
You can see my blood

But you can't feel my pain

Dying in agony to have to let every thing behind

All those things seem more beauty and cool now that I’m gone

I won't see love anymore

You never believed in love because you are afraid of the things that it'll bring

Such foolish mind

My friends, my parents and relatives

They all remember the good times and try to find some one to blame

I’m sorry

My wife still crying night by night

My baby I really wanted to see your face

But now is too late

Did you see the fire in my eyes

It started to "go out" at my first breathe

Feeling of loss

I’m dying again

All right..

I need to sleep to wake up better

Forget these words, and keep going in a rotten world

I felt death

I lose all my precious thing

But now, it went away

And I still remain the same

Things must change, but words and thought isn't enough

But a beginning

With the answers come the doubts

With the lies come the truth

In the end everything is wrong.

And now what do you want to give yourself to believe in?

Stefan N Kühne
Enviado por Stefan N Kühne em 09/05/2007
Reeditado em 21/08/2007
Código do texto: T481383