Just laugh

Am I the keeper of all things I don't want?

Or I just have a fate that isn't mine?

Maybe I should think about something for me

And leave the rest in the hands of the time:

Some things start, then some have to end

So try to pick what you think is the best

You don't have to listen to what you should do

You have all chances that anyone has.

Raise up your voice and speak what you want

Somehow you are free to do what you like

But just remember that with all you'll do

The consequences can come in a strike.

Don't try to be more than who you really are

The world doesn't need anyone to be fake

Just try to see that when we go too far

Many times wrong steps will be made.

Stop screaming like you cannot be heard

Maybe some day all your friends will be deaf

Listen what a good friend would like to say:

You have to Live, Love, Learn and just... just Laugh...

/// Esse texto foi publicado duas vezes, o que me faz ainda mais orgulhosa. Espero que gostem. ///