots. • Hypovitaminosis: tendency to bleed. • Hypervitaminosis: dyspnea and hyperbilirubinemia. water soluble vitamins Vitamin CI • Functions: antioxidant, healing, acts in the growth and maintenance of body tissues, including bone matrix, cartilage, collagen and connective tissue. • Food sources: citrus fruits, berries, apples, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, broccoli. • Hypovitaminosis: bleeding points on the skin and bones, weak capillaries, fragile joints, difficulty healing wounds, bleeding gums. Exotic fruits are also excellent sources of vitamin C. Complex B vitamins. B vitamins include eight vitamins, which are: thiamine (B1) • Functions: release of energy from carbohydrates, fats and alcohol. Sources: wheat germ, peas, yeast, fortified breakfast cereals, peanuts, liver, potatoes, pork and beef, liver, cereals, vegetables. • Hypovitaminosis: Beriberi (pain and paralysis of the extremities, cardiovascular changes and edema), anorexia, indigestion, constipation, gastric atony, insufficient secretion of hydrochloric acid, fatigue, general apathy, weakening of the heart muscle, edema, heart failure and pain system chronic skeletal muscle. Hypervitaminosis: May interfere with the absorption of other B vitamins. Riboflavin (B2) • Functions: provides food energy, growth in children, tissue restoration and maintenance. • Sources: yogurt, milk, cheese, liver, kidney, heart, wheat germ, vitamin cereal, cereal, blue fish, yeast, eggs, crab, almond, pumpkin seeds, vegetables. • Hypovitaminosis: cheilosis (cracks in the corners of the mouth), glossitis (swelling and redness of the tongue), blurred vision, photophobia, peeling skin, seborrheic dermatitis. Niacin (B3) • Functions: necessary for the production of energy in cells. It plays a role in the actions of enzymes in fatty acid metabolism, tissue respiration and toxin elimination. • Sources: lean meats, liver, bluefish, peanuts, vitamin cereals, milk, mushroom cheese, peas, green leafy vegetables, eggs, artichokes, potatoes, asparagus. • Hypovitaminosis: weakness, pellagra, anorexia, indigestion, rash, mental confusion, apathy, disorientation, neuritis. Pantothenic acid (B5) • Functions: transformation of energy from fats, proteins and carbohydrates into essential substances such as hormones and fatty acids. • Sources: liver, kidney, egg yolk, milk, wheat germ, peanuts, tree nuts, whole grains, avocado. • Hypovitaminosis: neurological diseases, headache, cramps and nausea. Pyridoxine (B6) Functions: plays a role in the central nervous system, participates in lipid metabolism, in the structure of phosphorylase and in the transport of amino acids across the cell membrane. • Sources: wheat germ, potato, banana, cruciferous vegetables ferns, nuts, walnuts, fish, avocado, sesame seeds. • Hypovitaminosis: central nervous system abnormalities, skin disorders, anemia, irritability and convulsions. • Hypervitaminosis: ataxia and sensory neuropathy. Biotin (B8) • Functions: production of energy through food, synthesis of fats, excretion of protein residues. Sources: egg yolk, liver, kidney, heart, tomato, yeast, oatmeal, beans, soybeans, nuts, artichokes, peas and mushrooms. • Hypovitaminosis: skin changes. Folate (B9) - Folic Acid • Functions: acts as a coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism, maintains the function of the immune system, along with vitamin B12, is present in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, in addition to participating in the formation and maturation of blood cells. • Sources: green leafy vegetables, liver, beets, wheat germ, vitamin cereals, nuts, peanuts, cereals, legumes. • Hypovitaminosis: megaloblastic anemia, mucosal lesions, neural tube malformation, growth problems, gastrointestinal disorders, changes in nuclear cell morphology. Cobalamin (B12) • Functions: it acts as a coenzyme in the metabolism of amino acids and in the formation of the heme part of hemoglobin; essential for the synthesis of DNA and RNA; participates in the formation of red blood cells • Sources: animal feed, liver, kidneys, lean meat, milk, eggs, cheese, yeast. • Hypovitaminosis: pernicious anemia, megaloblastic anemia, gastrointestinal disorders. • Find out what it is used for and where to find each type of vitamin A poorly varied diet causes diseases derived from avitaminosis Vitamins provide various benefits to the body, in addition to keeping the body functioning. According to nutritionist André Veinert, they also belong to a group of organic nutrients that promote physical and mental well-being. Therefore, they must be consumed daily in adequate portions. The amount to be ingested may vary according to the person's age, sex, health and physical activity. Vitamin doses need to be increased and strengthened in pregnant women, lactating women and people with health problems - explains the expert. Vitamins are classified according to the substances that dissolve them. Vitamins A, D, K, E are fat-soluble, that is, fat-soluble. If taken in excess, they can harm the body. Vitamin C and B complexes (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9) are water soluble (water soluble). They are excreted by the kidneys and can be consumed every day. The logo warns of a lack of vitamins in the body, which can cause avitaminosis and other diseases. - Absence can be caused by a somewhat varied diet. Those who do not consume fruits or vegetables can develop certain diseases as a result of avitaminosis - he says. But remember that abusive consumption also becomes a health risk. Ask for expert advice, maintain healthy habits and exercise, to keep your whole body and mind in perfect harmony. Learn about the main vitamins and their most important functions: Vitamin A It plays a very important role in the vision, growth, development and maintenance of the skin. Where to find it: animal feed, dark green leafy vegetables, yellow-orange fruit. D vitamin It is fundamental in bone metabolism, which helps prevent diseases such as rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis. Where to find it: fish liver oil, butter, cream, egg yolk and salmon. Vitamin E It is related to the prevention of conditions associated with oxidative stress, such as aging, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, among others. Where to find it: almonds, corn oil, soy oil, egg yolk, walnuts, wheat germ. Vitamin C It helps strengthen the immune system, helps the body absorb iron, fights stress and acts as a natural antibiotic. Where to find: pineapple, strawberry, lemon, orange, passion fruit. vitamin K It is important for good blood clotting to be present in the fat of foods mainly of vegetable origin. Where to find it: Green foods like green leafy vegetables and vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and parsley. B12 vitamin It is associated with the functioning of all cells and also with nervous tissue. Its absence can cause neurological changes and the development of megaloblastic anemia. Where to find it: liver and kidneys, milk, eggs, fish, cheese and meat. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) It keeps the nervous and circulatory systems in good condition and helps with blood formation and carbohydrate metabolism. Prevents aging, improves brain function, fights depression and fatigue. Where to find it: Leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach), eggplants, mushrooms, whole grains, beans, nuts, tuna, beef and poultry. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) It prevents cataracts, helps in the repair and maintenance of the skin and in the production of the adrenaline hormone. Where to find it: vegetables, whole grains ai, milk and meat. Vitamin B3 (nicotinamide) It reduces triglycerides and cholesterol and helps the proper functioning of the nervous and immune system. Where to find it: Yeast, lean meat and poultry, liver, milk, egg yolks, whole grains, leafy vegetables (broccoli, spinach), asparagus, carrots, sweet potatoes, dried fruit, tomatoes, avocado. Vitamin B5 (Pantathenic Acid) Contributes to the formation of red blood cells and chemical detoxification. It prevents cartilage degeneration and helps build antibodies. Where to find it: Meat, eggs, milk, whole and whole grains, peanuts, yeast, vegetables (broccoli), some fruits (avocado), cold water fish ovaries, royal jelly. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) It reduces the risk of heart disease, helps maintain the central nervous system and the immune system. In addition, it relieves migraine and nausea. Where to find it: Whole grains, sunflower seeds, soybeans, peanuts, beans, poultry, fish, fruits (bananas, tomatoes, avocados) and vegetables (spinach). Vitamin B7 (biotin) It promotes cell growth, helps in the production of fatty acids and lowers blood sugar. Vitamin B7 prevents baldness and also relieves muscle pain. Where to find it: poultry, liver, kidneys, egg yolks, cauliflower, peas. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) Promotes hair and skin health. Vitamin B9 provides nutrients to ensure the maintenance of the immune, circulatory and nervous systems and helps fight breast and colon cancer. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) It acts on red blood cells, nerve cells, hormonal balance and skin beauty. When the consumption of foods rich in vitamin B12 is reduced, it is necessary to take a food supplement to avoid anemia and other complications. Where to find it: liver, kidneys, meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese. MINERALS Minerals are inorganic chemical compounds that, if grouped together, give rise to different types of rocks. Set of different minerals for economic use Minerals are naturally formed inorganic chemical compounds that have a well-defined molecular structure. They can form on Earth or appear on the planet through meteorites and other non-terrestrial space bodies. Currently, there are more than four thousand minerals listed, and as geological studies progress, more and more are discovered. minerals, some of which have been mined since 2014, for example, a group of researchers discovered a new mineral present in a meteorite that was collected in Antarctica in the 1960s. laboratory. Atoms, in general, have a crystallized structure with a consolidated chemical chain, responsible for giving this mineral its physical properties. As we have already said, they are always of inorganic origin, therefore materials of organic origin are called mineraloids, such as pearl and amber. Depending on their composition, minerals can be classified into metallic and non-metallic: Don't stop now... There's more after the announcement ;) a) Metallic minerals: as the name suggests, they are those composed of metallic chemical elements. They are generally good conductors of electricity. Examples: aluminum, iron, copper, etc. b) Non-metallic minerals: those that are not composed of metallic chemical elements, such as diamond, limestone and sand. The study of minerals is complex. The observation of its characteristics obeys some different criteria, namely: 1) Crystallization: corresponds to the three-dimensional geometric shape of the mineral. 2) Color: corresponds to the external color of the mineral, with the wavelengths absorbed by its chemical composition. 3) Transparency: the ability of minerals to absorb or not absorb light, which can be divided into translucent and opaque. 4) Brightness: amount of light reflected by the mineral. 5) Hardness: it is the mineral's ability to scratch and not be scratched. 6) Track: the color of the mineral powder. 7) Fracture: it is the irregular surface of the mineral resulting from its rupture. 8) Density: is the number of times a mineral is heavier than an equal volume of water. 9) Splitting: level of mineral breakdown on a flat or regular surface. 10) Electromagnetic properties: the ability of minerals to conduct or not conduct an electric current and their ability to relate to magnetism, among other properties of a similar level. WHAT ARE MINERAL SALTS? Mineral salts are part of the necessary inorganic substances that the human body needs to function properly. Like water, they are usually simpler molecules, but they perform very important functions. They can be dissolved or not, and found by skeletal structures, in the form of ions necessary for metabolism. Living beings cannot produce minerals internally, unlike organic nutrients, which can be synthesized from other substances. So it is necessary to get these nut inorganic substances externally, through ingestion already in the necessary organization. In the case of the human body, for example, they help in the formation of bones, teeth, in the transmission of electrical commands, in clotting and in the balance of the fluid transition between cells and the rest of the body. When the body lacks mineral salts, it is possible that this deficit leads to death. Learn more about mineral salts, their importance in the human body and what are the main salts we use in our bodies: What are the main functions of mineral salts? Among the various functions of mineral salts in the human body, the following stand out: • Substances important in the formation and repair of bones in the body, especially those related to calcium; • Regulation of enzymatic performance, through presence in the body; • Central role in the balance of osmosis processes; • Participate in the formation of some mainly organic molecules; It is important to note that the human body is unable to produce its minerals. Unlike some organic nutrients, which end up being converted into calories through various processes, salts cannot simply be replaced. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the diet always includes an adequate amount of substances. Main mineral salts used by the body Among the various mineral salts used, some stand out for their central functions in the body: Football Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body. It mainly adapts to bone and dental structures. In addition to actively participating in bone formation, it is an essential part of cell permeability control mechanisms. Calcium is also important in the muscular, hormonal and blood spheres, releasing hormones and participating in blood clotting. Iron Iron is another essential mineral for the body to function. More specifically, it helps in the formation of hemoglobin, which is necessary for transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. It is also directly related to the oxygen in the muscle, storing the substance in the cells. Fluorine Best known for its orthodontic use, fluoride supports dental and bone health, as well as participating in tissue and cell construction. Phosphor Phosphorus has two main functions in the human body. One is the substance's participation in skeletal formation, along with calcium. The other is its energetic importance, being part of the composition of ATP, an energy molecule that all cells in our body use to carry out their activities. Iodine Iodine is essential in the cardiovascular, skeletal, urinary and respiratory systems. In addition, it is central to the composition of the thyroid, one of the most important in human metabolism. Furthermore, it is essential in the growth process not only of human beings, but also of numerous organisms. Magnesium Magnesium is a slightly less common mineral salt in nature, but it is absolutely important, especially in the nucleic acid duplication process. In addition, it helps in the transmission of nerve impulses, exchanges of electrons and synthesis of certain nutrients in the body. Potassium Potassium, like sodium, acts directly on nerve impulses. It is also important for the regulation of metabolism, from problems related to water, to the regulation of blood pressure and the production of certain nutrients in the body. Sodium Sodium is a key part of the electrical impulses of nerve cells. It is also involved in the process of regulating water and pressure in the body. PROTEIN Proteins are the most abundant organic macromolecules in cells, fundamental to the structure and function of cells. They are found in all types of cells and viruses. They are formed by amino acids linked together and joined by peptide bonds. amino acids Amino acids are organic molecules that have at least one amino group - NH2 and one carboxylic group - COOH in their structure. General amino acid structure Proteins are polymers of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. A peptide bond is the union of the amino group (-NH2) of one amino acid with the carboxylic group (-COOH) of another amino acid. They are the basic units of proteins. All proteins are formed by the sequential linkage of 20 amino acids. Some special amino acids may be present in some types of proteins. protein composition With an extremely high molecular weight, proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen and virtually all contain sulfur. Elements such as iron, zinc and copper may also be present. All proteins are made up of a set of 20 amino acids, arranged in several specific sequences. types of proteins Depending on their function in the body, proteins are classified into two main groups: • Dynamic proteins: this type of protein performs functions such as the defense of the organism, the transport of substances, catalysis of reactions, the control of metabolism; • Structural proteins: as the name suggests, their main function is the structure of cells and tissues in the human body. Collagen and elastin are examples of this type of protein. protein classification Proteins can be classified in the following ways: Composition • Simple proteins: they release only amino acids during hydrolysis; • Conjugated proteins: upon hydrolysis, they release amino acids and a non-peptidic radical, called a prosthetic group. As for the number of polypeptide chains • Monomeric proteins: formed only by a polypeptide chain; • Oligomeric proteins: more complex in structure and function, they are made up of more than one polypeptide chain. As for the form • Fibrous proteins: most fibrous proteins are insoluble in aqueous media and have very high molecular weights. They are usually formed by long molecules with an almost rectilinear shape and parallel to the fiber axis. This group includes structural proteins, such as collagen in connective tissue, capillary keratin, muscle myosin, among others; • Globular proteins: they have a more complex spatial structure and are spherical. They are generally soluble in aqueous media. Examples of globular proteins are active proteins such as enzymes and transporters such as hemoglobin. Learn more, also read: • protein structure polymers • Biomolecules protein function The main functions of proteins are: • Energy supply; Cell structuring; • Catalyst of biological functions, in the form of enzymes; • Regulation of metabolic processes; • preservation of substances; • substance transport; • Build and repair tissues and muscles; • Defense of the organism, in the form of antibodies; • Production of hormones and neurotransmitters. Protein rich foods Protein rich foods Foods rich in protein are those of animal origin and in smaller amounts of plant origin: • Animal feed: meat, various fish, eggs, milk and dairy products; • Plant-based foods: beans, lentils, soybeans, quinoa, wheat, peas. What are proteins used for? Understand its importance in our food Protein-rich foods have many benefits for the body, including improving brain health. You are definitely tired or discovering that proteins are one of the essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. Do you know exactly why this is so important? To begin with, it is worth remembering that athletes who want to gain lean mass and increase muscle definition do not bet on a diet rich in this substance by chance: proteins are composed of amino acids that precisely contribute to the growth of tissues. In addition, they also replenish lost energy, help defend the body, transport substances through the body, and act on the nervous system. Take a look at the article to find out more details! Protein is an indispensable substance in the diet of athletes. Anyone who is an athlete or who practices daily physical activities must be very careful when choosing the type of food to follow, so that the body has the necessary disposition to perform the exercises and improve the result of the training. Among the most suitable foods are those that are rich in protein, precisely because they provide more energy and contribute to the increase of lean mass and the definition of muscles - both protein supplements, such as the one using whey protein, are allies dieters who want faster results. This increase in mass is related to the fact that proteins appear as building nutrients, which act directly in the formation and growth of tissues. The substance has a regulatory function - and an example is insulin Another important advantage of proteins is that they help regulate certain functions of metabolism. A good example of this is insulin - which, although not many people know it, is a protein hormone. Much mentioned in diabetes, it is responsible for controlling blood glucose (sugar) levels and its deficiency can cause serious problems for those who suffer from the disease. To increase insulin production and reduce resistance to the substance, the tip is to bet on foods that can be true allies in this function, such as cinnamon, flax seeds and green leafy vegetables. Can help strengthen nails and hair Did you know that proteins can also bring benefits to the aesthetic part, strengthening nails and hair? But to really take advantage of this advantage, it is necessary to follow a diet rich in substance - since, absorbed through a food, it breaks down into small amino acids that satisfy the main needs of the body before acting on secondary parts. Protein provides a feeling of satiety and speeds up metabolism When it comes to increasing the feeling of satiety, fiber-rich foods are the most popular. os, but proteins can also contribute to this function! This is because the substance is digested slowly, which makes the body feel full faster and doesn't have to switch between meals. Plus, it even has the fact that it helps speed up metabolism, which is great for anyone looking to lose weight in particular. Greater immunity is also among the benefits In order for the body to be free from disease, it needs protection against the action of harmful agents. Antibodies: in fact, they are defense proteins that increase immunity and prevent foreign bodies from causing complications in the body that perform this function. That's why anyone who has the flu, cold or any other health problem that affects the immune system should bet on a diet rich in protein to enjoy all the benefits of the protective function that is part of this substance. A high-protein diet also affects brain health. Our brain needs a specific amount of amino acids - that is, proteins - to function well, with its cognitive functions properly activated. Therefore, this is another reason to increase the absorption of this nutrient through the consumption of certain foods, such as meat, cheese, eggs, tofu and beans. The result is a healthier nervous system, with much more concentration, concentration and better motor coordination. WHAT ARE CARBOHYDRATES? Click here and learn about carbohydrates, important substances that serve as a source of energy for all living beings. With the exception of honey, carbohydrates are found only in vegetables. Carbohydrates can also be called carbohydrates or sugars and are the main source of energy for living beings, and are present in different types of food. With the exception of honey, all carbohydrates are of plant origin, such as cereals (rice, wheat, oats, etc.), roots and tubers (potatoes, cassava, carrots, beets, etc.), legumes (beans, peas, soy) etc.), fruits (banana, mango, apple etc.) among many others. In addition to serving as a source of energy, carbohydrates also have a structural function, as they participate in the formation of some structures of living beings, such as cellulose and chitin. In addition, carbohydrates participate in the structure of DNA and RNA. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for living things. Carbohydrates can be classified into three groups: monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides are very simple sugars and their main representatives are glucose (produced by plants during photosynthesis), fructose (present in honey) and galactose (present in milk). Monosaccharides are water soluble. Disaccharides are formed by the union of two monosaccharides and their best known representatives are sucrose and lactose. Disaccharides are water soluble. Sucrose: formed by a molecule of glucose and a molecule of fructose. Sucrose is the sugar we consume at home, which we use in our coffees, juices, sweets, etc. This carbohydrate is mainly found in sugar cane and beets. Lactose: formed by a molecule of glucose and a molecule of galactose. It is the sugar present in milk and is the main source of energy for the baby during breastfeeding. Polysaccharides are formed by joining hundreds and even thousands of monosaccharides and are not soluble in water. The best-known examples of polysaccharides are: • Starch: main source of energy in our food. Plants use starch as an energy reserve, which is why we can find it inside the stems, but mainly in the roots, tubers and seeds. • Cellulose: cellulose is the main component of the cell wall of plants. • Chitin: main constituent of the exoskeleton (external skeleton) of arthropods, such as insects, arachnids, crustaceans, etc. The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy. As we have seen, carbohydrates are essential for living beings, as in addition to serving as a source of energy, they are also part of the constitution of several important structures. That is why we must maintain a balanced diet, so that we can obtain all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of our body. ILLNESSES Information and summary on various diseases, symptoms, prophylaxis, medicines, treatments and forms of contagion. Diseases and other topics • Allergies: allergies, their manifestations, antigens, antibodies, immunoglobulins, histamine, lymphocytes, ... • Diseases caused by fungi - The main diseases caused by fungi in humans, ... • Amebiasis: information about amebiasis, protozoa, causes, diagnosis, symptoms, ... • Anemia - What is anemia, symptoms, health problems, ... • Arthritis: information about arthritis, its causes, types, processes... • Osteoarthritis: more information about osteoarthritis, its causes, types, photos, ... • Ascariasis - Find out what this disease is, ways of contamination... • Autism: information about autism, mental disorder, cause, treatment, ... • Kidney Stone - What is Kidney Stone, Kidney Stone, Causes, ... • Mumps: what is mumps, symptoms, causes, disease, transmission, contagion, ... • Cholera - What is cholera, disease, forms of contamination, symptoms, ... • Celiac Disease - Learn about celiac disease, cause, symptoms, treatment, ... • Diseases caused by bacteria - The main diseases caused by bacteria in humans, ... • Diseases caused by protozoa - The main diseases caused by protozoa in humans, ... • Migraine: find out what this disease is, cause, symptoms, treatment, ... Scurvy - What is scurvy, symptoms, lack of vitamin C, ... • Leptospirosis: characteristics of leptospirosis, symptoms, treatment, prevention, contamination • Typhoid fever - typhoid fever, bacteria, symptoms, how to avoid, transmission, prevention, information... • Heartworm - heartworm or elephantiasis, transmission, mosquito transmitter, heartworm, characteristics • Giardiasis: information about giardiasis, protozoa, cause, infection, symptoms, ... • Gigantism: what is gigantism, the cause, characteristics, growth hormone • Hansen's disease: Hansen's disease, bacteria, causes, transmission, symptoms, disease prevention • Jaundice: information about jaundice, causes, types, bile pigments... • Hypertension: information about hypertension, causes, triggers, symptoms, ... • Urinary tract infection - urinary tract infection, Escherichia coli bacteria, causes, symptoms, prevention, treatment • Leishmaniasis: information about leishmaniasis, manifestation, types, symptoms, transmission, ... • Leukemia - Leukemia, a disease that causes abnormal production of blood cells... • Alzheimer's Disease - Learn about this disease, symptoms, treatment, information • Parasitosis - What are the most common human parasites, diseases ... • Poliomyelitis: more information about polio, virus, infantile paralysis, vaccine, ... • Cold: what is a cold, symptoms, causes, diseases, transmission, contagion, ... • Rot avirus - Rotavirus - Information about diseases caused by rotavirus, rotavirus, ... • Rubella - What is rubella, symptoms, health problems, ... Measles: information about measles, symptoms, stages of ... • Scabies: information about scabies, skin infections, mites, itching, ... • Sinusitis - Learn about this disease, symptoms, treatment, prevention, viral... WHAT IS THE CELL? WHAT IS BIOLOGY? Understanding what a cell is and that all organisms are made up of this structure was essential for the advancement of biology. The cell is the smallest living unit of living things Cells can be defined as the structural and functional units of all living beings. These structures are alive, carry the genetic information of a given organism and are able to transmit this information at the time of cell division. According to cell theory, all living organisms are made up of cells. In unicellular individuals, a single cell constitutes the entire body of the sample; in multicellular beings, it takes several cells that work together to form the body. Man is an example of a multicellular organism and bacteria are an example of a unicellular organism. When we look at cells from different organisms, we can see that they have very different morphological characteristics. In our body, for example, there are more than 100 different types of cells. It is worth mentioning, however, that although they are visually distinct, when we analyze in detail their internal organization and their biochemical processes, we can conclude that they are quite similar, even in different organisms. What are the basic parts of a cell? A cell is made up of a few basic parts. We normally say that all cells have a plasma membrane, a cytoplasm and a nucleus. However, there are cells that do not have this last structure, an aspect that is also a way of differentiating two types of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Prokaryotic cells are those that do not have a defined cell nucleus, so the genetic material is dispersed in the cytoplasm. Eukaryotic cells are those in which the genetic material is present in a cell nucleus surrounded by a double membrane. In addition to this crucial difference, we can also mention that prokaryotic cells do not have proteins called histones attached to their DNA and cytoplasmic membranous organelles. Don't stop now... There's more after the announcement ;) The plasma membrane and cytoplasm, unlike the nucleus, are present in all cell types. The plasma membrane, characterized by a double layer of phospholipids, is extremely important for the cell, as it controls the passage of substances inside and out. Due to this property of selecting what that enters and leaves the cell, we say that it has selective permeability. The cytoplasm, in turn, is a region bounded by the plasma membrane. This region is made up of a matrix, called the cytosol, which contains substances such as amino acids, energy nutrients, and ions. Immersed in this matrix are the cellular organelles, structures responsible for controlling the various activities of the cell. What are cell organelles? Cell organelles are structures that function like small organs within the cell. Each organelle performs a certain function and is essential for the proper functioning of the cell. There are several cell organelles, in particular: • centriole • Chloroplast • Golgi complex • Lysosome • mitochondria • Peroxisome • Endoplasmic reticulum ribosome It is therefore observed that, although small, cells have a variety of complex biochemical structures and processes that are essential for the maintenance of life. Without the development of these small structures, life would not be possible. WHAT CELLS ARE USED FOR All living things are made up of cells. Some, like the amoeba, are made up of a single cell (unicellular organism), while we have about 60 trillion cells. So to talk about the function of cells is to talk about all the phenomena that characterize life. What I mean by this? Well, think now of all the things you need to do to stay alive. Thought? Also think about the things that you are capable of doing, but that are not essential for your survival. Well, all those things you thought are somehow mediated by the cells that make up our body. For example, we know that we breathe because we need oxygen in the air. After inhaling this gas, it travels towards our lungs and is transported to our cells from there. What we call cellular respiration occurs in cells (you may have heard of it), which is a process that has chemical energy that is important for our survival, because it is this energy that gives "strength" to carry out all the activities of our metabolism) . We need oxygen precisely because it is part of one of the phases of this energy production process. As we can see, this process takes place inside our cells. Therefore, we can say that one of the many functions of cells is to produce energy and that this energy is essential for the cell itself to be able to develop its many other functions. Thus, we can refer to the cell as a structural unit (because it constitutes the body of all living organisms) and also as a functional unit (because it is capable of performing all the functions of an organism, such as breathing, growing, reproducing, etc.) . It is important to understand the size of this topic, also to know that we are made up of many different cells (not all of them are the same as the drawings we see in books) and that each type of cell has different functions. Blood cells, for example, have many functions that epithelial cells, bone cells, or any other type of cell do not. In addition, plant cells are capable of performing functions that animal cells cannot. Author: Gabriela Teixeira HUMAN BODY The human body is made up of various parts including skin, muscles, nerves, organs, bones, etc. Every part of the human body is made up of countless cells that have defined shapes and functions. In addition, there are tissues, organs and systems that function in an integrated manner. We can compare our body to a complex and perfect machine with all its parts working in sync. ANATOMY: THE STUDY OF THE HUMAN BODY The human body is divided into head, trunk and limbs Human anatomy is the area of biology that studies the structures of the human body, including systems, organs and tissues. Also see how body structures can be influenced by genetics, environment and time. The human body is divided into three basic parts: head, trunk and upper and lower limbs. The anatomical description considers that the body should be in a vertical position, standing, with the face facing forward, the upper limbs stretched and parallel to the trunk, with the palms facing forward, the lower limbs must be together. This is called the anatomical position. Levels of organization of the human body The human body is made up of simple structures, such as cells, even the most complex, such as organs. The level of organization of the human body is as follows: cells, tissues, organs, systems and organisms. Each of these structures consists of a hierarchical level until the formation of the entire organism. More information about each of the structures that are part of the organization of the human body: cell Animal cell and its structures Cells are structures made up of three basic parts: the plasma membrane, the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Each cell in the body can vary in shape ( stellate, elongated, cylindrical, etc.), size and service life. Bone cells, for example, last several years, while skin cells renew between 35 and 45 days. Each cell type develops to play a role in the body. The muscle cell, for example, is capable of contracting. