Diálogos pre-Paulista...

- Hello, Mr Trump, how are you? Do you remember me? Come join me at the Paulista tomorrow, for we are preparing for a new take over, like the one of January 08th 2022! Your place is reserved by my side...

- Hello, Jair! Good to hear from you, my dear old friend... For your message which I read now, you made tremendous improvements in your English, it is amazing... I have my doubts whether dear old Melania would reach such a level of excellence... Congrats, pal...Please convey my warmest regards to Mr Lula for not bending to the sword of Mr Nekronyahu...

This guy has guts and balls, man. Ask him to join in at the Paulista Parade!

Paulo Miranda
Enviado por Paulo Miranda em 24/02/2024
Código do texto: T8006180
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro