Narciso - version in English

Running for the forests I came across with Teeny

you incandescent

Beautiful that nor my being

gotten passionate Oréiade insane person me to fisgar

But I ran away from you

I passed the entire day to run away,

To run away and to run away

Other loves I tried to show to it

to cure its insane person obsession

Everything in go…

Until one day I found the solution

Would need to get passionate me for somebody

For finally its persecution

Invoked the nymph of the forests

the ondinas I nor needed

the salamanders if they prontificaram

But they had been the silfos who had helped me

and as Fausto in its circle

I found a passion at last

My image reflected in the lake

Illuminated for sibylline moonlight

so beautiful Age, was so beautiful

I dived then without thinking

I was to the meeting of it

Tristan M L Florentini
Enviado por Tristan M L Florentini em 23/08/2008
Reeditado em 23/08/2008
Código do texto: T1141664
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