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. The nerve cell is capable of receiving and transmitting stimuli. textiles The human body is made up of different types of tissues. Human life begins with a single cell. From there, it divides and gives rise to two new cells, which divide and form two more, and so on. During the formation of the fetus, in the uterus, cells develop, based on their position and function in the body. This process is called cell differentiation. In the human body there are many types of cells, with different shapes and functions. Cells work in groups, are organized in an integrated way, performing a certain function together. These cell groups form tissues. The tissues of the human body can be classified into four types: • Epithelial tissue • Connective tissue • Muscle tissue • Nervous tissue organs Main organs of the human body Tissues, like cells, also clump together. The set of tissues that perform a certain function is called an organ. In general, an organization is not made up of different types of fabrics. Various organs make up the human body, including heart, lung, brain, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys, bones, spleen, eyes, etc. Most organs are located in the trunk region. The skin is the largest organ of the human body. systems human body systems A set of bodies that act in an integrated way constitutes a system. The systems of the human body perform specific functions, but act in an integrated manner. The human body consists of several systems: respiratory muscle, circulatory, digestive, cardiovascular or circulatory, muscular, nervous, endocrine, excretory, lymphatic, reproductive and bone. Each system has its specific function. The respiratory system, for example, is responsible for absorbing oxygen from the body through the air and removing carbon dioxide removed from the cells. Body Finally, the set of all functional systems constitutes the organism that, together, maintains the survival of the individual. Therefore, the organism represents the highest level of organization. • parts of the human body • human body members human body bones human body muscles human body nerves Curiosity about the human body • The largest bone in the human body is the femur, the thigh bone of the leg. The smallest bone is the struts, located in the inner ear. • An adult's heart beats approximately 100,000 times a day. • On average, 2 kg of body weight is represented by bacteria that populate our body. • The kidneys filter about 1.3 liters of blood per minute. • A nerve impulse can reach 360 km/h. • An adult has 206 bones, while a child has 300. HUMAN BODY The human body is capable of performing several functions thanks to the complex structures it has. The human body is a complex machine with many structures working together. The human body is a complex structure that allows us to carry out a number of important activities. We can walk, run, remember past events, eat, remove oxygen from the atmosphere, think, among many other activities, all thanks to the various cells, tissues, organs and systems that make up the human body. Levels of organization of the human body We know that all animals, including humans, are multicellular, meaning they have more than one cell that makes up their body. These cells have different shapes and functions and form different tissues, organs and systems. When we consider cells as the first level to be studied, we have the following level of organization: We know each of these levels better: • Cells: are the functional and structural units of most living beings, with the exception of viruses. In the human body, as we know, several cells are found, because we are multicellular beings. The cells that make up our body have a membrane-bound nucleus and also membranous organelles and are therefore eukaryotes. • Tissues: they are made up of similar cells and perform the same function. In humans, we observe four basic types of tissue: epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous. Organs: are made up of groups of tissues that work together to perform a certain task. Heart, stomach, lung, kidneys, esophagus, liver and spleen are some examples of organs. • Systems: are made up of bodies that work together to perform a function. As an example of systems, we can mention the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, reproductive, urinary and nervous systems. To better understand these levels, imagine a muscle tissue cell (myocyte), which is It is connected to others that form cardiac muscle tissue. This tissue forms our heart, an organ that is part of the cardiovascular system. In that case, we have: Myocytes, cardiac striated muscle tissue, heart, cardiovascular system. Also read: Is leather a tissue or an organ? human body cells The human body is made up of trillions of cells, each with a specific function. Here are some examples of cells and the role they play in our body. • Adipocytes: cells that store lipids (fats). • Schwann cells: responsible for the formation of the myelin sheath of neurons. • Beta cells: cells in the pancreas responsible for producing insulin, a hormone related to blood glucose levels. • Sperm: male gametes. Note that the human body has several types of cells. • Red blood cells, erythrocytes or red blood cells: blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. These are the cells found in the greatest amount of blood. • Hepatocytes: liver cells that synthesize proteins and bile, in addition to acting in the detoxification of various substances. • Leukocytes or white blood cells: blood cells responsible for the body's defense. There are several types of leukocytes, such as neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. • Myocytes or muscle fibers: cells that make up the muscles. • Neurons: nerve tissue cells that ensure the transmission of nerve impulses. • Oocyte: female gamete also known as egg. human body tissues In the human body, we find four basic types of tissues, which have their subtypes. He follows: Also Read: Human Body Tissue • Epithelial tissue: tissue characterized by the presence of cells very close to others, consequently presenting little substance between them (small extracellular matrix). This tissue can be divided into two basic types: lining epithelial tissue and glandular epithelial tissue. • Connective tissue: the most surprising feature is the presence of a large amount of extracellular matrix. This is the type of fabric that has more subtypes, namely: • connective tissue itself; • Adipose tissue; • Bone tissue; cartilaginous tissue; • blood tissue. • Muscle tissue: has cells with the ability to contract. Muscle tissue can be classified into three different types: smooth or non-striated muscle, skeletal striated muscle, and cardiac striated muscle. • Nervous tissue: it has cells capable of interpreting and transmitting nerve impulses. It is this tissue, therefore, capable of acquiring information from the external and internal environment and generating responses. Also read: Skeleton and Muscles human body organs Our body has several organs, made up of groups of tissues. These organs are responsible for various functions and are grouped together to form systems. Here are some of Organs most important organs in our body and the role they play in our bodies. The human body has several organs, made up of groups of tissues. • Bladder: an organ of the urinary system that stores urine. • Heart: it is undoubtedly one of Organs most important organs in our body, being responsible for increasing blood throughout the human body. As the blood has oxygen and nutrients, the heart ensures that these elements reach all cells. • Stomach: it is an organ of the digestive system and, therefore, is related to the digestion of food. It produces gastric juice, which turns the cake into a chime. Small intestine: where the digestion process ends and most nutrients are absorbed. • Large intestine: where water absorption and stool formation occur. • Larynx: organ of the respiratory system that is distinguished by the presence of the so-called vocal cords. • Ovaries: organs present only in women and where female gametes and female sex hormones are produced. Lungs: They have a spongy appearance and are related to oxygen intake. • Kidneys: organs of the urinary system where urine is produced. • Testicle: organs present only in men and where male gametes and male sex hormones are produced. human body systems The human body is formed by a series of systems, which act in the most varied functions. Here are some of the main systems in the human body. The human body systems are made up of sets of organs. • Cardiovascular: it is formed by the heart and blood vessels and is responsible for the circulation of blood throughout the body. • Digestive: it is formed by the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestine and attached glands. It is responsible for breaking food down into smaller particles. • Endocrine: it is the system formed by all the endocrine glands of the body, responsible for the production of hormones. • Skeletal: it consists of bones and guarantees, among other functions, the support of the body and the protection of Organs internal organs. • Excretory: also called urinary system, it is composed o by kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. It is responsible for the production and disposal of urine. • Muscular: consists of all the muscles in the body. • Nervous: it is responsible for allowing the capture of internal and external stimuli and generating responses to these stimuli. • Creator: it is the system responsible for creation. • Respiratory: consists of nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, and lungs. Ensures the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide. • Integumentary: formed by skin, hair, nails and glands. It performs various functions such as covering and protecting the body. HUMAN BODY BIOLOGY The human body is made up of different organs and systems, which together perform several essential functions for the individual's survival. The human body is made up of a large number of cells. PUBLICITY The human body is made up of different organs and systems, which work together to ensure the perfect functioning of the organism. If we look at the microscopic level, we can see the presence of thousands and thousands of cells, which form you, organs, systems and systems, a characteristic that allows us to say that human beings are multicellular organisms. Levels of organization of the human body The human body can be analyzed at different levels of organization. We can study cells, tissues, organs or even various systems. Considering the cells as the first hierarchical level of the organization, we have: Cells are considered functional units and structural aspects of living beings. In our body we find thousands of cells and therefore we are classified as multicellular organisms. The cells found in our body are eukaryotes, that is, they have a defined nucleus and membranous organelles. In multicellular living beings, a group of similar cells with the same function is called tissue. We have four basic types of tissues in our body: epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous. Tissues can be organized into organs, which are defined as groups of tissues that perform certain specific functions. Organs, in turn, can be interconnected to form systems that perform even more complex functions. The human body has several organs, which have specific functions to ensure the functioning of the body as a whole. To better understand these levels, imagine, for example, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts. These cells come from the bone tissue, responsible for the formation of bones, the organs that make up the skeletal system. The skeletal system, along with other systems such as the digestive, muscular, cardiovascular and nervous systems, forms the human body. human body cells The human body has different types of cells that perform different functions. Here are some types of cells present in our body and their functions. • Adipocytes: cells that store fat. • Schwann cell: produces the myelin sheath of neurons. • Beta cells: cells in the pancreas responsible for producing insulin. • Condoblasts: young cells in the cartilaginous tissue that form the cartilaginous matrix. • Chondrocytes: chondroblast-derived cartilage tissue cells that occupy gaps in the cartilage matrix. • Sperm: male gametes. • Red blood cells, erythrocytes or red blood cells: blood cells that ensure the transport of oxygen throughout the body. • Hepatocytes: liver cells that synthesize proteins and bile, in addition to ensuring the detoxification of various substances. • Leukocytes or white blood cells: blood cells that act in defense of the body. The existing types of leukocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. In the human body, different types of cells can be observed. • Neurons: cells responsible for transmitting nerve impulses. • Osteoblasts: bone tissue cells responsible for producing the organic part of the bone matrix. • Osteocytes: mature bone cells that derive from osteoblasts and are located in empty spaces in the bone matrix. • Osteoclasts: cells of bone tissue that act in the resorption of this tissue. • Oocyte: female gamete. human body tissues • Epithelial tissue: the most important feature is the presence of juxtaposed cells with reduced extracellular matrix. It can be classified into two basic types: lining epithelial tissue and glandular epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue is characterized by the presence of cells close to each other. • Connective tissue: its main feature is the presence of a large amount of extracellular matrix, a feature that differentiates it from epithelial tissue. There are several types of connective tissues, namely: connective tissue itself, adipose tissue, blood tissue, cartilaginous tissue and bone tissue. • Muscle tissue: distinguished by the presence of cells capable of contraction. We can classify muscle tissue into three types: smooth or non-striated muscle, skeletal striated muscle, and cardiac striated muscle. Muscle tissue has an ability to contract and can be classified into three different types. • Nervous tissue: it has cells capable of capturing, interpreting and transmitting the so-called nerve impulses. human body organs A human organ can have different tissues, as can be seen in the following diagram: Don't stop now... There's more after the announcement ;) Look at the various tissues of the stomach, an organ of the digestive system. All organs in our body are important, but some are vital and some are not. See some examples below. • Bladder: storage place for urine after the formation of this product by the kidneys. • Heart: organ responsible for transporting blood to the body. Thanks to this pumping, cells are able to acquire oxygen and other necessary nutrients. The heart is a muscular organ responsible for pomp, blood flow to the body. • Esophagus: muscular tube that ensures that food is removed from the mouth into the stomach. • Stomach: organ of the digestive system where part of digestion takes place. It is responsible for the production of gastric juice and the transformation of the cake into a chime. Also Read: Stomach Noise • Small intestine: where the digestion process ends and absorption of most of the nutrients removed from food occurs. • Large intestine: where water absorption and stool formation occur. The small intestine and large intestine are part of the digestive system. • Larynx: this organ of the respiratory system connects the pharynx to the trachea. It is in the larynx that the vocal cords are located. • Ovaries: female-only organs in which female gametes and female sex hormones are produced. • Pancreas: mixed gland responsible for the production of pancreatic juice and two important hormones (insulin and glucagon), which regulate the level of glucose in the blood. The pancreas is responsible for producing pancreatic juice and the hormones insulin and glucagon. • Lungs: spongy organs of the respiratory system rich in alveoli, which are the places where gas exchange takes place. Also Read: Pulmonary Embolism • Kidneys: organs of the urinary system where urine is produced. • Testicle: male-only organs in which male gametes and male sex hormones are produced. Uterine tubes: part of the female reproductive system where fertilization usually takes place. • Uterus: part of the female reproductive system where the embryo develops during pregnancy. Major human body systems The human body has several systems that ensure, for example, oxygen capture, nutrient use and locomotion. • Cardiovascular: composed of the heart and blood vessels, it ensures blood circulation throughout the body and, consequently, the transport of oxygen and nutrients to all cells. • Digestive: formed by the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestine and attached glands, it is responsible for ensuring the decomposition of food, transforming it into smaller particles that can be used. • Endocrine: it is formed by all the endocrine glands of the organism, responsible for the production of hormones that, in turn, act in the chemical regulation of different activities of the organism. • Skeleton: composed mainly of bones, it is related to functions such as protection of internal organs, locomotion, support, conservation of calcium and production of blood cells. • Excretory: also known as the urinary system, it is composed of kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra and is responsible for the production and elimination of urine. • Muscular: consists of muscles and is related to the movement of our body and the contraction of organs. • Nervous: it is responsible for guaranteeing the perception of internal and external stimuli and for generating responses to these stimuli. Thanks to this system, we are able to memorize, coordinate, speak, hear, see and learn. • Creator: it is the system responsible for our creation. The female reproductive system ensures the formation of female gametes and pregnancy of the baby. The male reproductive system is responsible for producing and transferring the male gamete to the female. • Respiratory: formed by the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli, it is responsible for ensuring the exchange of gases. • Integumentary: formed by the skin, hair, nails and glands and performs several functions, such as a barrier against water loss and the entry of microorganisms, in addition to regulating body temperature. THE INTERNAL ORGANISMS OF THE HUMAN BODY The human body is like the machine. It is a unique design as it is made up of different biological systems, which are regulated by internal organs. Read on for detailed information about the internal organs of the human body. The human body can be divided into head, trunk, hands and legs. The head and trunk play an important role. important in protecting certain crucial internal organs of the human body. They are made up of many tissues, cells and connective tissues, which help in the regulation of various biological systems. Some of the major organ systems are the skeletal systems, the circulatory system, the nervous system, the digestive system, the immune system, the respiratory system, the urinary system, the reproductive system, the lymphatic system, and the endocrine system, etc., which are overlapping and interdependent. LIST OF INTERNAL BODIES OF THE HUMAN ORGAN Humans and other complex multicellular organisms have organic systems that work together, carrying out processes that keep us alive. The body has levels of organization and they pile up. Cells form tissues, tissues form organs, and organs form organ systems. The function of an organ system depends on the integrated activity of its organs. For example, the organs of the digestive system cooperate to process food. The survival of the organism depends on the integrated activity of all organ systems. Often coordinated by the endocrine and nervous systems. Brain: The human brain is protected by the skull keeping it very safe as it is the center of the nervous system. The structure of the human brain can be compared to other mammals, but it is three times larger and more advanced than other mammals. It houses our precious memories, plans for the future and keeps us alert in the present. The brain helps the body activate muscles and secretes chemicals that allow it to respond to external stimuli. None of the other animals have the ability to think and weigh things logically. But the human brain performs some executive functions, such as self-control, planning, reasoning, and abstract thinking, that make humans the smartest species in the world. The human body does amazing things every day. From sending signals that spread through the brain at high speeds to deliver oxygen over more than 1,000 kilometers to 1,600 kilometers of airways. HEART: The heart's main function is to supply oxygenated blood to all organs in the body through the blood vessels through rhythmic contractions. Also known as heartbeat. The heart is made up of involuntary heart muscles which is why the heart continues to beat even when we sleep. The heart weighs 250 to 350 grams and is about the size of a fist. It is located on the left side of the chest and is protected by the rib cage. The pericardium, a double-walled sac that surrounds the heart. It not only protects the heart, but stays around the anchor structure and prevents the heart from overfilling with blood. LUNGS: The human body consists of two lungs and performs the functions of the respiratory system. The lungs work closely with the heart. The lungs supply pure oxygen in the atmosphere to the blood, which in turn is distributed from the heart to various organs. The lungs also remove carbon dioxide and other impurities from the blood in the veins. The heart is almost flanked by the lungs, so it also acts as an absorbing and gentle shock to the heart and also maintains the pH level of the blood. STOMACH: He is the main actor in the digestive system. The stomach is a pear-shaped organ located in the abdominal cavity between the esophagus and intestine. The stomach can change its shape and size depending on the position of the body and the amount of food inside. Since it is muscular and elastic in nature. The stomach is the large organ and its multiple chambers house the bacteria that produce special enzymes needed for digestion. It is full of gastric acid, hydrochloric acid and maintains the pH level, which helps in digestion of edible foods. It is one of the important internal organs of the human body. INTESTINE: The intestine is the digestive tract located between the stomach and the anus. It can be divided into large and short intestines. The small intestine is narrow and measures 6-7 meters long, while the large intestine is only 1.5 meters long but has a large diameter. Most digestion takes place in the small intestine, where most essential nutrients are absorbed. The function of the large intestine in digestion is critical, as it absorbs water and is responsible for the excretion of waste. Intestinal muscles perform rhythmic contractions called peristalsis to move undigested food. It then absorbs it as food throughout the intestinal tract. LIVER: It is located on the right side of the abdominal cavity. Some of the important functions of the liver include filtering harmful substances from the blood. Maintain the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood, secretion of some amino acids. It preserves vitamins and minerals by secreting chemicals that break down fats and converting glucose into glycogen, etc. In addition to these, there are internal organs of the human body, such as kidneys, bladder, pancreas, thymus, eyes, pituitary. Hypothalamus, spleen, appendix, adrenal glands, etc., including the different reproductive organs of men and women. The study of the body's internal organs, which is part of human anatomy, is essential for any health discipline. Dysfunction of internal organs can be fatal and therefore it is important to understand their functions. This will help you to understand the human body well to keep it fit and healthy. CULTURE, A COMPLEMENTARY SPORT One of the advantages of weight training is that it can be practiced as a supplement to many other sports. In reality, it is a discipline perfectly associated with different sectors, allowing you to improve your performance as far as you are concerned. These are, in particular, combat and endurance sports, which combine well with weight training. The latter has a non-negligible activity and guarantees a useful complement. Bodybuilding and combat sports For a long time, we believed that weight training and combat sports were incompatible. Some people thought that working with loads caused them to lose speed and dexterity, qualities essential to the sport of combat. However, many athletes today find that weight training improves their strengths and strengthens their muscles for their respective practices. Combining bodybuilding and combat sports, therefore, allows: • acquire power (strength and speed) • ensure better stability, essential for this type of sport • prevent injuries by strengthening muscles and joints • relax your muscles during rest periods • increase muscle mass whose aesthetic appearance is not insignificant... If you want to combine combat sports and bodybuilding, don't forget your goal, which is to make bodybuilding compatible with improving sporting qualities and keeping in permanent contact with your favorite sport. You can alternate between strength training and strength training, as well as regularly practicing resistance training circuits (for example, start the session with a run of about ten minutes). Do not carry heavy weights and vary the training program. That way, with 2 or 3 sessions a week, you will eliminate physical and psychological saturation, develop different skills and diversify your practice. Strength and endurance sports: Weight training is also an excellent ally for endurance sports professionals. It brings strength and solidity, on condition of achieving a fair balance between the two disciplines. In fact, it is necessary to avoid mixing them and practicing them separately. Likewise, bodybuilders should practice regular cardio sessions as only bodybuilding is detrimental to stamina. Contrary to popular ideas, cardio training is not harmful to muscle mass. In general, weight training improves the performance of endurance athletes, whether they are cyclists or runners. It does not cause mass entry in flight, but improves anaerobic capacity, stride effectiveness and performance. In cycling, weight training brings strength to the legs, more sprint performance and increases maximum effort time. It's also a great way to fight nervous fatigue. Benefits of bodybuilding - Discover the top 10 1. Home> 2. Tips> 3. Benefits of bodybuilding - Know the top 10 Bodybuilding Benefits - #1 Muscle toning: weight training tones your muscles and helps you lose calories. Weight training further improves this muscular endurance. Bodybuilding Benefits - #2 Help prevent osteoporosis: A person who practices weight training is less likely to develop a disease called osteoporosis as it helps to strengthen the bones in the human body. Bodybuilding Benefits - #3 Greater strength: weight training strengthens the person, helping with resistance to daily work and possible moments that require the use of force. Bodybuilding Benefits - #4 Strengthens the spine region: helps prevent spine problems, in addition to strengthening the lumbar region, reducing local pain. Bodybuilding Benefits - #5 Reduces the chances of diabetes: practicing physical exercises is a great ally for the prevention of diseases such as diabetes. Weight training is one of the beneficial practices, which can help prevent the onset of the disease and, for those who already have diabetes, can help with the treatment and balance of blood sugar. Bodybuilding Benefits - #6 Boost your immune system: In addition to doing other exercises, weight training also helps your immune system function. Bodybuilding Benefits - #7 Digestive system benefits: People who suffer from constipation may notice an improvement in bowel function in the s first days of weight training, as they help the digestive system to function properly. Bodybuilding Benefits - #8 Improve your balance: Weight training practiced regularly helps to improve the professional's balance and motor coordination. Bodybuilding Benefits - #9 Help during pregnancy: Pregnant women who do weight training have better recovery or postpartum, lower incidence of cramps during pregnancy, less chance of developing varicose veins and even reduced weight gain. Bodybuilding Benefits - #10 Improve Mood: Weight training improves mood, self-esteem and social interactions. Now that you know the main benefits, it's time to get your hands dirty! Let's do this workout and take care of your health And to enjoy the trip, how about knowing what are the best sources of protein to gain muscle mass? ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES: HEALTH FOR BODY AND MIND Taking care of your body and mind is essential for quality of life. One of people's concerns is weight loss, and how this is followed to achieve this goal can be detrimental to health. The quest for healthy weight loss is becoming more and more one of the alternative practices, or alternative medicine, that mainly deals with the mind, when it is a great ally during the weight loss process. What Are Alternative Therapies for Weight Loss? Alternative therapies work with the mind, reducing stress and fatigue. This type of therapy uses alternative techniques, which aim to reduce anxiety, without any kind of short-term or long-term symptoms, in which other means of weight loss cause symptoms, such as the use of weight loss medications. Anxiety is one of the causes of weight gain and as alternative therapies work to reduce it, it makes it easier during the weight loss process. Types of alternative therapies The practice of alternative therapies has gained a large following. Currently, there is a very wide range of alternative therapies used to relieve stress. Here are some alternative therapies: Acupuncture and Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an alternative therapy that uses needles at points on the body. To relieve tension, this technique is widely used in Chinese therapy. For the weight loss process, needles are placed in places related to digestion. Acupressure uses the same techniques as acupuncture but is performed with the help of hands, where pressure is used on specific points. Hypnotherapy: Hypnosis is used, in which the psychologist tries to discover the problem and starts working on that fact to correct it. In the case of weight loss, it is used to detect blocking barriers that hinder the weight loss process, but must be combined with the process of self-knowledge. Aromatherapy: this therapy uses essential oils from plants, in which they activate the areas of the brain responsible for emotions, mainly reducing anxiety. These oils can be used in massage, while bathing or even by inhalation, for the effects of essential oils to be effective, they must be pure. Yoga: Yoga is one of the best known and also widely used alternative techniques. This technique involves meditation, which ensures physical conditioning and is associated with mental well-being. The therapy provides readjustment of posture, quality of breathing, as well as improving the quality of sleep and concentration, reducing stress. Do Alternative Therapies Really Lose Weight? The practice of alternative therapies alone does not promote weight loss. However, when combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet, weight loss becomes healthier. minerals Minerals are inorganic chemical compounds that, if grouped together, give rise to different types of rocks. Posted by: Rodolfo F. Alves Pena in Physical Geography Set of different minerals for economic use Minerals are naturally formed inorganic chemical compounds that have a well-defined molecular structure. They can form on Earth or appear on the planet through meteorites and other non-terrestrial space bodies. Currently, there are more than four thousand minerals cataloged and, as geological studies progress, more and more minerals are discovered, some of which are of extraterrestrial origin. In January 2014, for example, a team of researchers discovered a new mineral found in a meteorite that had been collected in Antarctica in the 1960s. The mineral's name is Wassonite and it was produced on Earth only in laboratory research. Atoms, in general, have a crystallized structure with a consolidated chemical chain, responsible for giving this mineral its physical properties. As we have already said, they are always of inorganic origin, therefore materials of organic origin are called mineraloids, such as pearl and amber. Depending on their composition, minerals can be classified into metallic and non-metallic: a) Metallic minerals: as the name suggests, they are those composed of metal chemical elements. They are generally good conductors of electricity. Examples: aluminum, iron, copper, etc. b) Non-metallic minerals: those that are not composed of metallic chemical elements, such as diamond, limestone and sand. The study of minerals is complex. The observation of its characteristics obeys some different criteria, namely: 1) Crystallization: corresponds to the three-dimensional geometric shape of the mineral. 2) Color: corresponds to the external color of the mineral, with the wavelengths absorbed by its chemical composition. 3) Transparency: the ability of minerals to absorb or not absorb light, which can be divided into translucent and opaque. 4) Brightness: amount of light reflected by the mineral. 5) Hardness: it is the mineral's ability to scratch and not be scratched. 6) Track: the color of the mineral powder. 7) Fracture: it is the irregular surface of the mineral resulting from its rupture. 8) Density: is the number of times a mineral is heavier than an equal volume of water. 9) Cleavage: level of mineral degradation on the surface, flat or regular. 10) Electromagnetic properties: the ability of minerals to conduct or not conduct an electric current and their ability to relate to magnetism, among other properties of a similar level. KINGDOM OF VEGETABLES The plant kingdom, or kingdom of Plantae, is characterized by autotrophic organisms (they make their own food) and chlorophylls. Through sunlight, they carry out the process of photosynthesis and for this reason they are called photosynthetic beings. Remember that photosynthesis is the process by which plants absorb energy from the sun to produce their own energy. This occurs through the action of chlorophyll (a pigment associated with the green color of plants) existing in their chloroplasts. Plants form the base of the food chain. They produce organic matter and feed heterotrophs, that is, they represent the group responsible for the nutrition of various consumer organisms. This indicates that without the existence of these autotrophs, life on Earth would be impossible. General features of the plant kingdom • Eukaryotes (organized nucleus) • Autotrophic (produces its own food) • Photosynthesis (production of photosynthesis) • Multicellular (multicellular) • Cells composed of vacuoles, chloroplasts and cellulose To know more: • chlorophyll • Plant hormones • Autotrophic and heterotrophic beings Plant structure Main structure of an angiosperm plant As for their structure, plants are basically formed by the root (fixation and feeding), stem (support and transport of nutrients), leaves (photosynthesis), flowers (reproduction) and fruits (seed protection). Classification of the plant kingdom The plant kingdom is composed of vascular plants (pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms) that have lymph-conducting vessels and avascular plants (bryophytes), which lack these vessels. bryophytes Bryophytes are small plants that do not receive direct sunlight as they live in damp places, for example mosses. The reproduction of this group occurs through the process of metagenesis, that is, it has a sexual phase, producing gametes and another asexual, producing spores. In addition, they lack lymphatic vessels, which differentiates them from other groups of plants. Therefore, nutrient transport occurs through a slow process of cell diffusion. pteridophytes deer horn Pteridophytes have more varieties than bryophytes. They are plants that, most of the time, are terrestrial and inhabit places with a lot of humidity. Some examples of this group: ferns, scallops and xaxina. They have lymph vessels, roots, stems and leaves and, like bryophytes, the reproduction of these plants occurs through a sexual and an asexual phase. When the pteridophyte stem is underground, it is called a rhizome. Epiphytes, on the other hand, are plants that rest on other plants, however, without damaging them, such as ferns and deer antlers. gymnosperms Araucaria The group of gymnosperms is made up of a wide variety of trees and shrubs of different sizes. They are vascular plants (presence of lymphatic conducting vessels), which have roots, stems, leaves and seeds. Some examples of gymnosperms: sequoias, pines, araucarias, among others. Reproduction of gymnosperms is sexual. Fertilization takes place in Organs female organs through pollen, produced by Organs male organs and transported with the help of nature through wind, rain, insects and birds. What differentiates them from the group of angiosperms are mainly their seeds, since they have the so-called naked seeds, that is, not surrounded by the ovary. angiosperms Angiosperms are vascular plants, that is, they have conducting vessels. They live in different environments and represent a very varied group, made up of small and large plants. Angiosperm the characteristics, zano the largest group in the plant kingdom, with about 200 thousand species. They are distinct from gymnosperms in that their seeds are stored inside the fruit. Its reproduction is sexual and fertilization occurs with the presence of male pollen. curiosity The plant kingdom is made up of about 400,000 known species, and is therefore one of the largest groups of living beings. Because they are self-sufficient organisms (autotrophs), plants were the first living beings on planet Earth. Carnivorous plants Carnivorous or insectivorous plants are a curious case of the Plant Kingdom, as they have a peculiar characteristic that has attracted the attention of many scientists. They also carry out photosynthesis, however, since they inhabit nutrient-poor soils, they seek nutritional complementation through the digestion of some small animals. For this, they usually capture small insects or, in some rarer cases, frogs, mice, small mammals and birds. parasitic plants Other vegetables are known as parasitic plants because they need sap for food. They look to other photosynthetic organisms for the energy they need to survive, as they don't produce enough. There are about 300 species with these characteristics, some of which are: grass, ghost plants, mistletoe, golden vines, among others. MINERAL KINGDOM The mineral kingdom, unlike the animal and plant kingdoms, is made up of everything that does not have life, for example, water, soil, gas, minerals, rocks. The origin of minerals is characterized by the cooling of magma, the precipitation of salts or the rearrangement of ions (metamorphism). Features of the mineral kingdom • inorganic beings • absence of life • geometric order • Durability, transparency, color, shine (rocks and minerals) • Solid and crystalline (rocks and minerals) Deprived of intelligence and extinct minerals Minerals are solid, natural and inorganic substances that have an internal arrangement (crystallization) characterized by certain physical and chemical properties that over the years have been formed by the intervention of nature between temperature, heat, pressure, etc. In other words, minerals are chemical compounds formed by crystalline solids, divided into metallic and non-metallic minerals. 1. Metallic minerals: these minerals have in their composition elements with physical-chemical characteristics of metals, such as iron, copper, aluminum, among others. 2. Non-metallic minerals: this group is composed of minerals that do not contain metallic properties in their composition, such as sand, diamond, limestone, among others. fossil organic materials Called fossil energy resources, these minerals are composed of elements of organic origin, such as petroleum, natural gas, mineral oils, coal, resins, asphalt and bitumen. Examples of minerals Graphite • crystal • Diamond • gold • Silver • copper • quartz • feldspar • No Tourmaline stones Natural, multigranular aggregate rocks composed of two or more minerals and, depending on their formation, the rock types are: 1. Sedimentary rocks: formed by the sedimentation of particles and organic matter, for example sandstone. 2. Magmatic (igneous) rocks: formed from magma, for example granite. 3. Metamorphic rocks: undergo changes in their structure, for example marble. rock examples Granite • Sandstone • Marble • basalt • Mylonite • Rhyolite • Coquinas • Migmatites curiosity • The science that studies minerals is called mineralogy. • The study of crystals is called crystallography. • Most minerals are composed of two or more elements, however, there are minerals that are composed of one chemical element, such as gold (Au) and diamond (C). • The term "mineral" is used to indicate that a rock or mineral is of economic importance, eg bauxite, hematite, tourmaline and quartz. • Water is considered a mineraloid, with characteristics similar to minerals. • Mercury is the only liquid mineral CLASSIFICATION OF MINERALS GEOGRAPHY Minerals are classified as follows: metallic minerals and non-metallic minerals. Minerals are natural resources found underground and of great value for industrial production, as they serve as raw material for the production of consumer goods, such as household items, electrical cables, jewelry, construction materials and also as a source of energy. Cities are made up of constructed buildings, to design them it is necessary to extract a series of minerals from nature and by-products, such as bricks (clay), cement (limestone), hydraulic material (oil), sand and many others. In the industrial sector, from the machines used in production to the constructed product, they are extracted from mineral resources that are not equal in terms of physical-chemical composition and, therefore, are classified into two groups: metallic and non-metallic minerals, including fossil energy. • Metallic minerals: co It contains in its composition physical and chemical elements of the metal, which allow a reasonable conduction of heat and electricity. Examples: iron, aluminum and copper. • Non-metallic minerals: minerals that do not contain metallic properties in their composition. Examples: diamond, limestone and sand, among others. • Fossil energy resources: minerals that contain elements of organic origin in their composition. Examples: oil, natural gas and coal. Kingdom Plantae BIOLOGY Plants belong to the kingdom of Plantae and are very important for the maintenance of life on Earth, as all living beings depend on them to survive. Plantae kingdoms are multicellular, with eukaryotic cells. They are self-sufficient, that is, they produce their own food through photosynthesis, hence they are called autotrophs. All plant cells have cells and, in their cell wall, vacuoles and chloroplasts inside. Vegetables were the first colonizers of planet Earth. Thanks to their food self-sufficiency, they managed to conquer the environment. It is through plants that life on the planet is maintained. Vegetables are classified according to the presence or absence of flowers. Plants that have no flowers and whose reproductive structure is barely visible are called cryptograms; and plants that have flowers and whose reproductive structure is very visible, we call phanerogams. Plants, in terms of the presence or absence of conducting vessels, are classified into vascular and vascular plants. Mind map: Kingdom Plantae * To download the mind map in PDF, click here! Avascular plants lack lymph vessels. The phyla that have avascular plants are: Vascular plants, also called tracheophytes, have lymph-conducting vessels. Vascular vegetables include those that have seeds and those that don't. The phyla with vascular and seedless plants are: The plant phyla that have vascular plants with seeds are gymnosperms and angiosperms. 1. Gymnosperms: vegetables that do not have flowers, cryptograms or fruits. 2. Angiosperms: vegetables with flowers and fruits. • Phylum Magnoliophyta or Anthophyta (trees, herbs, etc.). Discover what minerals are really for... Among the nutrients necessary for health, in addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, there is a group of elements called minerals. Minerals, like vitamins, cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be obtained through food. They do not provide calories, but are found in the body that perform various functions. Minerals have essential roles as structural components of body tissues, for example calcium and phosphorus, which form bones and teeth; as organic regulators that control nerve impulses, muscle activity, and the body's acid-base balance. In addition, many minerals are involved in the body's growth and development process. As food components, minerals participate in flavor, activate or inhibit enzymes and other reactions that influence food consistency. In theory, all foods should contain minerals, but industrialization and other modern methods of food production can eliminate them. Minerals are also important in sports, because during exercise the loss of water through sweat is always accompanied by the loss of electrolytes, salts, in particular sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Therefore, the lack of these can lead to the appearance of muscle cramps. CHOOSE TO LIVE BETTER AND MORE HEALTH You don't have to be radical and give up the things you love to do and eat to be healthy. We just need to adapt the routine, incorporating important habits, such as regular physical activity and eating with balance and discretion. After all, who can do more for your health than you? KNOW ENZYMES AND THEIR VEGETABLE ADVANTAGES Enzymes are organic substances with the function of catalyzing other chemical reactions and improving the production of other compounds essential for our health. Those of plant origin are extracted directly from fruits, vegetables, vegetables and roots and can be found in ready-made liquid extracts with the following ingredients: watermelon, chayote, melon, papaya, pineapple, avocado, carrot, spinach, pear, cabbage, tomato, apple, banana, cucumber, guava, ginger, bean sprouts, celery, watercress and sucrose. The enzymatic extraction process is carried out through the natural fermentation of all ingredients without the addition of any chemical component during the process, so it is completely natural. With all these ingredients, the liquid extract becomes rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins, without adding chemical components. Some of the extracted enzymes are: • Papain - for the treatment of ulcers, improves healing, anti-inflammatory and improves varicose veins. • Bromelain: anti-inflammatory, increased immunity, accelerates healing, improves digestion, improves circulation and cardiovascular system. • Coenzyme Q10 and betaine: improves muscle strength, improves the cardiovascular system, reduces the effects of stress and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Enzymes also help fight the following diseases: Asthma. Rheumatism. Bronchitis. • Skin diseases such as blemishes and pimples. • Hair loss. • Liver and kidney diseases. • Imbalance of the nervous system. • High pressure. There is only one contraindication to the use of enzymes for diabetics and for people who are allergic to any compound of the ingredients. We recommend taking two tablespoons. mixed with water, juice and other beverages. Three times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and half an hour before meals (lunch and dinner). You can find the liquid vegetable enzyme concentrate in 500 ml or 250 ml at natural food stores Relva Verde in Londrina and in our online store with delivery throughout Brazil. 6 Natural remedies against autoimmune diseases When our own body attacks us, it is necessary to look for alternatives so as not to lose quality of life. Let's talk about autoimmune diseases. • Coconut vinegar: main uses and benefits • Incredible benefits of frankincense essential oil • Benefits of peppermint oil for the health of the body Below, we offer six natural remedies for autoimmune diseases that will help you improve your quality of life and increase your well-being. Autoimmune diseases occur due to an error in the immune system. They attack the body's cells. When this problem arises, there is usually an exaggerated response against the substances and tissues themselves. In other words, the body defends itself. common symptoms • fatigue • temperature • Redness • Swelling • Chronic inflammation • muscle and joint pain • Excessive heat for no apparent reason Six natural remedies for autoimmune diseases Although autoimmune diseases are very diverse, there are some remedies that will be very useful in improving patients' quality of life. Among the most common and effective are those we will discuss below. 1. Drink tea Green tea and black tea contain beneficial compounds such as flavonoids, catechins and flavonoids. These are excellent for fighting and reducing the effects of autoimmune diseases. As teas can bring a new flavor to the palate, it is advisable to incorporate them gradually. Otherwise, you may find the taste unpleasant and stop taking it in no time. A good option to create the habit of drinking tea is to accompany it with fruits, such as citrus fruits or berries. 2. Eat more apples Another natural remedy for autoimmune diseases is apples. These fruits are rich in quercetin. This element reduces allergic reactions and reduces inflammation, two common features in autoimmune diseases. Quercetin is also found in: • wild fruits • capers • Red grapes • purple Onion It is important to know that the highest percentage of quercetin is found in the skin of these foods. Therefore, you should avoid eating the peeled apple. 3. Include several carrot recipes in the diet Carrots contain carotenoids, the plant pigments that include beta-carotene. Consumption of these foods corrects the deficiency and greatly reduces inflammation. Other sources that contain carotenoids are: • Sweet potato • apricot Spinach • pumpkin • Cabbage If the patient suffers from inflammation, try to include one of these foods in their daily diet. In a short time, the inflammation will subside. 4. Add some ginger Ginger is a very beneficial root for the body and is another natural remedy for autoimmune diseases. It helps reduce inflammation by inhibiting prostaglandins, suppressing the production of pro-inflammatory and chemokinetic cytokines. All this means that it reduces the impact of autoimmune diseases. This food is particularly suitable for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. You can include it in your diet or drink a cup of ginger tea a day. 5. Another omega 3 Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that balances the formation of chemical compounds that cause inflammation. This substance can be obtained through the following foods: • Chickpea • Salmon sardines • Anchovies • Peanut flax seed • Soy 6. Include more fiber in your diet With a healthy and active colon, it is possible to promote intestinal transit, which undoubtedly relieves the load on the immune system. For this to happen, you need to increase your fiber intake in your daily Ian diet. The best type of fiber is found naturally in: • Fruit • whole grains • Green leafy vegetables Fiber is one of the best natural remedies for autoimmune diseases. It helps regulate the body by providing various nutrients. Try to avoid consuming processed foods, even if the label says they are high in fiber. The problem with these products is that they are also high in sugars and preservatives, two elements that exacerbate the problems. Other measures to increase the quality of life 1. Reduce stress It is necessary to look for ways to successfully relieve daily stress. In this way, we are able to fight problems caused by autoimmune diseases. The most effective methods are: yoga Meditation • relaxing massages • Other relaxation techniques It would be good for the patient to practice several of these techniques during the week. Gradually, you will discover which ones are the most and which ones offer the most immediate benefits. The secret is to keep trying until you find the ideal for your particular case. 2. Get enough sleep Getting enough rest is essential to combat the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Keep in mind that insomnia or poor sleep can make other symptoms worse, and in some cases, make them worse. Ideally, get between 6 and 8 hours of sleep at night. If you have difficulty achieving this goal, try preparing or training more during the day. 3. Maintain a healthy diet A correct diet maintains good health and provides energy. In addition, it is able to improve symptoms caused by autoimmune diseases. Food is essential for the body and the better the quality of the food, the greater the benefits. Autoimmune diseases (AIDs) are becoming more common, affecting more women in the world population than men. In today's article it will be possible to understand them better, as well as to know their main causes, symptoms and forms of treatment, but before that it is necessary to understand once and for all what exactly an autoimmune disease is. First of all, it is important to know that there is a group composed of more than 100 diseases considered to be autoimmune and that we call DAI. More briefly, we first need to know that the immune system is responsible for producing antibodies that protect our body from possible harmful external agents, as in the case of bacteria, for example. When one of these agents invades our body, the immune system automatically recognizes the invasion and produces antibodies that will destroy them, thus protecting our body. However, when an immune disease is at stake, this defense system is no longer able to distinguish what is or is not part of the body itself and ends up producing antibodies to destroy organs and systems of itself, as a form of protection, but this does not happen. completely. In other words, the disease in question is a problem existing in an individual's immune system, which, instead of exercising its primary function of protecting your body, does exactly the opposite: it attacks you. That's why we say that DAI usually attacks two or more organs or systems of a person or simply focuses on a single target. Next, we'll talk more about other aspects of autoimmune diseases. Learn more about causes, types, symptoms, autoimmune diseases, how to diagnose and treatments below: 1. What are the causes of autoimmune diseases? A specific cause that leads to autoimmune diseases has yet to be discovered. However, some internal (organism) and external (environmental) factors can trigger them, such as: • Inheritance / genetic predisposition for the development of an autoimmune disease; • Exposure to bacteria, viruses and/or toxins that the immune system has not successfully fought off; Hormonal changes; • Immune system often weakened; • fatigue; • medicines that destabilize the immune system; • Excessive hygiene, which weakens the immune system, causing infections. 2. Types of autoimmune diseases In general, autoimmune diseases can affect organs and tissues such as thyroid, kidney, stomach, intestine, pancreas, joints, skin, platelets, etc. There are more than 100 types of autoimmune diseases, the best known are: • type 1 diabetes (affects the pancreas); • Lupus (affects skin, kidneys, brain, joints); Psoriasis (affects the skin) Vitiligo (affects the skin); Rheumatoid arthritis (affects the joints) • pernicious anemia (affects the stomach); Hemolytic anemia (affects the blood); • Hashimoto's thyroiditis (affects the thyroid); • Graves' disease (affects the thyroid); • multiple sclerosis (affects the brain and spinal cord); • Crohn's disease (affects the digestive tract); • celiac disease (affects the intestines). 3. What are the symptoms? When it comes to autoimmune diseases, there is no way to be precise about the symptoms that actually reflect its existence in an individual's body. The same disease can have different symptoms in two people, so this imprecision makes it difficult to diagnose the problem, taking on average about five years for someone diagnosed with AIDS. Below, we will list some of the most common symptoms that can arise in cases of this type, but remember, pay attention to their frequency and duration and, of course, always look for a professional to clarify your case safely. The symptoms are: • headache (headache); Anxiety crisis; • Some kind of mental confusion; • Difficult ability to maintain attention (deficit); • emergence of acne; • red spots on the skin that come off or not; • emergence of psoriasis; Eczema; • problems with dermatitis and allergies in general; • dry mouth symptoms; • Colds that occur frequently; • increase or decrease weight; Asthma; • diarrhea and gas; Cramping problems in the stomach area; • Appearance of stiffness and pain similar to fibromyalgia symptoms; Constipation • Feeling of a bloated stomach. There are still many other factors that can be considered AIDS symptoms, however, as noted, most of the above symptoms are common to various diseases, which makes the diagnostic process difficult. The important thing is to always seek medical attention if symptoms persist, as the body may give some warnings about this or another possible illness. Stay tuned! 4. How an autoimmune disease is diagnosed Because many symptoms are confused with other diseases, diagnosing autoimmune diseases can be difficult. Doctors are often suspicious of an autoimmune disease due to the fact that it affects multiple organs. Furthermore, a single test fails to detect the presence of an autoimmune disease, which requires a more complex investigation. The doctor evaluates the condition based on the patient's complaints and medical history, performs a physical exam, and requires some additional tests that will depend on the cause of the disease, such as blood tests and complete antibodies (antinuclear factor). 5. Treatments And when it is diagnosed, is the autoimmune disease treated? Of course yes. Even if there is no cure, you can treat it and be careful that your immune system does not harm it, as in these cases. And just as there are many of these diseases, there is no standard treatment model that works for everyone. What usually happens is treatment that uses immunosuppressive drugs, such as corticosteroids, capable of inhibiting an individual's immune system. The big negative factor of this type of treatment is precisely the fact that these drugs do not reach only the antibodies that cause damage to the body, as all others that should be beneficial, and this causes patients to be treated with autoimmune diseases. remain more likely to contract infections, bacteria and even fungi. But being treated is important and crucial for the individual to survive in the face of such a disease. So, if you have more than one of the symptoms exposed here, look for a professional to clarify your case and, if there is a diagnosis of autoimmune disease, treat it correctly and don't worry if you will be able to live normally. , you just can't stop taking care of yourself, okay? You can't play with health and it's definitely the greatest treasure you can have in life. 6. Home remedies for autoimmune diseases Turmeric: Turmeric contains a substance called curcumin that suppresses enzymes that increase inflammation in autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. Boil a glass of milk, add a teaspoon of turmeric powder and take it 3 times a day with meals. • Ginger: The anti-inflammatory properties in ginger can also help manage autoimmune diseases. It helps reduce inflammation, which is a common problem in autoimmune diseases. Boil a glass of water, add a teaspoon of chopped ginger. Drink tea 2 or 3 times a day. • Coconut Oil: A study showed that virgin coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to fight inflammation. • Aloe Verda or Aloe Vera - aloe vera contains lupeol and salicylic acid which have analgesic properties, as well as certain chemical compounds such as fatty acids which have an anti-inflammatory effect on arthritis. Blend 2 tablespoons of aloe vera with lemon juice and drink 1 glass a day. • Pineapple: Pineapple contains a class of enzymes called bromelain that have anti-inflammatory properties. To be most effective, mix pineapple juice with 3 teaspoons of turmeric. • Fish Oil: Fish oil contains essential fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties that relieve joint pain, stiffness and even reduce drug dependence in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Take one 500 mg capsule daily. • Cayenne Pepper: When you consume pepper, the property called capsaicin inhibits the activity of a chemical in the body responsible for transmitting pain signals to the brain. For this reason, cayenne pepper has been effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis and spinal spondylitis pain. In addition, it also improves general blood circulation, which lubricates the back and joints. Mix a spoon of cayenne pepper with honey and take it 2 or 3 times a day. • Apple Cider Vinegar - Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for autoimmune diseases. Contains vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) which helps reduce swelling and inflammation . Calc, io, manganese, potassium and phosphorus make joint pain even easier. Mix a spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of hot water. Then add honey and ginger and drink it twice a day. • Cinnamon: A study has published that cinnamon is an effective anti-inflammatory remedy in the treatment of chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and honey in a cup of hot water. Drink every day. • Oregano Oil: The anti-inflammatory properties of oregano oil are also important for the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and spondylitis. Add 3 or 4 drops of oregano oil to a glass of water or juice and drink it 3 times a day. WHAT IS ATOM? The atom is a structure (composed of proton, neutron, electron, nucleus, levels, sublevels and orbitals) that forms matter. Atom is the name given to the formation of matter (everything that occupies space and has mass). This name was proposed by the Greek philosophers Democritus and Leucippus. Chemical elements, molecules, substances and organic or inorganic materials are made up of atoms. In its constitution, the atom has particles (protons, neutrons and electrons), not being the smallest part of matter. However, its display is not possible. What is known about the atom is related to scientifically proven physical, chemical and mathematical experiments. The evolution of knowledge of the atom has led to the development and improvement of different technologies. Basic composition of an atom • Nucleus: the densest region of the atom and contains protons and neutrons; • Energy levels: regions that surround the nucleus and that contain sublevels, orbitals and electrons. There are seven energy levels, represented by the letters K, L, M, N, O, P and Q; • Secondary energy levels: are regions that host orbitals. They are present at all levels and are represented by letters (s, p, d f). Its amount depends on each level: K (has s subshells), L (has sep subshells), M (has s, ped subshells), N (has s, p, def subshells), O (has s, p, def subshells ), P (has s, ped subshells) and Q (has sep subshells); • Atomic orbitals: regions that are likely to encounter an electron. Each sublevel has a different number of orbitals: s (one orbital), p (three orbitals), d (five orbitals) and f (seven orbitals); • Protons: positive particles (represented by p); • Electrons: negative particles that also show the behavior of waves (represented by e); • Neutrons: uncharged particles that decrease the repulsion between protons in the nucleus (represented by n). Mind Map: Atom Representation of an atom The easiest way to represent an atom is to use the acronym for the chemical element it forms. The acronym Se, for example, represents all the atoms that make up the chemical element selenium. The acronym that represents the atom can also provide two important information: the atomic number (represented by the letter Z and always at the bottom left of the atom's acronym) and the mass number (represented by the letter A, which can be positioned on the left or right). to the right above the atom acronym). Acronym for an atom with mass number and atomic number • Atomic number (Z): indicates the number of protons present in the nucleus of the atom and the number of electrons (e) present in the energy levels. • Mass number (A): indicates the mass present in the nucleus of the atom, resulting from the sum of the number of protons (p) and the number of neutrons (n). Don't stop now... There's more after the announcement ;) Formula that indicates the representativeness of the mass number atomic similarities Atoms of the same chemical element or of different chemical elements are compared in terms of the number of protons, electrons, neutrons and mass and are classified as follows: a) Isotopes Atoms that have: Same atomic number; • same number of protons; • different mass number; • different number of neutrons; Example: Atoms A and B are isotopes Atoms A and B are isotopes because: • Atom A has 15 protons, an atomic number of 15, 15 electrons, 15 neutrons, and a mass number of 30. • Atom B has 15 protons, an atomic number of 15, 15 electrons, 20 neutrons, and a mass number of 35. b) isobar Atoms that have: • different atomic numbers; • different number of protons; • different number of electrons; • same mass numbers; • different number of neutrons. Example: C and D atoms are isobaric Atoms C and D are isobaric because: • The C atom has 32 protons, an atomic number of 32, 32 electrons, 23 neutrons, and a mass number of 55. • Atom D has 37 protons, an atomic number of 37, 37 electrons, 18 neutrons, and a mass number of 55. c) isotons Atoms that have: • different atomic numbers; • different number of protons; • different number of electrons; • different mass numbers; • same number of neutrons. • The E atom has 20 protons, an atomic number of 20, 20 electrons, 20 neutrons, and a mass number of 40. • The F atom has 30 protons, an atomic number of 30, 30 electrons, 20 neutrons, and a mass number of 50. d) Isoelectronics Atoms that have: • same number of electrons. NOTE: Isoelectronic atoms can still have the same mass number (isobars), the same number of neutrons (isotons), or the same number of protons (isotopes). Example: G and H atoms are isoelectronic G and H atoms are isoelectronic because: • The G atom has 16 protons, an atomic number of 16, 18 electrons (the -2 sign indicates that it has two more electrons than the number of protons), 17 neutrons, and a mass number of 33. • The H atom has 21 protons, an atomic number of 21, 18 electrons (the +3 sign indicates that it has three fewer electrons than the number of protons), 27 neutrons, and a mass number of 48. CHEMICAL ELEMENTS Chemical elements are groups of atoms that have the same number of protons inside their nuclei. A chemical element is defined as a set of atoms that have the same number of protons inside their nucleus, that is, atoms with the same atomic number (characteristic represented by the letter Z). Chemical elements can also be called simple substances. A very important fact regarding the definition given to a chemical element is that in no case can it undergo decomposition, that is, it cannot give rise to new simple substances, it only participates in the formation of new compound substances. An example is sodium chloride, which, being a compound substance, can be decomposed into the simple substance sodium (Na) and the simple substance chlorine (Cl2) by means of igneous electrolysis. This fact cannot happen with Neon gas (Ne), for example, which is a chemical element and, consequently, a simple substance. It is important to note that an isolated atom also represents a chemical element. In the formula for water (H2O), for example, we have two atoms representing the element hydrogen and one atom representing the element oxygen. Chemical elements are represented by an acronym, in which the initial letter is capitalized and may be accompanied by one or two lowercase letters. In this acronym, we have to put the atomic number in the lower left corner, as shown below: ZX The element name acronym can refer to different aspects such as the element name in Latin, the element name in another language, the name of the discoverer, the homage to a scientist, the place of discovery, etc. here are some examples: Don't stop now... There's more after the announcement ;) • Beryllium - acronym Be, which derives from the Greek beryllium; • Boro - acronym B, which derives from the name in Arabic (buraq) and Persian (burah); • Cobalt - acronym Co, which derives from the German cobalt or coboldo (evil spirit or demon of mines). It got its name because of its toxicity; • Sodium - acronym Na, which derives from the Latin Natrium; • Strontium - acronym Sr, in honor of a Scottish village called Strotian; • Líti o- Acronym Li, which derives from the Greek Lithos (stone); • Magnesium - acronym Mg, called in Greek magnesia in reference to the region of Thessaly; • Roentgen - acronym Rg, a tribute to the scientist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, who discovered X-rays; • Californium - acronym CF, which takes its name from the University of California, where it was synthesized. There are many chemical elements known today. They are arranged in order of increasing atomic number in the famous periodic table, proposed by Moseley in 1913. Regardless of whether they are natural or synthetic, many of the chemical elements are very important, as they are part of the composition of thousands of others. chemical rooms that involve human life and everyday life. We created a space to allow access to texts that talk about characteristics, functions, origins, uses and ways of obtaining various chemical elements. Be sure to check out the texts below! Good studies! Articles "Chemical Elements" • Beryllium This article provides information on how the chemical element beryllium occurs in nature, its applications, and how highly toxic it is. • boron Click here to learn about the characteristics and use of boron. • carbon Learn about carbon and its allotropic forms, where it is found and its applications in everyday life. • Chlorine Click and discover the characteristics, uses and physical and chemical properties of chlorine and discover how this chemical element is produced. Cobalt Check here the importance of cobalt for our body and in what other situations this element is used. • Element 111: Roentgenium Click here to learn about the main features of Roentgenium, a relatively new element. calcium element Know the percentage of this element on Earth and the Moon. • magnesium element Where can it be found and what are its main functions. • sodium element Know the main characteristics and uses of sodium! • artificial elements Artificial elements are atoms of chemical elements not found on the Earth's surface and which They are synthesized, that is, created in the laboratory. • natural and synthetic elements Check out the main characteristics of natural and synthetic elements here! • sulfur Click and learn everything (atomic characteristics, ways to obtain it, properties) on the chemical element sulfur. Strontium Metal used in cathode ray tubes for color televisions. Insoluble iron: properties of this element The solubility of metals in water. • argon gas Gas used in the conservation of oxidizable materials. • krypton gas Check out the features and applications of krypton gas here! • neon gas Click here and find out how neon gas is obtained, also see where it is commonly used! Hydrogen Click and learn about the history, characteristics, ways of obtaining and the main uses of the chemical element Hydrogen. Iodine Check here the importance of iodine for the body and what are the food sources of this mineral! Lithium Discover the properties and uses of the lightest metal there is. • metallic mercury Be aware of the dangers offered by this heavy metal. • nickel The toxic effects of this metal on our body. • nitrogen Click and discover everything about the element Nitrogen, as well as the ways in which it can be found in nature. • oxygen Access this link to learn about the main characteristics of the most abundant element on Earth's surface, oxygen. Know the properties and peculiarities of its atoms, the importance of its allotropic forms, in addition to the applications of this element in general. Platinum Click and see the atomic and physical characteristics, history, achievements and uses of the chemical element Platinum! • Potassium In nature, potassium is a metal, in our body it is a mineral. Click and understand! • Radon Radon, noble gas family, uranium-238 decay, position of radon in the periodic table, presence of radon in nature, physical characteristics of radon, applications of radon. • rubidium Click here to learn about the characteristics and uses of rubidium! • titanium • Learn more about the characteristics, properties and use of titanium. Click here! • Ununo Find out how this element was synthesized in the laboratory. • Xenon Click here to know the main resources, uses and also interesting facts about xenon. • zirconium Discover the chemical element zirconium, its discovery, its properties and main applications in industry and everyday life. Chemical elements and their functions Hydrogen: H (hydrogen) Daily Applications: Illustration: • missile fuel; • hydrogenation of fats; Balloon filling; • oil desulfurization. metals: REPS: Na (sodium) Daily Applications: Illustration: • table salt; Organic syntheses; • Street lighting; • cooling for the atomic reactor; • accumulator; • sodium hydroxide; • glass. Be (beryllium) Daily Applications: Illustration: • window for X-ray tubes; • material to slow down neutrons without atomic reactors; • spring (for watches); • spark-free tools. Al (aluminium) Daily applications: Car, rocket, plane; • windows, doors, windows, pans; Illustration: • sheet, tube, cable; • lighting, fireworks; • concrete; • filling of teeth. K (potassium) Daily Applications: Illustration: • glass lenses; • chemical fertilizers; • phosphorus, gunpowder; • oxygen mask; salt diet. Ca (calcium) Daily Applications: Illustration: • plaster, cement, cement; • metal preparation; • sheath for the battery cable; • chemical fertilizers; • loading paper and ink supplies. TRANSITION: SC (Scandium) Daily Applications: Illustration: • seed germination; • Leak detector; • material for space activities. V (vanadium) Daily Applications: Illustration: •Tools; • construction material; • jet engine; • catalyst for the production of sulfuric acid. Rh (rhodium) Daily Applications: Illustration: • headlight reflector; • telephone relay; • fountain pen tip; • exhaust gas catalytic converter; • aircraft engine spark plug. Cu (copper) Daily applications: ... PHYSIOLOGY More information on physiology, study of the functions of living things what is physiology Physiology is a biological