The lazieness engine

I think the true driving force of human development, the reason for Man's superiority and success, was laziness. The technique is the result of laziness. What are the sling, the arrow and the spear if not ways of not having to go there and crush the game or something similar with your hands, risking getting the worst of it and losing the trip? What would the inventor of the wheel be thinking about if not the eventual development of the cart, which, harnessed to an animal less lazy than he was, would take him everywhere without him having to run or walk?

The entire history of telecommunications, from tribal drums and their primitive codes to TV signals and the internet, is due to the human desire to send the message rather than going to deliver it in person. Man's hunger for wealth and power is nothing more than the will to be able to order others to do what he is too lazy to do, be it to bring his slippers or build his pyramids.

Modern chemistry is the offspring of alchemy, which was the attempt to have gold without having to look for it, or work to earn it. Physics and philosophy are products of contemplation, which is a by-product of indolence and an alternative to siesta. Great art is also due to laziness. Not by chance, what is considered the greatest achievement of the best period of Western art, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, was made by Michelangelo lying down. Marcel Proust wrote In Search of Lost Time lying down. Come on, lay back. The two greatest contemporary inventions, after the antibiotic and the microchip, which are the escalator and the valet, owe their existence to laziness. And let's not even talk about the remote .

Iacoe Michaela
Enviado por Iacoe Michaela em 28/07/2023
Reeditado em 28/07/2023
Código do texto: T7848489
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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