A sweet special message for a friend's birthday

Some words from my heart to reach yours

“A true friend is an angel that God sends to Earth to become our ’sister in soul’…”

This morning I opened the window and the Sun was already shinning brightly. My heart was filled with joy (not because it’s Sunday); the reason is that today is your birthday, my best friend.

I need to tell you all you mean to me, special one. It’s difficult, but I’ll try.

We’ve being knowing each other for so many years that I feel like you and I are souls that complete one another.

You have always been at my side when I needed most.

You always tell me what I need to hear – but don’t want to.

You laugh with me when I am happy.

You wipe my tears when I’m sad.

Even being so young, you have the understanding to show me the way when I take a wrong path.

Oh!… There are so many other little – but important things, that only your heart will be able to ‘capture’ these so deep feelings from mine …

You became imprescindible to my life. We’ll forever be friends.

So, today – your birthday- is a blessed occasion, because if you would not exist, I’m sure I could not have became who I am- nor feel the way I do.

Look at the Sun! It is shinning specially for you!

The suave breeze which touches your face is a tender caress from Nature.

All the birds formed a choir to offer you their first song, while the flowers exhale exotic scents to perfume with enchantment your deepest wishes …

When night arrives, the deep blue sky will show stars sparkling as diamonds… to illuminate your dreams…

What a wonderful day it has been! What a wonderful day!…

I thank God for your existence and ask Him to send His Angels to keep and guard you for as long as you live.

May you be always healthy, generous and happy… and may we both know how to take care of our friendship, so it may grow till we get very, very old – and even after our departure… throughout eternity!


(May 27th, 2012)

Mirna Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Rio de Janeiro, May 25th, 2012