science that studies the functions (physical, organic, biochemical) of living beings. The word is of Greek origin, where physis means nature and logos means study or knowledge. Physiology brings together important principles of physics, chemistry and mathematics, giving meaning to the interactions of the basic elements of a living being with the environment. There are three main areas of fusology: - Animal physiology (includes human physiology) - Plant physiology - Bacterial physiology vital functions Vital functions refer to the necessary functions performed by every living being to maintain life. Even single-cell living things can perform vital functions, since the single existing cell can perform them independently. There are three main vital functions: nutrition, reproduction and relationship with the environment. Great vital functions Nutrition Nutrition brings together all the activities that living beings perform to obtain the essential matter and energy for life. Nutrition consists of several factors: - Food: the survival of living beings is only possible with the ingestion of foods that provide the proteins and nutrients necessary for their development. There are two types of nutrition: heterotrophy and autotrophy. The first is used by humans and animals and is based on the production of matter from organic matter. That is, food is digested and reduced to simple molecules. The digestive system is fundamental, with digestion, which is a chemical and mechanical process in which nutrient molecules such as lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids are broken down. The second type of nutrition is used by plants and consists of creating organic matter from inorganic matter, through photosynthesis. - Circulation: Circulation is essential for matter to reach all parts of the body. Circulation occurs through blood tissue and blood circulates through vessels, arteries, veins and capillaries. Human circulation is double, closed and complete. - Excretion: Excretion is the elimination of metabolic waste resulting from chemical reactions in the cells of the body. These wastes, such as ammonia, urea, and uric acid, cannot remain in the bloodstream because they are toxic. In the case of humans and animals, waste is eliminated through urine and faeces, thanks to the excretory system. - Breathing: breathing is included in nutrition, as it is the metabolic process that allows us to process and maintain the energy we obtain through food. It is represented by the processes of inspiration (oxygen entering the body) and expiration (expulsion of carbon dioxide). The respiratory system is formed by the airways through the lungs. reproduction Reproduction is the vital function that guarantees the survival of the species, passing on genes to future generations. There are two types of reproduction: sexual and asexual. Sexual reproduction is what requires two individuals of the opposite sex and is accomplished by the union of sex cells (eggs and sperm), or gametes, from each individual, which is called fertilization. Asexual reproduction is that of unicellular beings, in which only one individual intervenes. Relationship with the environment It allows living beings to perceive changes in the environment, both internal and external, and to develop responses to these stimuli. In this way, the relationship of living beings with each other and with the environment becomes possible and the guarantee of survival. PHYSIOLOGY human vital functions Discover the vital functions for the functioning of the human machine: Digestion Chemical and mechanical process in which nutrient molecules break down. These nutrients are lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. The way of feeding is as follows: mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine (fasting), large intestine and rectum, from which faeces come out. The liver emulsifies fats, facilitating the action of lipases. The hormones involved in digestion are: gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin and enterogastrone. All secreted by the epithelial cells of the digestive tract. Intestinal folds or villi are formed by blood and lymphatic vessels, connective tissue and epithelial tissue with microvilli, which increases the absorption surface. Tips: Remember that gastric (stomach) enzymes do not break down carbohydrates, but only proteins, due to the action of pepsin, which is activated by HCl from gastric juice. Trypsin and trypsin chyme are initially in the form of trypsinogen and trypsinogen chyme, which are activated by enterokinase in the duodenum when pancreatic juice is released. Monosaccharides are obtained from disaccharides in the small intestine by the action of enteric enzymes: the maltase is sealed and removed. All food is used as a source of energy or construction of living matter. What is in excess will be stored in the form of lipids, in adipocytes (adipose or adipose tissue cells). When nutrients are lacking, fats begin to mobilize as a source of energy and the person loses weight. Digestive tract problems: Peptic ulcer - caused by drugs or Helicobacter pylori bacteria, the lining of the stomach or duodenum cannot be defended and gastric acid attacks this lining and lesions and sores appear, causing pain and heartburn; Constipation occurs when peristaltic bowel movements are too slow and waste remains in the bowel for a long time, where it hardens due to the great reabsorption of water; diarrhea occurs when the small intestine is irritated and peristaltic movements are too rapid. Liver functions: storage of glucose in the form of glycogen, storage of certain vitamins, transformation of carbohydrates into lipids and proteins, production of bile, among others... Excretion: Elimination of metabolic waste resulting from chemical reactions in the body's cells. This nitrogen excretion cannot remain in the bloodstream because it is toxic. They can be ammonia, urea and uric acid. • Amonotelic animals: they expel ammonia because it is a very water-soluble substance; • Uricotelic animals: they expel uric acid, which is poorly soluble and does not require a significant amount of water; • Urotelic animals: they expel urea, which requires little water and is well adapted to human excretion, as we need to save as much water as possible. Our excretion is carried out by the nephrons, which are the filtering unit of the kidneys. There are about one million nephrons in each kidney. Our kidney is of the metanephro type in that it removes all metabolites directly from the blood. 99% of the water is reabsorbed and urine is formed in the collecting duct, stored in the bladder and released through the urethra. Tip: Two hormones act on human excretion: aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone (ADH). ADH is released from the pituitary gland and facilitates the reabsorption of water in the nephrons. Alcohol inhibits ADH, producing more dilute and copious urine. Aldosterone, from the adrenal glands, increases the reabsorption of ions in the nephron tubules and, therefore, acts in the osmotic control of the blood. Urinary tract problems: Uremia - high blood urea velocity; Glomerulonephritis - inflammation of the glomeruli. Kidney stones - mineral salt crystals build up in the kidneys and the possibility increases due to low water intake. Breathing Represented by the processes of inspiration and expiration. The respiratory system is made up of the airways and lungs. Inspired air, rich in oxygen, fills the lungs at the level of the alveoli (bags in which gas exchange with blood (hematosis) takes place. The lungs are protected by the rib cage, formed by the sternum and ribs. they are made of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. When we inhale, the box expands and the diaphragm descends, entering the air. When we exhale, the chest returns to normal and the diaphragm rises again, expelling air, full of carbon dioxide. The blood must nourish the tissues and therefore absorb nutrients and respiratory gases. When it reaches the cells of the different tissues, an exchange takes place between them and the arterial blood, which releases oxygen and receives carbon dioxide, which is carried mainly in the form of bicarbonate ions, but is also dissolved in the plasma and connected to hemoglobin. Carbon dioxide is the enzyme that catalyzes the reaction of water with carbon dioxide in the blood. Hemoglobin is the pigment in red blood cells that gives them their characteristic color and, through their iron ions, transports inspired oxygen to every cell in the body. This oxygen will be used for cellular respiration, with an energy balance of 38 ATP. Tip: CO (carbon monoxide), an odorless gas, creates a highly stable bond with hemoglobin, preventing the transport of oxygen. If the individual is exposed to CO for a prolonged period, he may die of asphyxia. At higher elevations, the air is thinner and the availability of oxygen is lower. People who live at sea level, when they reach these altitudes, feel the impact of oxygen deficiency. To make up for this deficiency, the body begins to produce more red blood cells in the bone marrow, through the action of the hormone erythropoietin, and therefore there will be a greater number of hemoglobin molecules to take up more oxygen. Breathing problems: Flu and cold - caused by viruses, which attack the respiratory tract, sinuses and ear; Tuberculosis and pneumonia - caused by bacteria. The trachea and bronchi can become inflamed, which can cause acute bronchitis, which can spread to the lungs - bronchopneumonia. Chronic bronchitis occurs due to constant irritation of the airways due to the action of smoking, allergies and air pollution. Emphysema is a progressive destruction of the alveoli, mainly caused by smoking. Asthma is an inflammatory reaction in the bronchi, with swelling, mucus hypersecretion, and smooth muscle contraction, which causes shortness of breath. Circulation: Circulation occurs through blood tissue. Blood circulates through vessels, arteries, veins and capillaries. Human circulation is double, closed and complete. Blood passes through the heart twice in a complete circuit that takes about 1 minute. The heart consists of four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The right atrium receives venous blood from the body through the vena cava. The right ventricle pumps this blood to the lungs, where hematosis occurs, through the pulmonary artery. Arterial blood enters the left atrium and is pumped to the body through left ventricular systole and leaves the heart through the aorta and carotid arteries. The cavities are separated by valves and there are also valves between the vents. tricles and the vessels through which blood flows. The myocardium is the cardiac muscle (cardiac striated muscle - involuntary movements). It has a certain independence in relation to the nervous system, as it allows the heartbeat through bundles of cells that transmit an electrical impulse that allows the systole and diastole movements of the atria and two ventricles. It is the sinoatrial node; the atrioventricular node; the hissing bundle and the purkinje fibers. Arterial blood absorbs nutrients, respiratory gases, and hormones into the tissues and collects excreta and carbon dioxide. The exchange takes place at the level of capillaries, very thin vessels and what leaks and does not return due to the difference in pressure in the arterial and venous part of the capillary, is collected by the lymphatic circulation, which also transports lymphocytes, the body's defense cells. What is collected is later returned to the blood by the subclavian veins. Tip: the vein is every vessel that enters the heart and artery, every vessel that leaves the heart, regardless of the type of blood I carry (arterial or venous). Circulatory tract problems: • Atherosclerosis: hardening of blood vessels due to the deposition of fatty plaques (atheroma); • Ischemia: difficulty in transporting oxygen and oxygenating cells in general; • Thrombosis - blockage of a vessel, preventing the passage of blood; Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) - rupture of an artery in the brain due to a sudden increase in blood pressure; • Heart attack: death of the myocardium due to obstruction of the arteries that supply the heart, the coronary arteries. Symptoms are angina pectoris (pain in the left chest that radiates to the arm), neck pain, sweating and breathing difficulties. Causes of heart and circulatory problems: sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise), obesity, foods high in animal fats and trans fats, smoking, stress, depression and use of anabolic steroids. GENES What are genes, heredity, human genome, genetics, DNA and RNA, chromosomes. What is it The gene is the fundamental unit of heredity. Each gene consists of a specific sequence of nucleic acids (the most important biomolecules in cell control, as they contain genetic information. There are two types of nucleic acids: deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA and ribonucleic acid - RNA). Functions, location and other information Genes control not only the structure and metabolic functions of cells, but also the entire organism. When found in reproductive cells, they pass their information on to the next generation. The gene is made up of a sequence of DNA that forms nucleotides (compounds rich in energy and that help metabolic processes, especially biosynthesis in most cells). Nucleotides are composed of a nitrogen base, a pentose sugar (sugar with five carbon atoms) and a phosphate group. Nitrogen bases can be classified into: pyrimidine and purine. The gene is usually found interspersed with non-protein encoded DNA sequences. These strands are called "useless DNA". When this type of DNA occurs within a gene, the encoded part is classified as the unencoded part. Useless DNA makes up 97% of the human genome, and despite the name, genes must function properly. Each species has a defined number of chromosomes. Changes in the number or arrangement of genes can cause genetic mutations. When mutations occur in the germ cells (egg or sperm), the changes can be passed on to future generations. Mutations that affect somatic cells can cause some types of cancer. The genetic composition of an organism (genotype) plus the influence received from the environment will be responsible for the phenotype, that is, for the observable characteristics of the individual. The sum total of the genes is called the genome. Research carried out with the aim of identifying the location and function of each gene is known as the human genome. WHAT IS CHEMISTRY? Chemistry studies the transformations involving matter and energy. Chemistry is a branch of the natural sciences that studies matter, its properties, its constitution, its transformations and the energy involved in these processes. Matter is the main object of study of chemistry and can be defined as anything that occupies space and has mass, that is, the entire material world around us and even ourselves. Regardless of form, origin (present on our planet or universe) or living or dead, there is no material that is beyond the reach of chemistry. Chemistry has a huge impact on technology and our society, as its studies play a key role in the development of all branches of science. After all, it is through the study of matter that we can understand the properties and possible transformations through which each substance can undergo and then use this knowledge for our van.

tage. It is very easy to see the different contributions provided by Chemistry throughout human history. Among these, we can highlight: • development of processed foods; • Increasing the shelf life of products; • Increase the effectiveness and action of cosmetics; • Development of medicines to combat the most varied diseases; • Development of alternative fuel sources; • Production of substances in the laboratory; • Development of techniques and solutions to environmental problems. Chemistry is a science with three basic levels: 1. Macroscopic: transformations that can be observed, that is, that deal with properties that involve large and visible objects; 2. Microscopic: is the interpretation of macroscopic phenomena through transformations that we cannot see directly, such as the rearrangement of atoms; 3. Symbolic: chemical symbols, such as molecular, structural and electronic formulas, as well as mathematical equations and formulas, are used to represent the transformations and phenomena studied. In this space, you can clarify all your doubts about the most varied themes and questions involving Chemistry, or all the knowledge related to the main areas of Chemistry required in the entrance exams still in force and in the Enem, namely: General chemistry: - It matters - physical states of matter - Properties of matter - Substances and mixtures - To Tom Inorganic chemistry: - Acids - Fundamentals - Oxides - Log in - Chemical reactions related to the substances highlighted above physicochemical: - Solutions - Collective properties - Chemical kinetics - Thermochemistry - Electrochemistry - Chemical balance - Radioactivity Organic chemistry: - Characteristics of carbon - Oxygenated organic functions - Organic functions of nitrogen - Isomeries - Organic reactions - polymers - Biochemistry environmental chemistry - Air pollution - Water pollution - Ground pollution - Acid rain Depletion of the ozone layer - Garbage disposal - Garbage recycling Now, feel free to click on each of the proposed texts below and further expand your chemical science knowledge. BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY Biochemistry is the part of biology that deals with the chemical processes that take place in living organisms. The discovery of the structure of DNA has been instrumental in the advancement of biochemistry. Biochemistry is the part of biology responsible for the study of the structure, organization and molecular transformations that occur in the cell. These transformations configure what we call metabolism, which is none other than the extremely coordinated reactions, fundamental to guarantee the survival, growth and reproduction of living organisms. Metabolism is generally classified into anabolism or catabolism. In the first case, chemical reactions are focused on the synthesis of complex molecular structures from simple molecules. In the case of catabolism, complex molecules are broken down into simpler structures. It is noteworthy that both processes occur in all living cells. Biochemical processes of living things On a biochemical level, despite the great diversity of life forms, many structures and processes are shared by very different living beings, which facilitates the understanding of life as a whole. All species, for example, are composed of basic elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and complex molecules, which perform chemical processes to produce the energy necessary for survival. In general, we can say that all organisms carry out four basic biochemical processes for the maintenance of life: Synthesis of biomolecules, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids; Transport of substances through membranes; Production of energy; Elimination of metabolites and toxic substances. biochemical discoveries Among the main biochemical results that deserve to be highlighted, we can mention the understanding of the structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the understanding of the importance of the gene in protein synthesis, the determination of the structure of proteins and the understanding of the metabolic pathways. The understanding of these processes was undoubtedly fundamental for the development of different areas, such as biotechnology, medicine and agriculture. In the field of medicine, for example, we can highlight the importance of this science in the advancement of genetics and in the understanding of metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and even degenerative problems. In the agricultural sector, the development of transgenic varieties ensured greater success in crops. We observe, therefore, that biochemistry is nothing more than the study of the chemistry involved in all living beings, being, therefore, fundamental for the understanding of the processes that allow the maintenance of life and the development of techniques that guarantee a better quality of life. product. life for everyone. It is worth mentioning that, despite the great development of the area, there is much to be studied and constant investments are indispensable in this field of study. Check out the texts displayed below to learn more about the chemistry of life! Good studies!!! ALCHEMY Alchemy is an ancient practice, ancient chemistry practiced in the medieval era. It combines in its broad cognitive spectrum notions of chemistry, physics, astrology, art, metallurgy, medicine, mysticism and religion. The most widespread belief is that alchemists try to find in the Philosopher's Stone, a mythical substance, the power to turn everything into gold and, even more, to provide those who find it with eternal life and the cure for all ills. According to the researchers, however, Alchemy goes further. Its goals have a symbolic value, which means that its practitioners are really seeking something greater: spiritual transmutation. Therefore, the famous Elixir of Long Life would be nothing more than a resource of the human organism, capable of granting those who carry out the long process of spiritual purification a life extended to infinity. This substance is also said to be an important point in the philosophy of Yoga. Alchemists tried to intensify the search for this elixir through laboratory experiments that used the four essential elements of alchemical work: fire, water, earth and air. In the extreme observation of nature and its components, alchemists have achieved very important knowledge, some of which has recently been absorbed by quantum physics, as proof that all things are interconnected in the cosmos. This holistic view contributed greatly to the treatments performed by the Swiss physician Philippus Paracelsus, who departed from this point of view in his mission as a healer. He believed that substances such as salt, mercury and sulfur permeate all living beings, even the human organism. Currently, this same belief is saved by anthroposophy, a spiritualist current that also compares the concepts of alchemy with the active forces of the soul - thought would correspond to salt; the sensation of mercury and the desire for sulphur. Some of its thinkers see the gold pursued by alchemists as a representation of the "I", the human essence. alchemy is not currently considered a science, as scientific knowledge is conceived today, but a spiritual vision more interested in ancient traditions than in discovering new things is considered an ancestor of modern chemistry and medicine. In addition to the chemical experiments with the alchemists, there was a constant concern to perform a series of rituals. Alchemy also addressed some points of Kabbalah and Magic, as well as cultivating a hermetic philosophy. From Kabbalistic theory, alchemy inherited the search for the harmony of opposites. The Philosopher's Stone could, therefore, be the pursuit of perfection, which could not be achieved without the balance between the polarities that man possesses. Therefore, the manipulation of metals would be a symbol of the spiritual metamorphosis that runs through all living beings. But there are many interpretations of alchemical texts and, to date, there has been no consensus on the real meaning of alchemical symbols. Filed under: Philosophy, Chemistry The Secret of Alchemy Para celsus simplifies the mysterious, magical and supernatural concept of alchemy and clarifies: "The baker is also an alchemist, who converts flour into bread, who produces wine and weaves the thread with his strength". Alchemy is the mother of chemistry, allopathy, homeopathy, but it totally differs from the current sense of pharmacy and laboratory. Alchemy is physical, psychic and spiritual. It gives a deifying meaning and humanizes everything. As alchemy is the greatest treatise of Hermetic philosophy, it is based on immutable principles, which are the states of matter: the volatile, which goes beyond the gaseous state, the solid, the liquid and the pasty. It is the "tree" that best represents: the life of the tree begins in a volatile state, where the pollen of its flowers is transported through the air. It is solid in the consistency of its trunk. It becomes pasty in sap, resin, milk, latex. Become liquid in coconut water and fruit juice. It is animal in part in its composition. It is a mineral that is made of stone when it becomes amber, when it is made of incense. He is a magician, human and divine, by his alchemical function. The phrase that symbolizes alchemy: "solvi-te corpora et coagulate spiritum" (dissolves the body and coagulates the spirit). No other science allows to obtain this type of transmutation, metamorphosis. The secret lies in the same process that differentiates the brain from the computer. The computer only knows what is programmed. As for the brain, what we program with knowledge ferments and resonates throughout the body, mind, and soul. Because it is a universal treaty, it can extract the essence of a star, a plant, a mineral or a man. The spirit is solar, the body is terrestrial, and the soul is the alchemical fusion of body and spirit. Also: mercury, sulfur and salt, they give us an equivalence with the trin ity or "fineness". Mercury is the creator. Sulfur is the conservative. Salt is the transmuter of pain. To turn lead into gold, i.e. negative into positive: Metaphysics is the basis of philosophy and also the branch responsible for studying the existence of being. Through metaphysics, an interpretation of the world, nature, constitution and basic structures of reality is sought. What is it? The word metaphysics derives from the Greek and the prefix "meta" means "beyond". The first philosopher to treat the topic systematically was Aristotle. In fact, he himself called this idea "first philosophy" because he understood it to be the foundation of philosophical reflection. Therefore, the term metaphysics was not coined by him, but by one of his disciples who organized his work. In addition to "first philosophy", Aristotle studied the "science of being as it is". So he was interested in questioning what makes history different and at the same time private. Aristotle Unlike Plato, Aristotle thought that the principles of reality were not in the intelligible world, but in our sensible world. Reality is subject to time and space. Aristotle stated that four causes condition the existence of beings: 1. Material cause: the body is composed of matter. such as blood, skin, muscle, bone, etc. 2. Form: if, on the one hand, we have matter, we also have a form. One head, two arms, two legs, etc. Therefore, this form transforms us into singular beings that differ from others. 3. Efficient: why do we exist? The first answer is because someone created us. That would be an answer from the "efficient cause" field: we exist because we were created. 4. Final: we exist for something. This answer transcends the previous one because we are facing a goal, a goal. All beings were created for a purpose. The field of philosophy he studies is called "theologian already". Kant It is common knowledge that Kant (1724-1804) would have killed metaphysics. However, what Kant meant is that the human being is incapable of answering some metaphysical questions, such as the existence of God and the soul, for example. Kant will try to assess why. If I can't find rational evidence, I don't have to deal with these questions, or at least they don't belong in the realm of reason. So Kant will change the questions. Instead of asking himself what is truth, he will ask himself how truth exists. Kant laid out his thoughts in the work "The Foundation of Metaphysics of Customs", written in 1785. The history of metaphysics is divided into three periods: 1. First period: begins with Plato and Aristotle (between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC) and ends with David Hume (18th century). At this stage, metaphysics has been understood as a reflection of being in its most general sense. One of the great scholars of that time will be Thomas Aquinas, who will recover Aristotelian philosophy and apply it in his theological studies. 2. Second period: begins with Immanuel Kant, during the 18th century, and ends in the 20th century with Edmund Husserl and his studies on phenomenology. Kant will continue Hume's studies, emphasizing the primacy of reason over the transcendental questions raised by metaphysics. 3. Third period: it is the period that begins in the second decade of the 20th century until the present day. It corresponds to contemporary metaphysical studies. The most negative criticisms of metaphysics come with the recovery of materialism and the creation of positivism. On the other hand, at the end of the 20th century, we have a rebirth of metaphysics through esoteric currents. 4. Ontology The area of philosophy that deals with the nature of being, which is the reality and existence of things, and metaphysical questions in general, is called ontology. In the philosophical sense, it has several definitions and some authors consider the study of contemporary metaphysics. The word derives from the union of the Greek words ontos (to be) and logos (word). ethic Ethics is a set of moral systems that influence the way people make decisions. It can be defined as a moral philosophy. The term ethics derives from the Greek word ethos, which means habits, customs or character. Ethics is addressed in different segments of society, such as religion, politics, philosophy and culture. Although metaphysical studies are a being, ethics deals with cause and effect. For Aristotle, ethics is based on metaphysics. epistemology Epistemology is the study of the origin and acquisition of knowledge, therefore, there is a specific area to verify the validity of knowledge of metaphysics. Today, modern epistemology is based on two fundamental points: empiricism and rationalism. Positivism Positivism is the main stream in opposition to metaphysics. Positivist thinking holds that the goal of science is logic. Emotions and thoughts are not considered. Man is composed of body and soul, although in some cases the term "spirit" is added. Both soul and spirit are contrasted with the body to express the incorporeal part of man. There is, however, a distinction between soul and spirit. The word "soul" is used to express the immortal moral part of the human being, and is sometimes used for "person", as in the Genesis 46:26 verse, which says, "All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt" " "Eight souls are saved" (1 Pet 3:20). "The sinful soul shall die" (Ezek. 18:4). The Hebrew word usually translated "soul" is nefesh. In many passages it translates "life," as in Jonah 1:14: "...we perish not for the life of this man." In the New Testament, the same Greek word is used for soul and life: "For whoever wants to save his life (or soul) will lose it, and whoever loses his life (or soul) for my sake will find it. does the whole world lose its soul (or life)? Or what will man give in exchange for his soul (or life)?" It is in the soul, distinct from the spirit, that appetites and desires are found. The rich man said, "And I will tell my soul, Alma, that you have many possessions laid up for many years: rest, eat, drink, and take a break" (Luke 12:19). That night, his "soul" was sought after. The salvation of the soul cannot be separated from the salvation of the person. The spirit is clearly the highest part of man. It marks consciousness, individuality and distinguishes man from the lower creatures of creation. God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life, and thus man was placed in a relationship with God, and he cannot be truly happy apart from him and his existence, present and eternal. The same words used in the original Hebrew and Greek for "spirit" are also constantly used for the Spirit of Dio or the Holy Spirit, and they are also used for angels, in the sense of spirits, and for evil spirits. The Word of God is sharp and capable of dividing a man's soul and spirit, though it cannot be easy for the human mind to perceive this division. The apostle prayed for the Thessalonians that the spirit (which is probably shown as the place where God works) and soul and body might be sanctified (1 Thessalonians 5:23). In the epistle to the Jews we read of the "spirits" of the perfect righteous; your place is with God through redemption. Apparently the word there means the person separated from his body. The Christian, having received the Holy Spirit as the source of life in Christ, is urged to pray with the spirit, to sing with the spirit, to walk in the Spirit, so that in some cases it becomes difficult to distinguish between the Spirit of God and the Spirit. Spirit. Christian spirit. What is homogeneous? Homogeneous is an adjective assigned to everything that has the same nature or has a similar structure or function, compared to something else. Generally, the term is used in situations where it is not possible to clearly determine the composition or formation of a specific thing or space, for example. Examples: Agricultural land is much more homogeneous. This article on the country's economy contains very homogeneous information. This term can also be used to refer to something in order to express consistency or demonstrate a correspondence between two things. Examples: This is a characteristic of a homogeneous government. The journalist presented a very homogeneous text. homogeneous in chemistry For the field of chemistry, the term homogeneous is connected to the system that is composed of a mixture of substances that contains only one phase (single-phase) when two or more elements are mixed. When we say that a mixture is homogeneous, we mean that its composition is uniform, that is, that the components mix easily and it is not possible to perceive the substances separately. Difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous In chemistry, the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous lies precisely in the fact that pure substances mix. So, what defines whether a mixture is classified as heterogeneous or homogeneous is the way in which the substances used are mixed and whether the result will have one or more phases. Mixtures can be formed from two or more pure substances and will be classified as homogeneous or heterogeneous. In this sense, a homogeneous mixture is one that visibly presents a single phase. The heterogeneous mixture, on the other hand, has two or more phases, being biphasic or three-phase, for example. Salt water is an example of a single-phase homogeneous mixture, that is, it has only one phase. This is because, when mixing water and salt, it is not possible to notice the difference or separation of the substances that make up this mixture. Water and oil are the best-known examples of a heterogeneous mixture, as these substances are mixed well. In this case, it is a heterogeneous biphasic mixture, since it is possible to perceive each of the substances separately. See also the meaning of heterogeneous. homogeneous in mathematics In mathematics, the term homogeneous refers to an equation in which the terms that make up the expression have the same value, the same gr au or the same direction. In the so-called linear homogeneous equation, the result of the equation formed by independent terms will always be equal to zero. See this example: 3a + 2b - c = 0. Synonyms for homogeneous The term can be replaced by synonyms such as: equal, analogous, identical, equal, similar, similar, similar, uniform, simple, connected, smooth, uniform, cohesive, harmonious, coherent, cohesive, balanced. WHAT IS PHYSICS? Physics is the area of the natural sciences that studies phenomena that occur with matter in space and time. The word physics has its origin in the Greek term Physiké, which means "nature", its use / meaning is always related to the word episteme, which, of Greek origin, also means "knowledge", "science". Therefore, physics has been defined as: The science that studies nature. However, this was the definition given by the Greeks of ancient Greece. To them, all natural phenomena were intriguing and there was no distinction between the fact that a body falls, a plant sprouts, and fermented wine. With the passage of time, there was a division of the natural sciences and thus chemistry, biology and physics were born - which began to have their own field of study. Physics tries to describe, predict and justify by law the phenomena that occur with matter in space and time. The phenomena studied by physics are present everywhere, in our daily lives, on our planet, in other galaxies, in short, throughout the universe. When dealing with these phenomena, Physics uses the scientific method, since the hypotheses must be confirmed by experiments; thus, predictions are made and it is possible to verify that the experiments conform to these predictions. Physics is traditionally divided into branches. Each branch groups together the study of facts that have similar properties and that can be related and described by common laws. So here are the branches of physics: Mechanics: studies the movements of bodies. Thermology: studies the phenomena related to temperature and heat. Optics: studies the phenomena related to light. Wave: studies phenomena related to waves, their characteristics, properties and behaviors. Electricity and magnetism: studies electrical and magnetic phenomena. Modern physics: deals with physics developed in the 20th century, in which we can include relativity, quantum physics and nuclear physics. What is quantum physics: Quantum physics is a branch of theoretical science that studies all phenomena that occur with atomic and subatomic particles, that is, equal to or smaller than atoms, such as electrons, protons, molecules and photons, for example. All these microparticles cannot be studied from the point of view of classical physics, as they are not influenced by the laws that compose it, such as gravity, the law of inertia, action and reaction, etc. Unlike classical physics, quantum physics is classified as "non-intuitive," meaning that in this branch of study, certain things are true even when they appear to be not. In fact, because it is considered non-intuitive, quantum physics has become known as "false theory". Also known as quantum mechanics, this revolutionary theory of modern physics emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, with the physicist Max Planck (1858-1947), who was one of the pioneers in the development of its basic principles and which they contradict most of the time. basic laws of classical physics. Planck was responsible, for example, for the creation of the "Planck constant" (E = h.v). However, it was Albert Einstein, the creator of the theory of relativity, who first named Planck's quantum equation (Latin word meaning "quantity"). Quantum is a reference to the physical event of quantization that consists of the instantaneous change of electrons that contain a minimum energy level into a higher level, if they are heated. Although the theory of quantum physics focuses on microscopic phenomena, they are reflected in all macroscopic aspects, since everything in the universe is made up of molecules, atoms and other subatomic particles. During the 20th century, several scientists and physicists contributed to the development of quantum physical theory, such as: Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), Louis de Broglie (1892-1987), Niels Bohr (1885-1962), Erwin Schrödinger (1887) . - 1961), Max Born (1882-1970), John von Neumann (1903-1957), Richard Feynman (1918-1988), Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958), among others. Since then, quantum physics has become the basic theory of many other branches of physics and chemistry such as atomic physics, nuclear physics, molecular physics, quantum chemistry, particle physics, etc. In fact, the principles of quantum physics are also applied in various sectors of human knowledge, revolutionizing not only the exact sciences, but also philosophical currents. The main link between quantum physics and philosophical and spiritual concepts, according to advocates of this relationship, is it is in the condition of randomness and uncertainty of this theory, according to which it is possible to have two different and simultaneous situations for a given subatomic body. This principle was observed in quantum physics by the so-called "wave-particle duality", that is, when a particle behaves like a particle or like a wave, a totally abnormal statement before classical physics. From this idea, for example, different theoretical hypotheses emerge, such as the "theory of several worlds", according to which it is possible to have different alternative realities for each individual. Quantum physics and spirituality This relationship is controversial, as it consists of the debate between two distinct nuclei, one formed by those who defend the veracity of quantum influence in the spiritual plane and another that totally denies the use of quantum mechanics as a way of explaining spirituality. For those who defend the existence of a relationship between quantum physics and spiritual physics, the power of human thought can exert great power over each person's individual reality, being, with the correct indications, capable of altering the world around them. .. Quantum physics and thinking Several internationally renowned physicists relate the principles of quantum physics to theories of human consciousness and the power of thought as a "builder" of reality. In short, the human mind would have a profound ability to influence the arrangement of atomic microparticles around people, the way they behave and how they construct the reality of each individual. For scholars who believe in this idea, people's intentions influence the construction of reality. THE FIVE KINGDOMS OF LIVING BEINGS Discover the five kingdoms of living beings and discover more about their differences. Animals and plants are classified respectively in the Animalia and Plantae kingdoms. We know that, according to their similarities, all living beings are grouped into different categories, varying from kingdom to species. A realm is the most widespread category and includes living beings with similar characteristics but some important quirks. Currently, we consider the existence of five kingdoms: Monera, Protista or Protoctista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. This classification was proposed by researcher Whittaker in 1969 and is still one of the most accepted and studied in elementary and high school. The kingdom of Monera is a group of very simple beings. All members are made up of a single cell (single cell) and do not have a defined nucleus (prokaryotic cell). Some representatives are able to produce their own food (autotrophs), while others need to consume their nutrients from other living organisms (heterotrophs). All species of bacteria and cyanobacteria are included in this group. The protist or protoctist kingdom, unlike the Monera kingdom, does not have individuals with prokaryotic cells, all eukaryotic representatives. In this group, we find unicellular and multicellular beings and also organisms with autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition. This realm has very different organisms, and many people even claim that there are beings clustered in it that just don't adapt to other realms. As representatives, we can mention protozoa and algae. Paramecium is an example of a representative of the protoctist kingdom The mushroom kingdom features unicellular or multicellular organisms with a eukaryotic cell. All representatives, unlike the kingdoms above, are heterotrophs, that is, unable to make you harm your food. This is the main feature that allows us to distinguish this group of plants. All mushrooms, molds and yeasts are included in this realm. The kingdom of Plantae is composed exclusively of autotrophic organisms that have eukaryotic and multicellular cells. It is a very diverse group and includes all the plants on the planet. Despite the appearance of algae plants, this last group cannot be grouped in this kingdom. However, evidence shows that plants have green algae as ancestors. Finally, we have the Animalia kingdom, the kingdom to which we belong. It has representatives of heterotrophic, multicellular and eukaryotic cells. This first characteristic (heterotrophic beings) is fundamental to differentiate this group of plants. We still have viruses, but they are not classified in any of the domains studied. Many scholars do not consider these beings to be living, since they do not have cells or metabolism outside the cells of their parasites. However, this is still a controversial point. Faced with this problem, viruses are studied separately. KINGDOMS OF THE LIVING WORLD BIOLOGY The most accepted kingdoms of the living world today are Monera, Protoctista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. Since ancient times, different ways have been proposed to classify living beings in order to facilitate the study of these organisms and understand their evolutionary relationships. The criteria used to group them are varied, which means that these systems are constantly being changed and improved. The first classification systems were quite simple and, as technological resources were scarce, they were based on the macroscopic characteristics of each being and their life habits. For this reason, organisms were initially classified by Linnaeus into two kingdoms: animal and plant. With the advancement of technology, the study of microscopic beings began and, with that, a new classification emerged. In 1866, the term protist was proposed to designate eukaryotic organisms that did not fit into the animal and plant kingdoms. Years later, protists were promoted to the kingdom. Copeland, in 1956, suggested the creation of a kingdom to group organisms that could be considered of a simpler nature: bacteria. The four kingdom system emerged, as did the kingdom of Monera, where prokaryotic beings were inserted. Mushrooms are part of the mushroom kingdom Later, in 1969, the five kingdoms system proposed by Whittaker emerged. Undoubtedly, this is the most used system, even if there are other classifications. According to the Whittaker system, we have the kingdoms: Morena preto, Protista, Fungi, Animalia and Plantae. Kingdom Monera: groups unicellular prokaryotic organisms, that is, they have a single cell without a nucleus delimited by a membrane. Examples: bacteria and cyanobacteria. Kingdom Protista (currently called Protoctista): it gathers unicellular and multicellular beings, eukaryotes, autotrophs or heterotrophs. Example: algae and protozoa. The name change from Kingdom Protista to Protoctista took place in the 1980s and was proposed by Margulis and Schwartz. In addition to changing the names, the researchers included multicellular algae and some mushrooms in this group. Fungi of the kingdom: groups eukaryotic beings, which in most cases are multicellular and heterotrophic. Examples: mushrooms, molds and yeasts. Plants are part of the kingdom of Plantae Kingdom Plantae or Metaphyta: includes eukaryotic multicellular organisms with autotrophic nutrition. Example: mosses, ferns, araucaria and mango. Kingdom Animalia or Metazoa: includes eukaryotic and heterotrophic organisms that have a heterotrophic diet. Example: man, dog, cow and birds. Animals are part of the Animalia kingdom In addition to this classification, it is currently accepted that all organisms are included in three main domains: bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. This classification was proposed by Carl Woese in 1990 and created using data from the nucleoside analysis of ribosomal RNA. The domain of bacteria groups together all real bacteria or simply bacteria. The Archaeae domain includes all archaea, which were previously erroneously considered the basal group of bacteria. The Eukarya domain, in turn, is composed of all existing eukaryotic organisms, therefore included in this group, the kingdoms Protoctista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. As textbooks and most teachers still adopt the classification proposed by Whittaker, here you will find texts that obey this system. Good studies! Warning: Viruses are a very particular group due to the absence of cells. Therefore, they are not classified in the realms of living beings. It is worth mentioning that these organisms are incapable of living without a cell, being considered intracellular parasites as obligatory areas. 7 MEANINGS OF THE SMALL KNOWN HUMAN BODY Taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing are not the only senses in the human body. We often hear the claim that we have five senses. But what scholars such as neurologist Alvaro Pascual-Leone and psychologists Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris, from Harvard University in the United States, say is that our ability to perceive the world, internally and externally, goes far beyond the 5 senses of the Base. Aristotelian. To get an idea of what this means, we can try to answer questions like: Imagining having your eyes closed, how does it feel to be at a high height? Is touch responsible for the perception of temperature? Wouldn't we need to play, since we're just talking about tact? If we enter a room blindfolded, what exact sense can indicate that the room is full or empty? In a noisy place, we can choose which sound we want to focus our attention on. Is it really just hearing that can do this? What happens to the rest of the sounds we miss? If you were confused while trying to answer these questions, perhaps some of the other senses studied by the scientists listed below can clear up your doubts. proprioception: This sense is responsible for knowing that we have and where our organs, limbs, muscles and our body as a whole are located. nociception It is the sense of pain. Studies indicate that it may be the associated with emotional factors and other types of perception. The 7 main chakras of living beings To start talking about chakra, you need to talk about energy. Energy is everything that vibrates: light, sound, sunlight, water... Everything that exists in the universe is composed of energy. Everything we see is composed of condensed energy, that is, matter. Our physical body is matter, that is, energy. Our planet is composed of condensed energy, just like nature and all the things that man has created. There is energy everywhere, on and off planet Earth. All living beings need vital energy (or prana, bioenergy, that...) to stay alive. It can be obtained from sunlight, food, plants, earth, water, air. Everything is made of energy: the aura or the psychosome As we are energy, every living being has a magnetic field that protects it and differentiates it from other beings. This field is better known as the aura and has different names depending on the spiritual school that studies it. In the aura, according to professor Wagner Borges from IPPB, there are several openings through which we exchange energy with the environment, with other people, with other beings, with nature. , _________________________________ KEYS TO ACTIVATE THE HIDDEN POWER OF HERBS ________________________________________ Awaken the power of herbs for soul transformation and balance chakra These openings in the aura are vortexes of energy and are more popularly known as chakra or chakra. The chakras are circle-shaped energy centers (chakra = wheel, in Sanskrit) in our body that constantly vibrate. Billions are scattered throughout the aura of living beings. How does this happen? It's simple, all living things are made up of cells. We humans are made up of billions and everyone must be alive and in constant activity for us to be alive. Therefore, for this to happen, cells are fueled by vital energy and must constantly receive and release energy. Thanks to this exchange, we are born, grow and develop, until one day the energy exchanges cease and the physical body dies along with its cells. All this happens thanks to the chakras, the main responsible for this energy exchange. For every living cell, there is a chakra in constant motion. There are chakras that play important roles in the body. Some are more important than others. There are majors and minors. The latter are considered as such because they are not associated with the endocrine glands. Two examples are the splenic chakra (connected to the spleen) and the liver chakra. In this article, we will look at the main chakras in general. The main chakras The seven main chakras in the body are, from bottom to top: base, sexual, solar plexus, heart, throat, forehead, and coronary. All of them are associated with the endocrine system of the human body and each one is associated with a specific gland. We will tell here on the study of Hindus, who have worked on subtle anatomy for at least 10,000 years, through Ayurvedic medicine and the sacred scriptures of Hinduism. They are pioneers in the study of chakra and each represents lotus flowers with different numbers of petals. The finer the chakras, the more petals they have (except the brow chakra). Spiritually, each chakra carries with it a mission to be fulfilled by man. The vibration of each of the chakras also indicates whether a person is doing well in all parts of the body and in all areas of his life. A chakra that vibrates excessively is overactive, or one that vibrates less than normal, underactive, is not balanced. BASE CHAKRA or 1st CHAKRA: It is called by the Hindus Muladhara and in Sanskrit it means support. It is at the base of the spine (on the last bone, coccyx), more precisely in the perineum region. Its opening faces downwards, towards the earth. It is responsible for the absorption of telluric energy and the direct stimulation of energy in the body and bloodstream. It is connected to the adrenal glands, responsible for releasing the hormone adrenaline into the blood, which leads us to preserve our life in situations of danger or decision. The base chakra is red and, as we have seen, it is connected to the earth element and also governs the organs that give structure to the body (bones, muscles, spine, hips), legs and feet. In this way, this chakra offers us a support, a structure to live on the earth plane, because it is what connects us to the earth, to existence. It is common for people who are depressed or who have tried life to have this fragile chakra. People who are very attached to material things, who accumulate old things tend to have bowel problems and this reflects a malfunction of the base chakra. Prosperous, healthy people often have an equally healthy base chakra. The mission of this chakra is to make us walk with balance on planet Earth and express the health of the physical body as a whole. SEXUAL CHAKRA or 2nd CHAKRA: For Hindus, it is Swadhisthana (or city of pleasure in Sanskrit) and is found in the lower abdomen. It is physically connected to the gonads - testes (male) and ovaries (female) - and to female energy, uterus, procreation (to creating other things such as personal and professional projects), to pregnancy. It is responsible for reproduction and sexual exchange during sex and for controlling fluids throughout the human body. The sex chakra excites the entire genital and urinary tract, it also deals with filtering and circulating fluids in the kidneys and expelling all excretions from the body. It is ruled by the Moon (which is why it is so linked to the feminine, sexuality, motherhood and nurturing) and the water element (connected to amniotic fluid, interpersonal relationships, self-esteem and self-love). During pregnancy, nine months after our mother's womb, we remain connected to her by the umbilical cord. We were protected and surrounded by amniotic fluid, fed by it; for all these reasons, the health of this chakra measures and influences the quality of our relationships with the Earth, family, people in general, and ourselves. It represents our emotional body, stores the emotions experienced in relationships and gives us the mission to interact with the world, with what surrounds us in a harmonious way. It can also be called the sacral chakra and is orange, purple or red (depending on the circumstances). It is the chakra of sexual exchange and joy. Many spiritual schools avoid talking about this chakra and put the splenic chakra (or spleen chakra) in its place. If blocked, it causes impotence or sexual discouragement, relationship problems, low self-esteem. When hyperactive, it causes intense sexual desire and other compulsions. If the sex chakra is healthy, it encourages the other chakras to function better and helps to awaken the kundalini; the person has a balanced self-esteem, can appreciate and appreciate the pleasures of life. HUMBLE OR 3rd CHAKRA: Called Mani pura by the Hindus (in Sanskrit, city of jewels), it sits one or two fingers above the navel and is connected to the pancreas. This chakra is yellow, deep green and dark red in color. This influences our relationship with matter and personal power. Dense emotions like anger, pain, fear, sadness, anguish, resentment, anxiety are held in this chakra. It is one of the chakras that needs to be treated and harmonized to the fullest. It represents the mental body. The solar plexus controls the viscera region and it is no wonder that all the gross, visceral emotions (such as passion and desire) accumulate in this region. It is responsible for absorbing energy from food and distributing it throughout the body. It is one of the most sensitive chakras in our routine. Most people suffer from a physical problem in this area, such as gastritis, stomach problems, diabetes, or other digestive problems. When blocked, the navel chakra causes nausea, fear, or irritation. When in harmony, it gives us great power of accomplishment, it is the chakra that drives us to act. This chakra has great vitality when it is healthy and works as a psychic radar, perceiving energies or spiritual presences in the environment. HEART CHAKRA OR 4TH CHAKRA: The Hindus called it Anahata (Secret Chamber of the Heart) and, translating from Sanskrit, is it easy to know where it is? in the region of the heart, in the center of the chest. The heart chakra is green and yellow gold in color and is connected to the thymus gland. It is responsible for energizing the cardiorespiratory system and all the energy in the chest. Considered the center of love and the channel for the expression of feelings, it is also linked to balance, universal love, compassion, altruism and, physically, to the immune system. The heart chakra has the function of balancing the energies of all the other chakras, as it is in the center, having below it three lower chakras associated with existence on Earth and, above it, three higher chakras, finer and associated with the spiritual plane. It is the heart that connects Heaven to Earth, it is the connection of spirituality through matter. It represents the astral body. It is the most fragile chakra if there is an emotional imbalance. If well developed, it becomes a channel of love for spiritual assistance work. When there is a blockage, the person feels depression, anguish, irritation, stitches in the chest, is overly materialistic and attached. Physically, the blockage can generate heart attack, tachycardia. In women, breast cancer can arise. THROAT CHAKRA OR 5TH CHAKRA: Baptized as Vishuddha (The Blood Purifier in Sanskrit). This name already gives us some clues about the gland to which it is connected: the thyroid (and the parathyroid). The thyroid's function is to filter blood, regulate menstrual cycles in women. It is located in the gorge and is responsible for communication, expression of ideas, verbalization and implementation of projects. Physically, it takes care of the mouth, throat and respiratory tract: the hands and arms are physical extensions of the throat chakra, p ois it is with them that we bring ideas to the material plane, putting our hands in the dough. The larynx represents the standard etheric body and has blue, lilac, silvery white or pink. When in good health and development, it facilitates psychophony and clairaudience. It is also considered an energy filter that prevents emotional energies from reaching the head chakras. When unbalanced, it can cause sore throat, herpes, toothache and/or gum pain, hyper or hypothyroidism. A person with adjustment problems, or who can take everything in silence, "swallows frogs", may have a blocked throat chakra. FRONT CHAKRA 6th CHAKRA: Ajna (Control Center in Sanskrit) is better known than the third eye. This means that it is located on the forehead, between the eyebrows and connected to the pituitary or pituitary gland. It has an indigo, blue-white, yellow or greenish color. Check all the other chakras, all the commands for the whole body come out of it; it also deals with the frontal lobe, which represents our logical portion, our ideals, reasoning and thoughts, our ability to learn, observe and intuition. The brow chakra also represents the celestial body and is responsible for the health of the eyes and nose. When healthy, Anja acquires clairvoyance and expands intuition. It's easy to work with us as we use it a lot on a daily basis. Generally, your activity can be felt by a vibration or a warm feeling in your forehead. This chakra also represents duality and the two hemispheres of the brain as it is designed with just two petals. There are several dysfunctions in this chakra, such as excessive thoughts, ideas that accumulate and are not put into practice, disorganization, lack of concentration. Physically, the person may suffer from sinusitis, which is the sum of this mental congestion. There can also be a feeling of panic, headache, and even mental problems. Meditation is a great way to clear your head and clear your anterior chakra. CORONARY CHAKRA OR 7th CHAKRA: The Sahashara (a thousand petaled lotus in Sanskrit) has exactly 972 petals. It is at the top of the head, connected to the pineal or epiphysis, which is the gland located in the center of the head and located in every other gland in the body. The chakra forms a crown of light, so it is also known as the crown chakra as it faces upwards. It has a fluorescent purple, white or gold color. Through this chakra, we can reach an understanding of everything and it is through this chakra that we connect with the spiritual plane, with the Higher Self, with God and the divine in all things; it is related to the way we profess our faith and evolve spiritually. When worked on and developed, it facilitates the recall and awareness of consciousness projections. It is very important in telepathy, developing mediumship, expanding consciousness and receiving important questions. It is the chakra through which cosmic energy and the energy of the Sun also penetrate. The crown is the most important chakra, as it is responsible for energizing the sibling brain, influences mental functions and the production of serotonin, the well-being hormone, as it regulates sleep, appetite, mood, among others. Other functions. This chakra represents the causal body. Its vibration also indicates that we are alive. For this reason, people who claim not to believe in God, profess no faith, or practice any religious practice are also active in the crown chakra. If unbalanced, the person can develop phobias, neurological problems, lack of faith, depression, suicidal tendencies. When you are healthy, we activate all our sensitivity and live according to our objective, with health, happiness and a lot of availability. The crown chakra is the most important of all chakras and its mission is to understand all of existence and to become enlightened, to integrate with the whole. It is our last duty on planet Earth. Chakras and Energetics As we saw earlier, each person has their own energy field around the physical body, called the aura. Each chakra deals with an area of our life and the challenges we have to overcome. Knowing better how our energy behaves, it is possible to begin to reveal the causes of diseases and to perceive the level of toxicity of behavior and recurring thoughts in our daily life. We can begin to understand how feelings, thoughts and emotions affect our emotional, mental and physical health. From the moment we discover the imbalances in our body, in the chakras, we can count on the energy of plants. Remember that all living things have vital energy? Therefore, plants and vegetables can help us, with their energy, to heal us from physical, mental, spiritual and emotional diseases. HOW TO GET THE MIND POWER TO YOUR FAVOR Use the power of the mind to your advantage The human mind is one of the most amazing places there is. This "box" hides an infinite potential, in which we can look for ideas, concepts and plans to achieve them. To learn more about this topic, keep reading this article! A light mind is much more powerful and aggregating! Since we talked about the power of the mind, I present to you my detox program from negative thoughts! Change your life now! Between here! It's free! Turn dreams into kings and personality The first step in making something real is mental creation. There is nothing we can physically practice or materialize without having it in mind first. Reality is directly connected to the images projected within us. When we are not in control of our thoughts or we don't understand how to work the mind, we go through complicated situations or we are taken to a world that is not ideal. You may have heard a very common old saying: "to want is to be able". Sounds simple, doesn't it? But if we look at coaching, our results start the moment the mind works towards what we believe and want to achieve. When we think correctly, we have the power to achieve what we so desire. Tips on how to work the mind correctly It doesn't help to ask a restless mind for tons of innovative ideas. So, take a look at some tips on how to take care of yourself: • According to neuroscientist Cori Bargmann, from Rockefeller University in the United States, sleep is essential to keep the brain active and healthy. During sleep, memories are fixed and some toxic proteins are eliminated, which is not the case when we are awake. Physical exercises are also essential for the proper functioning of the mind. • Gratitude for learning and results is important. This positive attitude reinforces self-confidence and makes the individual see life in a more uplifting and less pessimistic way. Positive thinking eliminates stress and anxiety. Supported by him, the central point is never the problem itself, but how to find the best solutions to solve it and move forward. • According to American psychologist Daniel Goleman, another important element in accessing the power of the mind is focus. For the specialist, it is necessary to maintain internal, external and empathic concentration to find a balance. For this, Goleman argues that it is necessary to learn to completely disconnect from the environment, as well as to see the world with new perspectives and, finally, to choose the best ways to relate to people. If you have other tips you want to share, just write them in the comments! 6 tips to increase your mental power As mentioned earlier, it doesn't take a great technique or a breakthrough secret for the power of the mind to play on our side. It's small attitudes, a change in behavior and changes in lifestyle that can make a difference. Follow the tips below and harness your mental power: 1. Be positive: Always try to have a positive outlook. Attitudes and pen Positive feelings increase self-esteem and promote the maintenance of physical and mental health. It is useless to want to change the power of the mind in your favor if the thoughts are bad, negative. 2. Exercise: Exercise is essential for quality health. Your heart and the rest of your body will thank you if you train often. The Roman philosopher Juvenal (died in the second century) said "a healthy mind in a healthy body". During physical activities, important areas of the mind are processed, responsible for stimulating memory and creating regenerating cells. 3. Give thanks: By giving thanks, you promote positive feelings that promote a sense of well-being, happiness and reward. In addition, giving thanks strengthens your life purpose and mission. Be grateful for your accomplishments, your family and your friends. And try to exercise that feeling of gratitude whenever possible in the small gestures of those around you. 4. Sleep well: As mentioned above, research has shown that sleep is essential for proper brain function. So try to sleep preferably at least 8 hours a night and do your best to relax and rest your body and mind. Just like the physical part, there comes a time when the head also needs to recharge its batteries. 5. Stay focused: By controlling your ability to concentrate, the power over your mind gradually increases. Knowing the right time to pay attention to a certain topic or just relax and distract yourself makes the brain balance itself and not become overloaded. Make a list of what is really important and try to follow it so you don't blur and work on that fundamental side of the mind. 6. Replace words: You know words have power, right? So work with them to exercise your mind gradually. Valuable advice is to replace "if" with "when". Whenever you're dealing with a problem or future plan in your life, don't say "if I get the job", but "when I get the em nail.” The “if” provides options and the “when” is centered on an option. You saw how everything can be different with simplicity. you attitudes in everyday life? Exercise your mind, have positive thoughts and actions, get greater mental power and extraordinary results in your life. Neurolinguistic programming Have you ever heard of neurolinguistic programming? This science was developed by author Richard Bandler and psychologist John Grinder in the 1970s in the United States. His research showed that the human being has three pillars: neurological processes, language and behavior. Furthermore, scholars say that a person can link these dots to achieve a goal. At the Instituto Brasileiro de Coaching (IBC), there is a training program that works exactly on this concept called Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). In addition to deepening the concepts of neurolinguistic programming, the course will help you find your inner self and develop a better version of yourself, without losing the essence. Don't stop there! The training also teaches: • What is the best way to turn dreams into real goals. A topic very related to what this article is about. • What it is and how to exercise self-knowledge, personal development, self-esteem and emotional intelligence. • How to practice non-verbal language. • What is the alignment of the neurological levels. • What is the structure of thought and how does it work. • How to develop behavioral flexibility. • What are the representative channels; • Increase the ability to reflect on a given situation, observing it from more than one angle • How to effectively negotiate and solve problems. • How to manage time and activities productively. • Best practices for good leadership. • Critical skill development. • How to generate team effort. • How to expand the ability to communicate with different audiences. Redefine various situations and facts in your life. • Creativity maturity and its application in processes and problem solving. Did you like the workout? So don't wait another minute and browse the site to find out more or get in touch with one of our assistants. A light mind is much more powerful and aggregating! Since we talked about the power of the mind, I present to you my detox program from negative thoughts! Change your life now! Between here! It's free! If you liked these tips, comment and share the content with your friends. Also, here are other ideas to make our mind an ally in the pursuit of success and goals. WHAT IS YOGA? If you think yoga is just twisting and moving your body in a weird way, it's time to rethink. Yoga is much more than postures. Derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj", which means "to unite or integrate", yoga is a collection of knowledge spanning over 5,000 years. Yoga consists of harmonizing the body with the mind and breathing, through breathing techniques (pranayama), yoga positions (asana) and meditation. Watch the video below to learn more about what yoga is: yoga for everyone Yoga is a way of life, and if we stop thinking, we've been practicing it since we were kids! For example, stretching the cat to stretch the spine. Always see kids doing some kind of yoga during the day. Yoga works for everyone: people who work in an office, sports people, people trying to lose weight, with an intense or peaceful routine in their daily lives that can have a better quality of life with practice. Breathing techniques (Pranayama) and meditation Pranayama is the art of effectively controlling the breath. Practicing proper breathing techniques can help bring more oxygen to the blood and brain, helping to control prana or vital energy. Pranayama also follows various yoga asanas. The union of these two yogic principles is considered the highest form of purification and self-discipline, which encompasses the mind and body. Prayanamas techniques also prepare us for a deeper experience of meditation. Sri Sri Yoga At Art of Living, we have a yoga seminar that takes place over 5 days (2 hours a day), combining body, mind and breathing with a joyful experience. A combination of asanas performed gently and vigorously is taught, as well as other techniques that ensure the well-being of the body and nourish the mind and spirit. With the multidimensional Sri Sri Yoga routine, which combines yoga postures, breathing techniques, yoga knowledge and meditation, students end up with a complete practice to perform at home. It is intended for beginners and, at the same time, for more advanced professionals. Through the practices taught at the seminar, participants can lose weight and cure chronic diseases such as insomnia, asthma, diabetes, hypertension and migraine. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - The ico present class of yoga Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Exclusive Commentary Opening this ancient text, the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, will illuminate your knowledge of yoga, its origin and purpose. Immerse yourself in this rich knowledge and learn more about the practice of yoga as described by Patanjali. You can buy the book in our stores. FRUITS AND THEIR VITAMINS Fruits are foods that should be included in our menu every day. They are rich in vitamins and provide energy for activities. Each type of fruit is a true balm for health, with physical and aesthetic benefits. Some of them have important medicinal powers. People in general are unable to eat the ideal number of servings of fruit every day, as there is a strong temptation to eat a dessert or chocolate instead of an apple, for example. However, it is important to talk about efforts to prioritize fruit whenever possible. Check the vitamin profile of each fruit: Banana: vitamins A, B1, B2 and C Watermelon: Vitamins B, A and C Orange: Vitamin C. Lemon: complex of vitamins C and B. Apple: Vitamins B1 and B2 Pineapple: Vitamins C, B1 and A Passion fruit: vitamin complex A, C and B. Melon: rich in vitamins A, C and B. Strawberry: rich in vitamin C. Pear: complex of vitamins A, C and B. Papaya: complex of vitamins A, C and B. Avocado: Vitamin E. Grapes: Vitamins B and C Fruits with antioxidant powers: strawberry, plum, grape, orange, apple, banana, pear and papaya. Fruits to be included in the slimming diet: pineapple (low calorie and diuretic); banana (rich in tryptophan, which helps fight anxiety); fig (source of magnesium and diuretic); lemon (fights free radicals and is also a diuretic); mango (high concentrations of potassium and magnesium) and watermelon (diuretic) and peach (very nutritious). Citrus fruits (with citric acid): rich in vitamins and antioxidants, they fight free radicals: orange, lemon, acerola, cashew nut, pineapple, loquat. Non-acidic and not suitable for heartburn sufferers. Fruits indicated to fight heartburn: apple, melon, watermelon and banana VITAMIN TABLE What are they, functions of vitamins, types of vitamins, fruit vitamins, avitaminosis, water-soluble, fat-soluble vitamins, importance, vitamin C and others. what are vitamins Vitamins are important nutrients for our body. They are extremely important for the proper functioning of our body, mainly because they help to prevent many diseases. They are not produced by the body and therefore must be acquired by eating food (fruits, vegetables, meat, etc.). The lack of vitamins can lead to various diseases (avitaminosis). Vitamins can be of two types: water-soluble (water-soluble and absorbed by the intestine) and fat-soluble (fat-soluble and absorbed by the intestine with the help of bile salts produced by the fig). Vitamin A Sources: poultry, animal liver and carrots Deficiency disorders (avitaminosis): vision problems, dry skin, reduced red blood cells, kidney stone formation Functions in the body: fights free radicals, bone formation, skin; retinal functions D vitamin Sources: fish oil, liver, egg yolk Diseases caused by deficiency (avitaminosis): rickets and osteoporosis Functions in the body: regulation of calcium in the blood and bones Vitamin E Sources: vegetables, olive oil and vegetables Illnesses caused by deficiency (avitaminosis): visual difficulties and neurological changes Functions in the body: acts as an antioxidant agent. vitamin K Sources: liver and green leafy vegetables, avocado. Diseases caused by deficiency (avitaminosis): blood clotting deficiency, bleeding. Functions in the body: acts on blood clotting, prevents osteoporosis, activates osteocalcin (an important bone protein). Vitamin B1 Sources: cereals, cured meats, vegetables, brewer's yeast Diseases caused by deficiency (avitaminosis): beriberi Functions in the body: acts on the energy metabolism of sugars Vitamin B2 Sources: milk, meat, vegetables Deficiency diseases (avitaminosis): tongue inflammation, anemia, seborrhea Functions in the body: it acts in the metabolism of enzymes, in the protection of the nervous system. Vitamin B5 Sources: liver, mushrooms, corn, avocado, eggs, milk, vegetables Illnesses caused by deficiency (avitaminosis): fatigue, muscle cramps, insomnia Functions in the body: metabolism of proteins, fats and sugars Vitamin B6 Sources: meats, fruits, vegetables and cereals Diseases caused by deficiency (avitaminosis): seborrhea, anemia, growth disorders Functions in the body: growth, cell protection, fat and protein metabolism, hormone production B12 vitamin Sources: liver, meat Diseases caused by deficiency (avitaminosis): pernicious anemia Functions in the body: formation of red blood cells and cell multiplication Vitamin C Sources: orange, lemon, pineapple, kiwi, acerola, strawberry, broccoli, melon, mango Diseases caused by deficiency (avitaminosis): scurvy Functions in the body: acts To strengthen the immune system, fights free radicals and increases the absorption of iron by the intestine. Vitamin H Sources: walnut, almond, chestnut, brewer's yeast, milk, egg yolk, brown rice Illnesses caused by deficiency (avitaminosis): eczema, exhaustion, muscle pain, dermatitis Functions in the body: fat metabolism Vitamin M or B9 Sources: mushrooms, green vegetables Deficiency disorders (avitaminosis): megaloblastic anemia, neural tube disorders Functions in the body: metabolism of amino acids, formation of red blood cells and nerve tissue Vitamin PP or B3 Sources: Peas, Peanuts, Beans, Fish, Beans, Liver Illnesses caused by deficiency (avitaminosis): insomnia, headache, dermatitis, diarrhea, depression Functions in the body: skin maintenance, liver protection, regulates blood cholesterol level. COCONUT WATER: ADVANTAGES FOR YOUR HEALTH Not long ago, nutritionists, nutritionists and all kinds of professionals involved in the food industry - myself included - recommended moderation in the consumption of coconut water, one of the most popular drinks at the time of year when it is hotter. We were worried that it contains fructose and saturated fat, substances that can make you fat and bring some problems to our health, and because we thought that its benefits did not outweigh its harm. Coconut water is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants, enzymes and other phytonutrients that help the body to function more efficiently. Coconut water has a combination of substances that make it special, even when compared to drinks. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants, enzymes and other phytonutrients that help the body to function more efficiently. Its electrolyte (ionic mineral) content similar to human plasma has ensured international recognition as the best oral rehydrate. In other words: a super sports drink unmatched by any other synthetic product for this purpose. It is so compatible with the human body that it can also be injected into a vein, which was quite common during the first and second world wars, as well as the Vietnam war, where a lack of resources meant that the military was aware of the situation. unique qualities of coconut water almost by accident. While the most famous hydrating feature of this drink is, the health benefits don't stop there. Coconut water promotes the balance of body chemistry, all for the benefit of health. Reduces blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, prevents atherosclerosis, facilitates kidney functions, protects against various types of cancer, facilitates digestion, controls blood glucose levels, blood circulation, makes the immune system more active, It has anti-aging properties and helps preserve healthy bacteria. For athletes, coconut water is essential in summer. It acts as a deposit of electrolytes, a substance that protects against cramps and improves physical performance, being more efficient to replace some nutrients lost in sweat than water itself. Drink coconut water: it's okay! Super health! Additional Info: Flavored water makes 2 liters look small PSYCHOLOGY Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. The study of this area is multifaceted and includes subfields such as areas of human development, sport, health, clinic, social behavior and cognitive processes. The word "psychology" derives from the ancient Greek psyche, meaning "mind", and logos, meaning "knowledge or study". Being a science, it tries to investigate the causes of behavior. Consequently, it uses systematic and objective procedures of observation, measurement and analysis, supported by theoretical interpretations, generalizations, explanations and predictions. It seems impossible to study the most complex machine on Earth, which is the human mind. Although we cannot observe the mind directly, everything we do, think, hear and say is determined by how it works. Psychologists take human behavior as raw data to test their theories of how the mind works. For patients, this means understanding what mental processes are triggering negative reactions in their lives. Therefore, it is possible to work with them to modify these behaviors for a healthier mind. According to the Federal Council of Psychology, today there are just over 310,000 psychologists in Brazil, 90% of whom are women. What is psychology? In the beginning, there were two dominant theoretical perspectives in his study. The American William James (1842-1910) developed an approach that became known as functionalism. In it he argued that the mind is constantly changing and it is useless to look for the building blocks of experience. Instead, the focus should be on how and why an organism does something. Finally, it was suggested that psychologists look for the underlying cause of the behavior and mental processes involved. This emphasis on the causes and consequences of behavior has been a major influence on contemporary psychology. The second perspective was Wilhelm Wundt's structuralism. The term derives from Edward Titchener, an American psychologist trained by Wundt. Structuralism was based on trained introspection. As a result of this research method, subjects reported what was going on in their minds while performing a certain task. This turned out to be an unreliable method because there were so many individual variations in the research subjects' experiences and relationships. Despite the failure of introspection, Wundt is an important figure in history. It was he who opened the first laboratory dedicated to psychology in 1879. This opening is generally seen as the beginning of modern psychology. Wundt was also important in separating this area from philosophy, analyzing the workings of the mind using more objective and standardized procedures. With its broad scope, psychology investigates a wide variety of phenomena: learning and memory, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, thinking and language, personality and social behavior, intelligence, child development, mental illness, and much more. Where does psychology come from? Psychology is an entirely new science, with most progress made in the last 150 years. However, its origins date back to ancient Greece, between 400 and 500 BC. The emphasis was philosophical, with great thinkers like Socrates influencing Plato, who in turn influenced Aristotle. During the 17th century, the French philosopher René Descartes introduced the idea of dualism. He claimed that mind and body were two interacting entities to form the human experience. Many other issues still debated by psychologists today, such as the related contributions of nature against nurture, are rooted in these ancient philosophical traditions. In the mid-19th century, the philosopher Wundt was using scientific research methods to study reaction times. His book was published in 1874, Principles of Physiological Psychology. He described many of the key connections between the science of physiology and the study of human thought and behavior. In addition, physiology contributed to the possible emergence of psychology as a scientific discipline. Early physiological research on the brain and behavior had a dramatic impact on the field. Therefore, they contributed to the application of scientific methodologies in the study of thought and behavior. the arms of psychology Any attempt to explain why humans think and behave this way will be connected to a branch of psychology. The different disciplines are extremely broad. They include: • Clinical psychology • Cognitive psychology • developmental psychology • Evolutionary Psychology • Forensic Psychology • health psychology • Neuropsychology • work psychology • Social Psychology Clinical psychology This clinical area integrates science, theory and practice to understand, predict and alleviate problems of adjustment, disability and discomfort. It promotes adaptation, adaptation and personal development. A clinical psychologist focuses on the intellectual, emotional, biological, psychological, social, and behavioral aspects of human performance over a person's lifetime, across different cultures and socioeconomic levels. Clinical psychology can help us understand, prevent and alleviate psychologically caused distress or dysfunction and promote an individual's well-being and personal development. Psychological assessment and psychotherapy are fundamental to the practice of clinical psychology. However, clinical psychologists are often involved in research, training, forensic testimony, and other areas. cognitive psychology Cognitive psychology investigates internal mental processes such as problem solving, memory, learning, and language. Analyze how people think, perceive, communicate, remember and learn. It is closely related to neuroscience, philosophy and linguistics. Cognitive psychologists analyze how people acquire, process and store information. Practical applications include how to improve memory, increase decision-making accuracy or how to configure it are educational programs to enhance learning. developmental psychology This is the scientific study of the systematic psychological changes that a person experiences over a lifetime, commonly called human development. This focuses not only on babies and young children, but also on teenagers, adults, and the elderly. Factors include motor skills, problem solving, moral understanding, language acquisition, emotions, personality, self-concept, and identity formation. the psychologist Development science overlaps with fields such as linguistics. evolutionary psychology Evolutionary psychology examines how human behavior, such as language, has been influenced by psychological adaptations during evolution. An evolutionary psychologist believes that many human psychological traits are adaptable, as they have allowed us to survive for thousands of years. forensic psychology Forensic study involves the application of psychology to criminal investigations and the law. A forensic psychologist practices psychology as a science in the criminal justice system and civil courts. It involves assessing the psychological factors that may influence a case or behavior and presenting the results to the court. health psychology Health psychology is also called behavioral medicine or medical psychology. See how behavior, biology and social context affect disease and health. A doctor usually looks first at the biological causes of an illness. A health psychologist will focus on the whole person and what affects their health. This may include your socioeconomic status, education and history, and behaviors that may affect the illness, such as following instructions and medications. Health psychologists often work alongside other medical professionals in clinical settings. neuropsychology Neuropsychology examines the structure and function of the brain in relation to psychological behaviors and processes. Neuropsychology may be involved if the condition involves brain damage and assessments that involve recording electrical activity in the brain. A neuropsychological assessment is used to determine whether a person is likely to have behavioral problems after a suspected or diagnosed brain injury, such as a stroke. The results may allow a physician to provide treatment that helps the individual achieve potential improvements in the cognitive impairment that has occurred. work psychology In a business context, a psychologist can help increase employee productivity and retention. Occupational or organizational psychologists are involved in evaluating and recommending people's performance at work and in training. They help companies find more effective ways to function and understand how people and groups behave at work. This information can help improve employee effectiveness, efficiency, job satisfaction and retention. social Psychology Social psychology uses scientific methods to understand the impact of social influences that influence human behavior. Try to explain how feelings, behaviors, and thoughts are influenced by the real, imagined, or implied presence of other people. A social psychologist examines group behavior, social perception, nonverbal behavior, obedience, aggression, prejudice, and leadership. Social perception and social interaction are considered fundamental for understanding social behavior. Other ramifications include military, consumer, educational, intercultural, and environmental psychology, and the number of weapons continues to grow. What all these approaches have in common is the desire to explain the behavior of individuals in terms of how the mind works. In all areas, psychologists apply scientific methodology. They formulate theories, test hypotheses through observations and experiments, and analyze the results with statistical techniques that help them identify key findings to help people. Celebrities who studied psychology Some celebrities who have studied psychology that you probably don't know are. International actress Natalie Portman, national actor Leonardo Miggiorin, presenter Eliana, Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, Brazilian presenter Tiago Leifert and the great Brazilian actress Marisa Orth. What is psychology for? The mind is extremely complex and conditions related to it can be difficult to manage. Physical signs of some mental health problems, such as plaques that develop with Alzheimer's disease, can be seen. Therefore, many theories of psychology are based on the observation of human behavior. A clinical psychologist will meet with patients and conduct assessments to find out what their concerns are. So look at what is causing some difficulties and recommend or provide treatment. For example, through counseling and psychotherapy. In addition, psychologists may also have other roles. • Conduct studies to advise health authorities and other bodies on social strategies. • Assess children who have difficulty learning in school. • Organize seminars on how to prevent bullying. • Working with recruiting teams in companies and much more. Among the main goals of psychology are the description, explanation, prevention sion and improvement of human behavior. The work of psychologists is varied, but they all share one main objective. This goal is to help people to have a better life. Our daily life is profoundly influenced by the way we interpret hundreds of stimuli (positive or negative) that we receive every day. In other words, quality of life occurs when these stimuli are properly absorbed and intended not to harm our lives. In conclusion, psychologists are experts at understanding the role of these factors in influencing health, happiness, and general well-being. Getting in touch with psychology helps you better understand the many ways the mind affects your life. I would like to show you this fantastic text that I made a book created and developed by myself and that I did it with great honor and satisfaction, which served as a support for me to know the body, spirit and soul that we were looking for here for an existence in life that I keep as security of my life against illness and disease that the world is not in touch with the reality of life itself and I want you to feel the nobility of my studies on life behind the happiness of living and being happy that are wrapped in these countless pages theoretically by great masters of science and with great curiosity of my wisdom that rises next to my book that enters as an emanation of light on life and its contexts of life and being happy in full health. I want to firmly emphasize and indicate to readers that this compendium created and created by me is an extraordinary memory that I keep with love and affection so that everyone can read and understand with extraordinary firmness that life within us is something very precious for human beings and children of God and they know how to understand all the details narrated in these little sheets that were born from a feeling and thought that life is like an eternal box to never stop playing the same music or the same life that is a constant impulse throughout life . I simply want to arrive at a conclusion that we can understand among all the relationships of life and constructions of both death and living that a theosophy of the presumed mysteries of life and nature, of divinity and the origin and purpose of the universe that makes us to think gracefully under a more composed state in relation to the body as a set composed of artifacts more constructed under a formality of all existences of living that reminds me by clairvoyance of the continuous birth of the living being and that nature has always consecrated it as a dilemma that man was born to die and was born to live which makes me highlight a good reference well concealed and specified under a theosophy tale that I leave under my conquests and main study that involves a more demonstrative and realistic frontier of the human being under the nature of live and everything that makes up life in its existence as a more expressive and questioned context from my point of view that I decipher here. I use this last term and I want to thank all my dear and illustrious friends and that life can tell us how long we will have to prove our lives and existences. I simply want to say that life is the sister of death since death is the sister of life and there is probably a term of construction where we are simply walking down a path that we should look for real evidence of the existence of life in mortals than in most cases we consider building and evolving the human being who has gone through a metamorphosis that would actually be the opposite of death by a fatality from which we see life distracted in a context of witness to its existence and affection to cross a more different side. What we casually seek certainty about the uncertainties that naturally must have a construction that puts everything in harmony and a deconstruction that puts everything in total discontent that we call the time of return that it is written in the Bible that God created the sky and the sea and men have built an excellent source of your relationships with life that has always arisen in you in the context of revealing and demonstrating realities day after day for a discrepancy of time and three days everything becomes the target of love and hate circumstances in which man can understand their evolution and origin needs. Completed since the beginning of the world where God created Adam and Eve in paradise and as the Holy Bible says and they committed a doom by eating from the tree of life and were expelled from paradise and the materialized world in a metamorphosis in which man is a god from the beginning that the gods built Mount Olympus and that made the human being understand their desires and thoughts, because life and death should be like a dream of entrance and exit to where the world would be found in possession of pleasure and will and everyone would enjoy all the necessities that life and its relativity between humans and animals were established u a domain that would really stop everything, stop its abilities, rations, complications, understandings and actions in which man could establish a conduct or doctrine among tribes and gangs that created the world and understood what life taught and understood about death and life that he should simply establish a logic of remaining intact in its nature more than probable uncertainties, more than surmountable when being formalized in a primate man between a duel with dinosaurs until the contemporary era that established an identity more similar to the deconstructions and constructions of life leaving the earth as a creative emanation of a phenomenal existence of the living being who became man, woman and animals were preserved in all ways that presumably even man could have come from the ape like primitive man and which the world originated up from a big explosion caused by an asteroid in which it destroyed the face of the earth and everything started from nothing as it is also said that the world originated from a great explosion in which the universe was densely hot and that all were formalized particles and atoms in which life on earth was formed establishing humans and animals in which the word of God originates as an emanation of events from a bond that we can simply say that we were built and formalized in an alchemy more focused on absinthe, as the essence would have taken the form of a serpent while the world improved within a natural harmonization of nature between four construction elements that emanate life in the air, in water, earth and fire, in which your genes can formalize an atom and a logic in which matter would be part of everything and in every smallest fraction of an element what atomic particles would be or would be in a small time interval in that would form into an atomic body called an atom between time and space, the universe would become more and more between spaces leaving everything and creating everything related to a fusion. ga of planetary life and its output and input devices as creation and destruction in which god would be a homogeneous factor of the universe and omnipotent of all things in which they were created. Context of construction and destruction with god among the various issues of clairvoyance between life as light, as emanation of life and hate as destruction of death, also known as the devil representing the flames, the eternal fire of god emanated by the devil who is the god himself in the form of light in the representation of life that presumably never disappeared and always resurrected in all things paradise that would be a starting point for all souls in which we formalize ourselves as heaven and hell and would be the dark side of life that it symbolizes the devil in which he will take souls to purgatory as a death penalty and the sin of life and death and the world would not like another course of action to be established but only heaven and hell as a representation of life and death , so a god like there was only one god and the devil that in two ways would establish one like the world also originated as a great explosion that emits and escapes while everything was formed and formalized leaving the earth a place to live and die in which two spheres show us more that the greatest sin is not to believe in God and salvation would be to believe in God the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth in which life has always revealed its mysteries to us between the depths of heaven and earth, of earth that has always rebelled for various purposes of light and dark and life has become something superlative over a lavish nature that has always formalized us by its existence and subsistence in which are known as good and bad becoming everything in light and dark, life becomes something like a circle in which we can live and die like the construction and destruction of life by the evil of death which is dark and cold as life would be more subtle for being light, being white and concerns the alchemy of a phenomenal existence in which we can symbolize its ability, complicity and construction in an emanation of time and space in which the universe can always expand its vibrating flows and buds and expands by itself. being dense and destroying itself, becoming denser and denser than an atmosphere hotter than the earth that forms in all respects a forgotten space where hours, minutes and seconds are added together in a smaller fraction of the time formed into atoms and that gives more spatiality to its dimensions. I mean that life is the sister of death since death is the sister of the life that probably existed and a constructive term that we are simply following a path that we must look for real evidence of the existence of life in mortals that in the most thoughtful way of building, destroying and evolving the human being has undergone a metamorphosis that would actually be the opposite of death a fatality in which we see life distracted in a context of witness to its existence and affection to cross a darker side. inference that we casually seek certainty about the uncertainties that naturally must have a construction that puts everything in harmony and deconstruction that puts everything in total behavior that we call the round-trip time in which we can certainly live and certainly prevail in real life or die. And with a simple idea I want to witness everything that God has done like maybe a fabulous construction calendar and that everything can be contained in a magic circle in which everyone has always followed as a source, circuit or energy, world and that we can find the paradise of failures and dreamers and everything is in a context where everything that God created also did in relation to its relevance, pulsations and extensions in which we cannot doubt the hidden aspects and that everything and everything was always in his image as God always created him because it was God who created you. We find a number of words above a term that in my philosophy everything that God creates with love is constructed with a feeling about the living nature of a being who would be more eager to understand it because in it everything is clearer. The sunlight that shows us the positive side of life and the beautiful things that we cling to and that we just don't cling to because it's made of hate that is above all emptiness that breaks the human inability to be happy or love someone in life. life that is simply not enlightened before God because they have downfalls of a divine nature that cannot be compared to the true being that God created and created in all things in paradise that we could not deceive you with the negative uncertainties that isolate life from God. Soft light before God who is in all things deep and at altitudes that one day we will be able to understand his space and his time in our realities that are not as extensive as there is light in our way of thinking that dominates any unexpected feelings in the life, we may not have understood his love and existence in our lives because in all that God did he created the paradise of the failed and ashamed that he turned away from evil for the truth that cannot remain silent, invisible over all that God created in the land of stubborn and uncertain men of compassion and controversial about an unfaithful wish that maybe a child humanly bring that love to be more alive in the electricity that comforts our thoughts and makes us believe that the world is perfect and that we can still be happy and that perhaps we can remain constructively intact under the pretexts of God who has made us enlightened by the fury of love of the teachings that love us and make us love what is beautiful to see and feel pleasure because life would simply be a sounding board where its rhythm can melody us with all the positive forms and forces of life that never bend walking through the shadows that open behind the light of the day trying to forget the fear of darkness that afflicts innocent people that they still need to know the world how beautiful and perfect it is because God made you in all aspects that have not been destroyed and that you are comfortable with the truth of loves that are not were absorbed by God or that any anonymity could have been prescribed by the word of God as angels are said to be more cautious about staying alive and with the transformation of God's existence and mortals who are consumed by madness, sham, emotional delusion that angered the minds of men who have not yet understood to simplify their love of life how to love God for all the inevitable things and together we can always unite because it was God who created you and the stars of life. The sky as perhaps an anger that one day we can thank and ask you to be faithful to it like a straight arrow, without deviation that cannot be from our irrepressible nature in the world that can and becomes an illusion for the weakest without love that can feel its effect of the flower of paradise that we will always find what we are looking for because we simply learn to love and hate ourselves and consolidate in all aspects of being happy for many years in which life is pulsating and creative from some devices that remains and that one day we will understand its pleasures and everything that God created because we are children of God and we experience the light of life in our eyes and faces that show us how beautiful we are and we strengthen ourselves in our memories that we witness our love for life as we pacify in the material planes the seeds that we simply keep in the soul of our thoughts that are completed in the forms and realizations that we achieve in life as a state of time in the occasion of thanksgiving we learn to appreciate the life that afflicts the absurdity of youth and we see that everything that God created would be perfect because we are similar to God and in my philosophy I just want to say that if it was God who made us we are innate or homogeneous in that through the anonymity of occult affections I could Tipos de tradução

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e mesmo usou como um trabalho e tratamento de trazer suas boas intenções e criações como um ditado de prescrever seus fundamentos mais que a tão sonhada harmonia de viver feliz consigo mesmo que ele dominou a esquizofrenia de uma maneira tão forte que se curou e hoje ele é um rapaz bem conservador da saúde e sempre predominou a vida como algo suficiente em que suas ideias se formalizaram com o seu modo de pensar e ver a vida de uma maneira melhor e surpreendente que sempre lhe fez possuidor de prazeres e a Bohemia sempre foi seu melhor modo de aventurança na vida em que se tratou conservando seu caractere mais que pessoal em que também escreveu várias obras de livros que ficaram na lembrança de muitas pessoas ricas e pobres que não tinham muito respeito por ele e sempre lhe via como um doente mental e ele ficou conhecido como o pai da filosofia quanto Floyd e ele hoje é uma pessoa de grande valor caractere por exercer um compromisso com a vida e ele apenas sentiu que tudo em sua volta se passava de uma tremenda guerra de nervos e que a vida seria sempre como uma arena ao menos que possamos hoje também ver e entender os seus propósitos e coerências que nos faz acreditar na existência fenomenal e força interior que nós temos e não há nada nesse mundo que nos oprima quando nós temos a consciência mínima de compreender a vida e saber realmente agradece-la e vive-la de uma maneira mais eficiente que possamos ser felizes para sempre e não daremos brechas as desordens e incapacidades de viver porque apreendemos a viver melhor com o modo mais realista em quanto somos o que somos e nada abalara as nossas intenções ao mesmos que estejamos andando certos e não damos vagas as incapacidades e a felicidade será realmente como um escudo que sempre temos de conservar adiante de nossas existências e sempre procuraremos entender todas as nossa vontades de estabelecer verdadeiramente um compromisso real com a vida e toda a natureza e assim aqui eu quero agradecer a todos e deixar bem claro que este jovem possa ter sido vítima de uma emoção contraria a realidade porque quando somos realista com nós mesmos somos e estaremos certos com a natureza e a mente possa tentar nos enganar enquanto darmos atenção as coisas nocivas que deprimem o ser humano na vida e quando pensamos exatamente sem medo e eu creio que estejamos sensatos e vivenciaremos os nosso dias e apreenderemos a viver e a conquistarmos verdadeiramente a vida normal e sua existência será como um veículo sobre os nosso modos de pensar e agir para sempre. Obrigado! Por: Roberto Barros

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Let's complete ourselves with the love he made us because we wouldn't be alive to be happy with some inferior indifference of his nature that remains for how long without any unfavorable expression to the only affection that made us bigger than we are like the love that maybe we can't say of no or nothing inferior in another that is simplified in the divine theory that everything that God created was with love and we learn from life less or more with its artifacts to evaluate what God has done because we would not be so small and big in the hands of God who has completed us in his image and love that we can never be small in all the hidden affections that unleash the pure realistic compassion to live, love and be happy because in a few years or maybe millennia from the depths of our souls, someday we will find ourselves free from hell to paradise. Life and death would certainly be sisters of a contradiction in which we simplify everything that life formalizes for us, perhaps in which everything can have deaths as if there were life in which there is also life and there is also death that we do not want and simply say that the world was created by construction in representation of good with light, love and life, just as the world was destroyed by deconstruction in representation of evil with darkness hate and death left life and death as a setback for a return emanation in which God can be contained and indivisible between the two terms classified as life and death and just as an explanation of life and death it would also be logical for life to be love and death to be hate and love and hate are more than a term that is part of life. Everything is in perfect union and in all existence it does not stop with its rhythm that makes us say that we are alive today and maybe tomorrow we would die by something generated by the destiny traced by death that in life continues to tirelessly destroy different people from different parts of the world. A sum of points that life will not connect with the same sum that life must create being all in a natural equality in which we assume our commitments with the realities of life and we will not be afraid of the negative death that walks and undoes everything in life in which God creates in a sovereign equality of one day each thing joins the same dust for a while longer to begin with any other life. Whether you are poor or rich, you will not distinguish between this problem that we should be aware of and if we are dealing with a mission of peace, health and love towards our neighbors that accompany every second of our lives and every day as we accompany and learn to preserve the environment. Our lives and yes we will always be alive with our families, relatives and friends who love us as much as we love and we will feel their passage forever when their time comes and we will pay our charities with gratitude and love for their journey to paradise, whatever this heaven or hell and may God protect them from all harm. Life with its vital white color shows us a paradise full of love and health in which we laugh and cry with joy and learn to love and hate everything for a sentimental notion of our life and death with its lifeless black color shows us a dark place where you go to the other side of life and we might even meet and it's all about the measurements of the borders where heaven and hell are and maybe one day we can meet and be happy together somewhere and talk about the past and these memories remain in our mind and we will want to fulfill some fantasy even if they have passed and we will be able to find it and do it in a matter of love and friendship. I know it is very difficult to understand life and death because they are sisters and they have an inequality in the outline of life to persist with their rhythms among human beings and they always make us curious and surprised by their changes in our paths that are short for a long time so that one day we can wash our souls and forgive our mistakes until the angels come to God in the heavenly paradise and everyone is prepared. I just don't believe in death because I think nothing in this world dies because it's just the beginning of another life where we can say that we are free and we have no imperfections in our lives and that life will show us better as we are outside our world and we could be even better in the way we identify with our souls and everything will be in perfect harmony and the fear of death will be no more and we will not feel any imperfection in opposition to death which will simply be life in the same way, the pulsating universe always gives life and the At the same time it destroys them all in a smaller fraction of the best atom and Together we can think that one day our lives will not be lost and we will be lords of an immortal time and that we will always remain alive for a long time. This is on a supernatural level and we can clearly say that we can make life a combination of things that we may not be able to do here and that we are totally Tipos de tradução

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e mesmo usou como um trabalho e tratamento de trazer suas boas intenções e criações como um ditado de prescrever seus fundamentos mais que a tão sonhada harmonia de viver feliz consigo mesmo que ele dominou a esquizofrenia de uma maneira tão forte que se curou e hoje ele é um rapaz bem conservador da saúde e sempre predominou a vida como algo suficiente em que suas ideias se formalizaram com o seu modo de pensar e ver a vida de uma maneira melhor e surpreendente que sempre lhe fez possuidor de prazeres e a Bohemia sempre foi seu melhor modo de aventurança na vida em que se tratou conservando seu caractere mais que pessoal em que também escreveu várias obras de livros que ficaram na lembrança de muitas pessoas ricas e pobres que não tinham muito respeito por ele e sempre lhe via como um doente mental e ele ficou conhecido como o pai da filosofia quanto Floyd e ele hoje é uma pessoa de grande valor caractere por exercer um compromisso com a vida e ele apenas sentiu que tudo em sua volta se passava de uma tremenda guerra de nervos e que a vida seria sempre como uma arena ao menos que possamos hoje também ver e entender os seus propósitos e coerências que nos faz acreditar na existência fenomenal e força interior que nós temos e não há nada nesse mundo que nos oprima quando nós temos a consciência mínima de compreender a vida e saber realmente agradece-la e vive-la de uma maneira mais eficiente que possamos ser felizes para sempre e não daremos brechas as desordens e incapacidades de viver porque apreendemos a viver melhor com o modo mais realista em quanto somos o que somos e nada abalara as nossas intenções ao mesmos que estejamos andando certos e não damos vagas as incapacidades e a felicidade será realmente como um escudo que sempre temos de conservar adiante de nossas existências e sempre procuraremos entender todas as nossa vontades de estabelecer verdadeiramente um compromisso real com a vida e toda a natureza e assim aqui eu quero agradecer a todos e deixar bem claro que este jovem possa ter sido vítima de uma emoção contraria a realidade porque quando somos realista com nós mesmos somos e estaremos certos com a natureza e a mente possa tentar nos enganar enquanto darmos atenção as coisas nocivas que deprimem o ser humano na vida e quando pensamos exatamente sem medo e eu creio que estejamos sensatos e vivenciaremos os nosso dias e apreenderemos a viver e a conquistarmos verdadeiramente a vida normal e sua existência será como um veículo sobre os nosso modos de pensar e agir para sempre. Obrigado! Por: Roberto Barros

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and free. I love life as much as life loves me and they are always in perfect harmony with me and heaven could one day be our home, we will live an eternal life and we can complete our understandings that can take us to the heavens or the universe! It is as you say that in life there are two factors that destroy us with the benign and malignant force that nature offers us and establish a resemblance to the impulses created by a certain existence as a retrogression of light and darkness. Whoever needs and makes us suffer throughout life an inequality of life that afflicts man in his conscious and unconscious state that in simple circumstances his will, desire, love and hate do not have affective normality of moral character and personal conduct that is socialized on its emotional effects that make you live according to your life or delicate human nature that always seeks an answer in the time when everything remains for a fraction of a second due to the difficult occasion of destinies that compromise us by factors incomparable to the hard and real reality of our lives. In a great perspective it is said that love is the key to the well-being of relationships which by nature is more friendly and makes us understand how we are friends and everyone is perfect for the equality of good that is present in a benevolent circle that will show how much we will always have and will always prosper with an evolutionary and future discipline in a stage where we will never forget our values and compassion for our lives, always strengthened by false human bonds created by a precarious and suffered society with the bankrupts, attributes and related to life that make us die and suffer misery, failure and madness by the useless fact of good and evil which are two questionable factors that bend on a vast occasion and personal relationships that make us react in a mind that already born empowered and exhausted by darkness negative light of life against the positive light of life which is the good of love transferred from the fantasies and illusions of material experience into the full life of one r who feels and keeps in mind all the personal and moral brotherhood of a world characterized by good and evil that we call love and hate that brings happiness and emotional hell realized by relationships and projections of life that is the existence of light, which means love for others and death which is the existence of darkness which means hatred for others, which passes through everything through a formality of life on earth and in the universe in an impulse of construction and destruction that ended up creating a moral purpose that served our souls on earth and in heaven while a processor excites the vibration of all circumstances generated and created by all occasions of life in a positive and negative process that in everything and with everything represented love transformed into hate and they always try to love so much the to hate if they represent the hate transformed and passionate for the evil that they also tried to hate always so much the love representing the love transformed into hate for the good that they never stopped understanding and never understand the true case and possibility of nature itself, of existence and non-existence that complete life between two comparable and incomparable desires that you call spaced from a basis and a relationship of nature on earth and in heaven and in science there are no limits and the sciences are for everything that has always shown us the most complex true identity of an infinite parallel of a great understanding of the combat reaction built and destroyed by a complete evolutionary reality of life as a daily way of being the inferior to superior plexus that has always joined one to give the best suggestion and lifestyle to a human being. In the masculine name, love means strong affection for another person, born of ties of consanguinity or social relationships. Attraction based on sexual desire. In the masculine name, hate means intense aversion, motivated by fear, anger or injury; heinous. The person or thing hated. There is also heaven and hell which in religiosity are two representations of two spiritual paths and planes that represent the bright side of life that is good according to divine love or personal good intention that comes from within oneself, as there is the dark side of life that is evil according to demonic hatred or personal evil intent rather than stems from a negative repulsion of life that would lead nowhere. The mere circumstance of life would be weakened to sudden failure in life clearly distinguished from the clear good intention of life which is the good that distorts the dark side of life and when that question is not itself the dark path of evil it is hatred that causes the death itself in a simplified way, its purpose as a mental law and logical questions of life. There are paths that reveal an infinity of moral concepts that in the recovery of life we benefit from the body and soul through a constructive infinity that in the Tipos de tradução

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e mesmo usou como um trabalho e tratamento de trazer suas boas intenções e criações como um ditado de prescrever seus fundamentos mais que a tão sonhada harmonia de viver feliz consigo mesmo que ele dominou a esquizofrenia de uma maneira tão forte que se curou e hoje ele é um rapaz bem conservador da saúde e sempre predominou a vida como algo suficiente em que suas ideias se formalizaram com o seu modo de pensar e ver a vida de uma maneira melhor e surpreendente que sempre lhe fez possuidor de prazeres e a Bohemia sempre foi seu melhor modo de aventurança na vida em que se tratou conservando seu caractere mais que pessoal em que também escreveu várias obras de livros que ficaram na lembrança de muitas pessoas ricas e pobres que não tinham muito respeito por ele e sempre lhe via como um doente mental e ele ficou conhecido como o pai da filosofia quanto Floyd e ele hoje é uma pessoa de grande valor caractere por exercer um compromisso com a vida e ele apenas sentiu que tudo em sua volta se passava de uma tremenda guerra de nervos e que a vida seria sempre como uma arena ao menos que possamos hoje também ver e entender os seus propósitos e coerências que nos faz acreditar na existência fenomenal e força interior que nós temos e não há nada nesse mundo que nos oprima quando nós temos a consciência mínima de compreender a vida e saber realmente agradece-la e vive-la de uma maneira mais eficiente que possamos ser felizes para sempre e não daremos brechas as desordens e incapacidades de viver porque apreendemos a viver melhor com o modo mais realista em quanto somos o que somos e nada abalara as nossas intenções ao mesmos que estejamos andando certos e não damos vagas as incapacidades e a felicidade será realmente como um escudo que sempre temos de conservar adiante de nossas existências e sempre procuraremos entender todas as nossa vontades de estabelecer verdadeiramente um compromisso real com a vida e toda a natureza e assim aqui eu quero agradecer a todos e deixar bem claro que este jovem possa ter sido vítima de uma emoção contraria a realidade porque quando somos realista com nós mesmos somos e estaremos certos com a natureza e a mente possa tentar nos enganar enquanto darmos atenção as coisas nocivas que deprimem o ser humano na vida e quando pensamos exatamente sem medo e eu creio que estejamos sensatos e vivenciaremos os nosso dias e apreenderemos a viver e a conquistarmos verdadeiramente a vida normal e sua existência será como um veículo sobre os nosso modos de pensar e agir para sempre. Obrigado! Por: Roberto Barros

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s reminds us that we are spiritual beings who suffer these subtle energy discharges from our souls due to uncontrolled factors that lead us to the ends most inclined to react against the harsh and harsh realities of life that oppress our nerves and break our fundamental consciences in a logical contraction and poorly reconstructed by various emotional declinations that make us compromise the social well-being that this offers us to see, live and understand the struggle for survival of this well-informed or poorly constructed between an emotional mental plane in a biased world in which we live and we learn to live and understand the best demand for love and hate that are in two perfect combinations that make it impossible for us to see the positive side that is the good of life and the dark side that is the old adopted the evil of life in a fraternity uncontaminated by a feeling oppressed by the circumstances generated by life itself, remaining in everything subject to love and hate. Life is a very broad concept and allows for several definitions. It can refer to the ongoing process of which living beings are a part; the time between conception and death of an organism under the condition of an entity that was born and not yet died and what makes a being metaphysically alive, life is a continuous process of relationships. As simple as it may seem, it is still very difficult for scientists to clearly define life. Many philosophers try to call it a "phenomenon that animates matter". In general, an entity is traditionally considered a living being if it shows all of the following characteristics: The name at least once during its existence, Development: passing through several distinct and sequential stages from conception to death. 1. Growth: absorption and cumulative reorganization of matter from the environment; with the excretion of excess and "unwanted" products. 2. Movement: indoors (cellular dynamics), accompanied or not by locomotion in the environment. 3. Reproduction: ability to generate an entity similar to itself. 4. Response to stimuli: ability to "feel" and evaluate the properties of the environment and to act selectively in response to possible changes in these conditions. 5. Evolution: the ability of successive generations to gradually transform and adapt to the environment. These criteria have their uses, but their different nature makes them unsatisfactory from more than one perspective; in fact, it is not difficult to find an example, as well as examples that require additional processing. For example, according to the above criteria, fire can be said to have life. Such a situation could be easily resolved with the addition of the spatial limitation requirement, which is the presence of a mechanism that delimits the spatial extent of the living being, for example, the cell membrane in typical living beings. This approach solves the fire case, but it also leads to new problems, such as defining an individual in organisms such as most fungi and some herbaceous plants, and does not definitively solve the problem, as it can still be said that: • the stars are alive, for reasons still similar to fire. • geodes can also be considered living beings. • Viruses and the like are not living beings because they do not grow and cannot reproduce outside the host cell; extensible housing to many external parasites. If we limit ourselves to "conventional" bodies, some additional criteria may be considered in search of a more precise definition: 1. Presence of molecular components such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. 2. Composition of one or more cells. 3. Maintenance of homeostasis. 4. Speciation skill. However, even in these cases, some deadlocks would still be detected. For example, all life on Earth is based on the chemistry of carbon compounds, called organic chemistry. Some argue that this should be the case for all possible life forms in the universe; others describe this position as carbon chauvinism, considering, for example, the possibility of life based on silicon. multiple configurations Francisco Varela and Humberto Maturana's definition of "life" (widely used by Lynn Margulis) is that of a water-based autopoietic system (autogenerator), lipoprotein limits, carbon metabolism, nucleic acid replication and protein regulation, a system of lower negative returns subordinated to a higher positive return. Stuart Kauffman defines it as an agent or a system of autonomous agents capable of reproducing and completing at least one thermodynamic work cycle. Robert Pirsig's definition can be found in his book Lila: An Inquiry into Morals, as anything that maximizes its range of future possibilities, that is, anything that makes decisions that translate into more possible futures or that keeps so many options in mind. open. Biochemists defined life as a set of molecules Tipos de tradução

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e mesmo usou como um trabalho e tratamento de trazer suas boas intenções e criações como um ditado de prescrever seus fundamentos mais que a tão sonhada harmonia de viver feliz consigo mesmo que ele dominou a esquizofrenia de uma maneira tão forte que se curou e hoje ele é um rapaz bem conservador da saúde e sempre predominou a vida como algo suficiente em que suas ideias se formalizaram com o seu modo de pensar e ver a vida de uma maneira melhor e surpreendente que sempre lhe fez possuidor de prazeres e a Bohemia sempre foi seu melhor modo de aventurança na vida em que se tratou conservando seu caractere mais que pessoal em que também escreveu várias obras de livros que ficaram na lembrança de muitas pessoas ricas e pobres que não tinham muito respeito por ele e sempre lhe via como um doente mental e ele ficou conhecido como o pai da filosofia quanto Floyd e ele hoje é uma pessoa de grande valor caractere por exercer um compromisso com a vida e ele apenas sentiu que tudo em sua volta se passava de uma tremenda guerra de nervos e que a vida seria sempre como uma arena ao menos que possamos hoje também ver e entender os seus propósitos e coerências que nos faz acreditar na existência fenomenal e força interior que nós temos e não há nada nesse mundo que nos oprima quando nós temos a consciência mínima de compreender a vida e saber realmente agradece-la e vive-la de uma maneira mais eficiente que possamos ser felizes para sempre e não daremos brechas as desordens e incapacidades de viver porque apreendemos a viver melhor com o modo mais realista em quanto somos o que somos e nada abalara as nossas intenções ao mesmos que estejamos andando certos e não damos vagas as incapacidades e a felicidade será realmente como um escudo que sempre temos de conservar adiante de nossas existências e sempre procuraremos entender todas as nossa vontades de estabelecer verdadeiramente um compromisso real com a vida e toda a natureza e assim aqui eu quero agradecer a todos e deixar bem claro que este jovem possa ter sido vítima de uma emoção contraria a realidade porque quando somos realista com nós mesmos somos e estaremos certos com a natureza e a mente possa tentar nos enganar enquanto darmos atenção as coisas nocivas que deprimem o ser humano na vida e quando pensamos exatamente sem medo e eu creio que estejamos sensatos e vivenciaremos os nosso dias e apreenderemos a viver e a conquistarmos verdadeiramente a vida normal e sua existência será como um veículo sobre os nosso modos de pensar e agir para sempre. Obrigado! Por: Roberto Barros

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les that, in their mutual interactions, develop a self-regulatory program whose end result is the perpetuation of the same collection of molecules. A dynamic equilibrium that, in the exchange of matter and energy with the environment, allows the reduction of entropy. There are probably more possibilities to define life, as it can be conceptualized on the basis of the meaning attributed to "life". Modified descent: a useful feature A useful feature on which to base a definition of life is that of modified offspring: the ability of a given life form to produce offspring similar to the parents, but with the possibility of some variations due to chance. The modified offspring are sufficient by themselves to allow evolution, as long as the variation between offspring gives different probabilities of survival. The study of this form of inheritance seen in nature is called genetics. In all known excluded life forms and prisons, which are not considered living beings, although viruses and viroids are included, the classification is still uncertain: the genetic material mainly consists of DNA or another common nucleic acid, RNA. A criticism of this criterion arises when considering the code of some forms of viruses and computer programs structured through genetic programming: the question of computer programs can be considered a living being, given this definition, is certainly a controversial topic. Exceptions to the common definition Many organisms are unable to reproduce and are still living beings, such as mules and worker ants. However, these exceptions can be taken into account by applying the definition of life at the species or single gene level. However, new questions about this approach are inevitable when considering specific topics, such as kin selection, which provides more information about the possibility that non-reproductive individuals may nevertheless increase the spread of their genes and the survival of their strain. As for the two cases where fire and stars fit the definition of life, both can be easily resolved by defining metabolism in a more biochemically accurate way. In their book Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Donald and Judith Voet define metabolism as follows: "Metabolism is the general process by which living systems acquire and use the free energy necessary to carry out their various functions. They do this by combining the exoergic reactions of nutrient oxidation with the endergic processes necessary to maintain it. such as performing mechanical work, the active transport of molecules against concentration gradients, and the biosynthesis of complex molecules." This definition, used by most biochemists, makes it clear that fire is not alive, as it releases all the oxidative energy from its fuel in an "explosive" reaction, in the form of heat. Viruses reproduce, flames grow, machines move, some computer programs change, evolve, and in the future are likely to exhibit highly complex behaviors; however, they are not living beings by that definition. On the other hand, at the origin of life, cells with more metabolism can exist without a reproductive system. Most, however, do not consider these entities to be living beings, and generally, all five characteristics must be present for a being to be considered living. modern biological definition In light of this dead end, in light of the most current definition and aside, proposals that are not corroborated in fact know that, biologically, life is a natural phenomenon that can be described as a continuous process of metabolic chemical reactions that occur in an evolutionarily structured environment. to facilitate the occurrence and maintenance of such reactions; always produced under the direct or indirect control of a group of special molecules, deoxyribonucleic acids or simply DNA. The presence of DNA or, in an "equivalent" way, of RNA, is currently a necessary condition for the definition of a living being, however, it has still been discussed whether the presence of a potentially functional form of this molecule is a sufficient condition to define -there. . The classification of viruses as live or not is still uncertain. Life in the religious context The concept of life is known enough not to go unnoticed by the religious. It is based on the principle of the life or existence of the soul (in Christian belief, being unique to man); in animated existence (from the Latin word anima) in chance; or the duration of the animate existence of an individual or entity. From the Christian point of view, in the biblical case, regarding terrestrial and physical life, things that have life, in general, have the capacity for growth, metabolism, reaction to external stimuli and reproduction. The Hebrew word used in the Bible and the Greek word, the Hebrew word and the Greek term meaning "soul" are also used to refer to laugh at life, not in an abstract sense, but at life as a person or animal. Compare the words "soul" and "life" as used in the Book of Job, chapter 10, verse 1; Psalms, chapter 66, verse 9; Book of Proverbs, chapter 3, verse 22. According to the Bible, vegetation has life, working in it the principle of life, but not life as a soul. Life, in the broadest sense, applied to intelligent beings, is the perfect existence that bears the name of the soul. The concept within religious faith, however, transcends modern science and biology, without any support of any modern scientific nature that corroborates the existence of the soul. Animism has long been rejected by science in this case. Origin of life The origin of life raises scientific, religious and philosophical questions. There is still no consensus model for the origin of life, but most currently accepted models are based in one way or another on the following results: 1. Plausible probiotic conditions lead to the creation of the simplest organic molecules demonstrated by the Urey-Miller experiment. 2. Phospholipids spontaneously form double layers, the basic structure of the cell membrane. 3. Processes for the random production of RNA molecules can produce ribozymes capable of replicating under certain conditions. 4. The tree of life converges all known living beings at a single point of common origin. There are many different hypotheses on the path taken by simple organic molecules to protocells and metabolism. Most possibilities tend towards the primacy of genes or the primacy of metabolism; a recent trend is to look for hybrid models that combine aspects of both approaches. According to astronomer and astrophysicist Thomas Gold, the theory of the deep, hot biosphere indicates that there is clear evidence that microbial life is extremely widespread deep within the Earth's crust. According to this theory, life has been identified at various locations on the ocean floor, linked to primordial gas emanations. This life does not depend on solar energy and photosynthesis as its main source of energy supply and is essentially independent of the circumstances of the Earth's surface. Its energy supply comes from chemical sources, due to upward fluids from deeper levels in the Earth. The single-celled beings that live in such environments are now classified in their Superrealm, the Arcaea, and may very well protect the mechanisms that gave rise to the first living beings. According to theory, in mass and volume this deep biosphere can be comparable to all surface life. Such microbial life could, in principle, explain the presence of biological molecules in all carbonaceous materials in the crust, and considering that these materials come entirely from biological deposits accumulated on the surface, it would therefore not necessarily be valid. Known life in general can also be found within the planetary bodies of our Solar System or even in isolated objects that roam interstellar space; because many of them have adequate conditions for this to happen like those found in certain situations here on earth, while still constituting totally inhospitable environments on their surface for almost all living beings. It can also be speculated that the only alternative is for life to be widely distributed in the universe, inhabiting everything from planetary bodies in our solar system to other star systems. Today, it is known that our periodic table is responsible for describing all the chemistry of the universe. Life as we know it is based on carbon and water and energy is normally obtained by the presence of oxygen, either free in the air or released by the reduction of compounds such as oxides, sulfates and others. Carbon sources are related to primordial hydrocarbons, in particular methane. These primordial substances are widely distributed in the universe and, considering that the processes that gave rise to them took place only here on Earth, they are for many, in these terms, at least a lot of pretense. An extension of this topic leads us to the panspermia hypothesis. However, beyond speculation, in fact though, life as almost certainly was born and certainly evolves on Earth. According to physicist Marcelo Gleiser in his book "Imperfect Creation", life would have appeared on Earth about 4 billion years ago. The oldest fossil record of life dates back to stromatolites formed in the Paleoarchean era of the Archean Aeon, about 3.430 billion years ago. Nature, in its broadest sense, is equivalent to the "natural world" or "physical universe". The term "nature" refers to the phenomena of the physical world and also to life in general. Generally does not include man-made objects. The word "nature" derives from the Latin word nature, which means "essential quality, innate disposition, course of things.". sas and the universe itself." Nature is the Latin translation of the Greek word physis, which in its original meaning refers to the innate way in which plants and animals grow spontaneously. The concept of nature as a whole - the physical universe - is a concept which has become more and more widely used with the development of the modern scientific method over the last few centuries. Within the various current uses of this word, "nature" can refer to the general domain of different types of living things such as plants and animals, and in some cases to the processes associated with inanimate objects - the manner in which the different particular types of things and their spontaneous changes, as well as the climate, the geology of the Earth, and the matter and energy these beings possess. natural environment, wild animals, rocks, forests, beaches and, in general, all things that have not been substantially modified by man or that persist despite intervention. human action. This more traditional concept of natural things implies a distinction between natural and artificial, the latter understood as something created by a mind or consciousness. Etymology Latin, nature, comp. from the natus theme, p.pass. from Nascere = Nascere and Urus = Future participle suffix of Oritur = Raise, generate, the force that generates. What arises, what occurs from birth. What is and does by birth, according to universal laws applied to a specific context. Order or system of laws that precede the existence of things and the succession of beings. The set of all beings that make up the universe. Essence and intrinsic quality of a being. Also understood as "quality, nature, genius, type, character" of a being. Life A duck with its young Although there is no universal consensus on the definition of life, scientists generally accept that the biological manifestation of life is characterized by the following factors or functions: organization, metabolism, growth, adaptation, response to stimuli and reproduction, living beings (plant kingdoms) ( animals, fungi, protists, archaea and bacteria) have these properties in common: they are made up of cells that have a complex organization based on water and carbon metabolism and are capable of growing, responding to stimuli and reproducing. Therefore, an entity that satisfies these properties is considered to be alive. The biosphere is the part of the outermost layer of planet Earth, including air, land, surface rocks and water, and it is in this part that life evolved and where biotic processes are made and transformed. From a very broad view of geophysics, the biosphere is the global ecological system that integrates all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere (rocks), the hydrosphere (water) and the atmosphere (air). Currently, it is estimated that the Earth contains about 75 billion tons (7.5 kg x 1013) of biomass, present in various environments of the biosphere. About nine-tenths of the Earth's total biomass is plant life, on which animal life depends for survival. To date, more than 2 million species of plants and animals have been identified and estimates of the actual number of existing species range from a few million to a maximum of 50 million species. The number of existing species varies constantly, as new ones appear and others cease to exist in a continuous dynamic. Currently, the total number of species is experiencing a rapid decline. I simply want to say that life is the sister of death since death is the sister of life; there is probably a term of construction where we are simply walking down a path that we must look for real evidence of the existence of life in mortals of what in most cases we consider to build, destroy and evolve the human being who has gone through a metamorphosis that would actually be the opposite death by a fatality from which we see life distracted in a context of witness of its existence and affection to cross a more different side, which we casually seek certainty about the uncertainties that naturally must have a construction that puts everything in harmony and a deconstruction that put everything in total discontent that we call the time of return that it is written in the bible that God created the sky and the sea and men built an excellent source of their relationships with the life that has always arisen in you in the context of revelation and demonstration of realities day after day that by a discrepancy of time and three days everything becomes the target of circumstances of love and hate in which man can understand his needs for evolution and origin. It completed since the beginning of the world in which God created Adam and Eve in paradise and how the Holy Bible says that they committed a doom by eating from the tree of life and were expelled from paradise and the materialized world in a metamorphosis in which man is a god from the beginning that the gods con destroyed Mount Olympus and that made human beings understand their desires and thoughts, because life and death should be like a dream of entrance and exit to where the world would be found in possession of pleasure and will and everyone would enjoy all the needs that life and its relativity, if between human beings and animals, were established a domain that would really stop and in everything, would stop at their abilities, rations, complications, understandings and actions in which man could establish a conduct or doctrine between tribes and gangs that shaped the world and understood what life is. He taught and understood about death and life that simply should establish a logic of remaining intact in their more than likely nature, uncertainties more than overcome by being formalized in a primate man between a duel with dinosaurs to the contemporary era that established a identity more similar to the deconstructions and constructions of life leaving the earth as a creative emanation of a phenomenal existence of the living being that became man, woman and animals were preserved in all modalities that presumably also man could have come from the ape as primitive man and that the world originated from a great explosion caused by an asteroid in which it destroyed the face of the earth and everything started from nothing, as it is also said that the world originated from a great explosion in which the universe was densely hot and that everything atoms were formalized into atoms in which life was formed on earth, establishing human beings, animals and animals in which the word de Deus was born as an emanation of events from a bond that we can simply say that we were built and formalized in an alchemy more focused on absinthe, as the essence would have the shape of a snake while the world improved within a natural harmonization of nature between four constructive elements that emanate life in air, water, earth and fire, in which their genes can formalize us into an atom and a logic in which matter would be part of everything and in a smaller fraction of an element in which the particles atomic bodies would be or would be in a small interval of time in which they would form into an atomic body called an atom between time and space, the universe would always become more between spaces, leaving everything and creating everything in an escape from planetary life and its devices of output and input as creation and destruction, in which god would be a homogeneous factor of the universe and/or omnipotent of all things in which they were created in a context of construction and destruction, being god among the various issues of clairvoyance between life as light, as emanation of life and hate as destruction of death, also known as the devil representing the flame, the eternal fire of God emanated by the devil who is god himself in the form of light, which represents the life that presumably never disappeared and always the things of paradise that would be a starting point for all souls in which we formalize how heaven and hell would be the dark side of life, symbolizing the devil in that would take the lamas to purgatory as a death penalty and the sin over life and death and the world would have established no other conduct, but heaven and I hell as a representation of life and death between a single god, for there was only one god and the devil who, in two ways, would have established one as the world was also born as a god An explosion that spreads and enters the leaks while everything was formed and formalized, leaving the earth a place to live and die where the two spheres show us yet another greater sin and do not believe in God and salvation would be to believe in God, the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth in which life has always revealed its mysteries to us between the depths of heaven and earth that has always rebelled against various purposes of light and darkness with life being something superlative a prodigious nature that has always formalized us by its existence and subsistence, in which they are known as good and bad, becoming all in light and dark with life that becomes something like a circle in which we can live and die like the construction and destruction of life because of death that is dark and cold when life would be more subtle because it is light and white and everything is related to an alchemy of a phenomenal existence in which we can symbolize its capacity, complicity and construction in an emanation of time and space, as the universe can always expand its vibrating and pulsating flows and expands its subtle being and unfolds. always being dense in an atmosphere hotter than Earth that is formed in all respects, a forgotten space in which the hours, minutes and seconds are added in a smaller fraction of time, forming atoms and giving more and more space to their dimensions. I mean that life is mother's sister or since death is life's sister, there is probably a term of construction that we are each other. simply walking down a path in which we must look for real evidence of the existence of life in mortals than in the more thoughtful way of construction, construction and evolution that the human being went through a metamorphosis that would actually be the opposite of dying from a fatality from which we see the distracted life in a context of onianza testimony of its existence and affection to cross a more different side, that we casually seek certainty about the uncertainties that naturally must have a construction that puts everything in harmony and a deconstruction that puts everything in total displeasure that we call of payback time where we can certainly live and certainly prevail over real life. Maybe we are living or going through a story that today we can fully understand its fullest value that distinguishes us from perceiving maybe between the love that makes us hate and the love for a feeling that we can try and that our feelings go unnoticed to really love a woman with who we still predominate our wills in certain things that we dream about and we think that there is little or more performance between our wills that we are learning today to conquer life and maybe we are still precarious in our will to achieve something that gives us pleasure in certain circumstances in that we say well that we can dominate something that favors us between perhaps our will and that there can be indifference between the love of a woman who simply makes us love her existence better than we do and that we go unnoticed an undue desire to prevail over a duel that, in the past likes himself, says the ancients called and cost between certain forms of I love and I die for love between struggle and despair to find a real explanation between the conquest of facing a woman and between her prejudices and organizing eyes that maybe we can say that everyone was attracted by the fury of overwhelming desire that makes us support that everyone fell together in that moment when we are attracted by the will and beauty of a real woman even if we are different in relation to our love that we sigh with hate because we suspect the truth that we want to contain only between them in the middle of a catastrophic world and prevent us from suffering a little social and convivial damages, which is perhaps teaching us to find a more desirable response to our courage so that one day we can understand the sentimental force of a woman who shows us and makes us enjoy our shortcomings without feeling pain because we are among the desires that the love of a woman that makes us love with body and soul and that would simply take us to the soft and incomparable paradise l that would hold our hearts by force, this would biologically change in relation to our organic functions that would only enter those between the two things that would seem like a paradise would fill more than sentimentally our voids as a cure that makes man groan without feeling pain as an expression of cure for love in the midst of a desire that one day we can understand about love, it is enough that nothing in this world covers us between certain fantasies that make us fulfill our desires that we always evaluate a woman and her predominant aspects as reflections of an adventurous life that makes us know certain paths that take us away from our consciences that society will always end, is discriminated among poor women fired by uncertain men who can still improve a real woman more than ever, never say goodbye to your fun because they are among many undesirable people, even if they are all the same and show us their value that only makes us moan. without feeling pain and that we can see and see what their faces mean to us, inside the soul like an emotional fluid that we lack, makes us dark and we fall between her female eyes as we feel attracted by her nature and her physical beauty that we will never forget and we will leave behind a margin where one day we will be able to understand its greatness. Reason between a desire for love that makes us moan with that desire in a feminist aspect in which it makes us moan without feeling pain. I want to talk about a past that dominates us in a context that simplifies love for the magnificent pleasure of a woman in which we tell several stories even in songs that the exuberant and mischievous man is not limited to the pleasure of a woman in which his hatred becomes frightening , as it shows that their emotions are under the spell of preserving their love that perhaps we can say that we are learning to live and love again with an effect that makes us feel divided between emotional environments in which almost all of this makes us die over the realms of life in which we take as the key to existence the pure beauty and delicacy of a beautiful woman who may not have pleasure and who has turned into a resistance of love and pleasure in which pleasure would be justified by a classification in which we suppose to be free incapable. ness of a charm that we can fantasize about certain people that can only make us gain what we are looking for and that this thing can equal us and what it does for us was to understand and truly its value from the depths of the soul in which it has transcended us for a process in which we can remove the true feeling of pain, no matter how much we are not combined in the same existence and that everything will lead us to the pleasure in which we enjoy that honest fraction of our wills without feeling pain as an expression of this song that the woman has on her face two bright, because it reflects us as a soul and calls our wills and that we can enjoy this paradise that we dispense with everything in life now, when we can say that we make love and leave behind the setbacks that rub us in life and enjoy the pleasure of the flesh without feeling pain and we will remain together in two faces that can unite forever in life. It all begins with a clash between Greeks and Trojans by Elena, the wife of Menelaus, who tells the story of a hobby horse that ended a ten-year war. New woman. Beautiful and capricious makes a man moan without feeling pain. Alexander inhuman figure founder of the famous Alexandria conquered in Greece and destroyed almost the entire population of Theban, the attractive beauty of Roxana dominated the greatest conqueror and after winning he was the winner and gave himself to pay more than the young beautiful, new woman, beautiful and affectionate makes the man moan without feeling pain, the woman has two faces when two years of her fate who doesn't like the feminine smile doesn't know the poetry of Cervantes, the courage of the great navigators ahead of her to the sky under her care, if it weren't for the flower of Maus the story would be a lie, a beautiful and affectionate young woman makes a man moan without feeling pain, Virgulino Ferreira the Lampião bandit of the northeast jungles without fear of danger or ruin he was the king of the cangaço of the sertão but the other day he felt attractive love in his heart the mulatto from the land of the condor dominated a dangerous beast, a beautiful and affectionate young woman makes a man moan without feeling pain. Being an exuberant and mischievous man is not restricted to the pleasure of a woman in which her hatred becomes frightening, as it shows that her emotions are under the spell of preserving her love that perhaps we can say that we are learning to live and live. To love again in an effect that makes us feel divided between emotional environments in which almost everything makes us die in the realms of life in which we take as a key to existence the pure beauty and delicacy of a beautiful woman who may not have pleasure and that everything has changed. with regard to the resistance of love and pleasure, in which enjoyment would be justified by a classification in which we suppose to be free from incapacity in a charm that we can fantasize about certain people who can simply make us gain what we seek and that this thing can equal us and that makes us really understand its value from the depths of the soul in which it has transcended us in a process in which we can remove the true detachments of pain, no matter how united we are in the same existence and that everything will lead us to the pleasure in which this honest fraction we enjoy our wills without feeling pain as an expression of that song that the woman has on her face two shiny ones to reflect as soul and call us if we will and that we can enjoy this paradise that we give up everything in life in that moment when we can say that we make love and leave the setbacks that rub us in life and enjoy the pleasure of the flesh without trying pain and we will remain together in two faces that can be find eternally in life. I simply want to say that life is the sister of death since death is the sister of life; there is probably a term of construction where we are simply walking down a path where we must look for actual evidence of the existence of life in mortals than in most cases. Considered to build, destroy and evolve, the human being has undergone a metamorphosis that would be the opposite of dying from a fatality that we see life distracted in a context of witness to its existence and affection to cross a more different side that we casually seek. Surplus of certainties the uncertainties that naturally must have a construction that puts everything in harmony as well as a deconstruction that puts everything in total discontent that we call the time of return that it is written in the Bible that God created the sky and the sea and men built a source very well with regard to its relations with life which are always emanating from us in a context of revelation and showing us the realities of the day in which for lack of time and three days everything becomes the target of circumstances of love and hatred in which man can understand and understand his needs for evolution and origin that have completed him ten since the beginning of the world in which God created Adam and Eve in paradise and, as the Holy Bible says, and committed a perdition to eat from the tree of life and were expelled from paradise and the world materialized in a metamorphosis in which man is a god from the beginning that the gods built Mount Olympus and that made human beings understand their desires and thoughts as the life and death should be like a dream of entry and exit in which we would find in the world a set of religious doctrines of a syncretic, mystical and initiative nature, possibly added to philosophical reflections that seek the knowledge of divinity to achieve the spiritual elevation of man certainly good in his life. We really need to spread a simple idea in which man can reveal to us what we are and where we are going and that space would be a place to make us think and understand about various atomic aspects which in turn made us more physical among various ideas that can redo ourselves over a great variety supposedly equivalent to the elements that compose us and their particularities that reserve us in a nucleus called the human body that we can simply understand its dynamics and organic functions that are exposed on the body, spirit and soul and let's decipher this question that for a contradictory effect we can accept its dynamics that can vary on the dense material body and the subtle spiritual body that we are going to prescribe as a lesson that there is a science that makes us understand called anthropology which is simply the science that is dedicated to the study of human species in its entirety, taking into account its origin, development (physical, social, cultural), For certain circumstances I want to talk seriously about a setback in which we can understand the development of the organism's relativity as several functions that theoretically I describe here and put in physics as an observational work in which we can distinguish a great classification in which in metaphysics we take great proofs scientific under any assumptions in which we are going to show a relationship of artifacts well explain under the human body and its artifacts and certain attributes related to the great development of biotechnology in reactions of all the transformations between organic and functional functions of the organism as synthesis of various compositions and combinations of the metabolic system. I, by a great abbreviation, want to speak first of the psychological part that messes with the mental psyche in a relativity with several parameters that weaken to a chemical process due to certain attributions of the mind by a chained impulse that a person can show a great variety of behavior weakened that may be precariously depressed due to an impulse and nervous exhaustion that makes it difficult and makes him sensitive to the normal behavior of his emotions due to any plots as a depression due to a simple suffering that he conceived in front of a situation of distress that he struggles with. his emotions and turns into anguish that perhaps because of a mismatch, he enters a state of deflowering and in which he consoles himself under a self-control of reacting to various submissions that he conceives to sing, say things without meaning that we can know that our senses can vary both positive and negative in that a behavior as a the dispersion of energies composed under a discipline that cannot be well related to a normal behavior due to the habit of exercising certain doctrines and functions proper to the organism when it finds itself depressed, dissatisfied with the unnecessary needs of the maturation of the will that can give us good tastes as I enjoy the normality that we justify by the practice that can be possessed of great loads and exercise of euphoria due to a great variety of proteins that favor us good mental calcifications in a measure. Calcium is important for several vital functions such as proper muscle contraction, regulated heartbeat and low cholesterol levels and it is important to ingest calcium also in adulthood, as we need this mineral to prevent osteoporosis, a disease that manifests itself in old age. I believe that we have to trigger several appropriations under our nervous systems because I believe that we need a very large source of proteins under all organic defenses so that we do not solidify the mental compound that we present here as a great variety of chemical formulations that complete us. our systems, both nervous and physical, and the mind can be a very dispensable organ and composed of several chemical formulations that have an effect on the organism and the body because the mind controls the body and the brain is the physical part, that is, it is an organ that is found in the cranial cavity that represents a large amount of neurons (cells of the nervous system) The mind represents as the immaterial and functional part of this organ. And we can understand with clairvoyance its great and variable functions in composing mental and physical condition of the human being that is weakened when there is no formality well exercised and composed of their emotions due to the exercise of baggage that makes them transit under all measures and reactions with life that can be distracted by the uncertainties of maturing that in the sum of the tonality we can preserve ourselves in front of a firmament well attributed to society and realistic life that we suppose to be destined to several radical purposes as we venture under a great trajectory and measures of gains or losses that we can necessarily obstruct and weaken ourselves with the day-to-day nonsense and all reactions can favor us with failure and victory for certain occasions and social attributes that in others privilege and enthusiasm for life and thus are related to the celebration functions as a vehicle of entry and exit in which we can propel ourselves more effectiveness to our reasonings and we will be sensible of any normality and that the abnormalities can be and you r coming from any nervous mismatches and so it is the mental system and the law of gravity that align themselves under great aspects of the living being under the resumption of human consciousness. I believe in all circumstances of the human being that relativities are under a formality and construction of chemical functions that always exert a great behavior under the great organic weaknesses in which we can tell you that the human body is formed by thousands of cells, which are united to form tissues, organs and systems. The various systems of the human body work together to ensure the functioning of the organism as a whole and consequently our survival. I simply want with my words here to show a constitutional formality of a great relativity of our body with the great universe that I tell you that they look almost the same and that their functions can transfer to us and transmit something related to the central system of the body as here right now if we are faced with the great universe that is in great expansion and in the law of relativity they are clearly related to all nature and man would be a small universe under a great formality of cells and organs that makes us think of each organic function as the great universe that it may have originated from a great cosmic explosion and the life that is conceived in an atom was formalized in various relationships with life between the most fearless planes of human and universal nature that we also suppose these artifacts as a machine that we certainly could not have thought as much about its relations and functions as the computer that classifies itself among two or more objects very the similar to the human being that we will let this part take for a great clairvoyance of the life under its subsistence the monitor as an emanator reflected in light that in physics served to give an image that would serve as a soul, simple vision the electronic relativities sent by the great electronics of the PC that are completed with the motherboard that is electronically designed with four elements called processor, source, HD and memory that we can't really have an idea but I believe that we are fully involved with this machine that looks like the people I tell you that the source would pass a load of energy that we could physically call it spirit and the RAM memory is represented by the storage of information necessary for execution, applications in use and for the operation of the operating system itself, this piece even facilitates processor that can access critical data faster. It looks like the cells of the human body that transmits information and it is with it that we remove the DNA and we can see that everything happens in a relationship between an electronic function that looks human and we can get to know it better and conceive it under a occupational center of information as human cells, another very similar relationship called a processor which is the central processing unit of a computer ( CPU ), it works like a computer brain, as it interacts and makes the necessary connections between all installed programs AND it represents the brain of the system in a very functional variety that classifies itself with all the programs installed as an organic vehicle passing daily information to the human body system when it is a human being and is very similar to this electronic element with the human machine and between another element we know the HD which is a hard disk or hard disk, popularly also called HD, mass memory or sec memory undaria, is the part of the computer where the data is stored that when any file is stored it is not lost with the shutdown of the machine as it happens with RAM memory. It really belongs to the brain that we have the thought and feeling that we call the subconscious that keeps everything we see, read and remember that mermaid the more faithful side of the soul as of the human being that we use the subconscious conscience to file all the things we see and keep in our minds and it would be the physics the soul as the processor that would be the body that works as a brain of the computer that interacts and makes necessary connections between all installed programs. And it represents the brain of the system in a well-functioning array that ranks with all installed programs as an organic vehicle passing on daily information. And let's talk about another very important element called random access memory or random access memory which is a type of memory that allows reading and writing used as primary memory in digital electronic systems that really is part of the soul for reading as much as the feeling that assimilates from the senses the vision of the soul of seeing and seeing to put into practice any procedure of prescribing and affirming to the understanding of the information that this is as a function that allows reading and passing information to the machine system when the human body is physically shown in theory of prescribing all its dilemmas and so would this machine be a great extraordinary structure as a human being who thinks, feels and sees and so we can understand all the relationships of the living being between its functions and dynamics that are shown under a fuller nature than completes us as the universe of the subtle became denser and thus life was created on earth in an imaginative construction. aria that proposes life and varieties of relationship and function with all the existences of nature. I believe in all human circumstances that relativities are under a formality and construction of chemical functions that always exert a great behavior under the great organic weaknesses in which we can tell you that the human body is formed by thousands of cells, which are united to form tissues, organs and systems. The various systems of the human body work together to ensure the functioning of the organism as a whole and consequently our survival. I simply want with my words here to show a constitutional formality of a great relativity of our body with the great universe that I tell you that they look almost the same and that their functions can transfer to us and transmit something related to the central system of the body as here right now if we are faced with the great universe that is in great expansion, how many in the law of relativity are clearly related to all of nature and man would be a small universe under a great formality of cells and organs that makes us think of each organic function as the great universe that it may have originated from a great cosmic explosion and the life that is conceived in an atom was formalized in various relationships with life between the most fearless planes of human and universal nature. I simply want to make it clear here to everyone that in my logic or other people there is a human relativity as a set of ideas that are formalized under a great development of various organic functions that we can dedicate ourselves with body, spirit and soul at a given moment. in which matter would be something too morbid to be fed, perhaps constantly, on various proteins, vitamins and mineral salts due to certain setbacks and various diseases and lack of chemical and organic substances that makes us transcend under such procedures of variation and function against various diseases that develop in the organic system while the metabolism makes great transformations for being a set of transformations that the chemical substances undergo inside the living organisms. The expression cellular metabolism is used in reference to the set of all chemical reactions and functions that occur in cells and I really believe that this reaction in controversy maybe we could have another transformation of cellular functions when we use stem cells that have the potential to rebuild tissues damaged and thus assist in the treatment of diseases against cancer, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and degenerative and heart diseases, I believe that we must pass on DNA information to analyze a cell of atoms I believe that the human body is reconstituted by trillions of cells composed of octillions of atoms that are structured in a highly organized way, in tissues and organs. To maintain the balance and vitality of the organism they need to talk to each other and this happens through chemical messengers called hormones such as the somatotropin hormone or somatotropin which is a protein and a peptide hormone synthesized and secreted by the anterior pituitary gland and this hormone stimulates the growth and cell reproduction in humans, other vertebrate animals and we can understand here that the stimulus in relation to bio organic function and we see here in the genes all the parts cularities formed by cells in which we can delve more deeply into the functions and their developments which would be in logic the transformation by means of transmutation in which we synthesize a more static chemistry that can develop through an acceleration in the smallest fraction of an element as a atom in a short space developing with the nuclear chemistry of the spirit that vivifies each atom between neutrons, protons and electrons that constitutes our cells and so we can better understand and study the laws of relativity and functions of each element contained on the cells in which they are formalize the cells of the human body and maybe we have to study more deeply about the cells and their functions that certainly we should see the body more scientifically using its atomic and natural elements under transmutations and transformations between particles and molecules that form into atoms and all this could start with the three realms of spirit, soul and matter where you can We will unveil nuclear chemistry between various conceptions and transformations between certain chemical elements as a function of matter as an atomic nucleus, completing its magnitudes and more subtle creations in the planes of the soul in which we transform chemistry into physics in the case of a more preliminary study in which they will be transmuted from the subtle to the dense, forming and projecting itself into dense substance, passing to the liquid state as quintessence and forming in matter that we naturally call the atomic nucleus in which all relativities can come together to functionally exercise their functions in the cellular study of each existence and substance that had passed to the state of centripetal and electron centrifuges leaving each atom relatively combined in a state of functions of the organism that metabolism is conceived as an organic and vital function for the human being. I simply want with my words here to show a constitutional formality of a great relativity of our body with the great universe that I tell you that they look almost the same and that their functions can transfer to us and transmit something related to the central system of the body as here right now if we are faced with the great universe that is in great expansion, how many in the law of relativity are clearly related to all of nature and man would be a small universe under a great formality of cells and organs that makes us think of each organic function as the great universe that it may have originated from a great cosmic explosion and that the life that is conceived in an atom was formalized in various relationships with life between the most fearless planes of human and universal nature that we also suppose these artifacts as a machine that we certainly could not have thought as much about its relations and functions as the computer that classifies itself between two or more objects mu It is very similar to the human being that we will let this part take for a great clairvoyance of the life under its subsistence the monitor as an emanator reflected in light that in physics had served to give an image that would serve as a soul, simple vision the electronic relativities sent by the great electronics of the PC that are completed with the motherboard that is electronically designated with four elements called processor, source, HD and memory that we can't really have an idea but I believe that we are fully involved with this machine that looks like the people I tell you that the source would slightly pass a charge of energy that we could physically call it spirit and the RAM memory is represented by the storage of information necessary for execution, applications in use and for the operation of the operating system itself, this piece even facilitates processor that can access critical data faster. It looks like the cells of the human body that transmits information and it is with it that we remove the DNA and we can see that everything happens in a relationship between two electronic functions that looks human and we can get to know it better and we conceive it under a occupational center of information as human cells, another very similar relationship called a processor which is the central processing unit of a computer ( CPU ), it works like a computer brain, as it interacts and makes the necessary connections between all installed programs AND it represents the brain of the system in a very functional variety that classifies itself with all the programs installed as an organic vehicle passing daily information to the human body system when it is a human being and is very similar to this electronic element with the human machine and between another element we know the HD which is a hard disk or hard disk, popularly also called HD, mass memory or memory if cundaria, it is the part of the computer where the data is stored that when any file is stored it is not lost when the machine is turned off. uina as with RAM memory. It really belongs to the brain that we have the thought and feeling that we call the subconscious that keeps everything we see, read and remember that it is the most faithful side of the soul as well as the human being that we use the subconscious consciousness to file all the things that we see and keep in our minds and it would be the physics the soul as the processor that would be the body that works as a brain of the computer that interacts and makes necessary connections between all the programs installed And it represents the brain of the system in a very functional variety that ranks with all programs installed as an organic vehicle passing on daily information. And let's talk about another very important element called random access memory or random access memory which is a type of memory that allows reading and writing used as primary memory in digital electronic systems that really is part of the soul for reading as much as the feeling that assimilates from the senses the vision of the soul of seeing and seeing to put into practice any procedure of prescribing and affirming to the understanding of the information that this is as a function that allows reading and passing information to the machine system when the human body is physically shown in theory of prescribing all its dilemmas and so would this machine be a great extraordinary structure as a human being who thinks, feels and sees and so we can understand all the relationships of the living being between its functions and dynamics that are shown under a fuller nature than completes us as the universe of the subtle became denser and thus life was created on earth in an imaginative construction. aria that proposes life and varieties of relationship and function with all the existences of nature. I believe in all human circumstances that relativities are under a formality and construction of chemical functions that always exert a great behavior under the great organic weaknesses in which we can tell you that the human body is formed by thousands of cells, which are united to form tissues, organs and systems. The various systems of the human body work together to ensure the functioning of the organism as a whole and consequently our survival. I believe that all nature and existence can be relatively combining and at the same time entering a state of disintegration due to the universal formation of the universe which was when everything has turned into an act of destruction to enter into a construction and metamorphosis between the laws of existence and that the universe would never stop with its rhythm as its resonance would be to always play the same music and I mean that we can be chemically carried away by this song unless it contains us under such circumstances of life in everything was and will be marked with time and space and so we will be the middle between beginning and end because the universe would always be growing with time and we just resonate with this nature that makes us grow and die by a unique and natural law that exerts totality over everyone and ours. relationships with nature can be held in a matter of seconds under various functions that we have to change for long and short intervals of time and so we classify ourselves under the natural plans of nature and we can apprehend its multiplications by getting to know it better so that from the subtle we become neutral and emphasize the chemical imbalances of our existences and that is how the world was created and we will learn from its relativity and pulsation that we can really walk towards the life and we found the true path and the most abysmal future of all existences and I want to thank you all from my heart for this introduction to my conceptions and studies that I observed before everyone who explained about a good part of biology and the constellation of life. Hugs from writer Roberto Barros! I want to thank you all for this formidable work and that you all find in this anthropology of mine the most sincere answer to any bad attributes that are not in perfect class and I wish you all the best and thank you all very much!

By: Roberto Barros