1365- CONGRESSO BÍBLICO INTERNACIONAL - THE SERMON- CHAPTER 9 (Year:1851).In Moby Dick;Or The Whale by Herman Melville. (50 )SÉRIES: Contemporâneo.

1365- CONGRESSO BÍBLICO INTERNACIONAL - THE SERMON- CHAPTER 9 (Year:1851).In Moby Dick;Or The Whale by Herman Melville. (50 )SÉRIES: Contemporâneo.

Poem Number 1365

By Sílvia Araújo Motta

Father Mapple uplifted his closed

eyes, and offered a prayer so deeply

devout that he seemed kneeling and

praying at the bottom of the sea.


God is everywhere…


“In black distress, I called my God,

when I could scarce believe him mine,

he bowed his ear to my complaints-

no more the whale did me confine.

With speed he flew to my relief,

as on a radiant dolphin borne;

awful, yet bright, as lightning shone

The face of my Deliverer God.

My song for ever shall record

That terrible, that joyful hour;

I give the glory to my God,

His all the mercy and the power.”

A brief pause ensued; the preacher

slowly turned over the leaves

of the Bible, and at last, folding his

hand down upon the proper page, said:

"Beloved shipmates, clinch the last

verse of the first chapter of Jonah”-

“And Our God had prepared

a great fish to swallow up Jonah."

But all the things that God would have us

do are hard for us to do- remember that-

and hence, he oftener commands us

more than endeavors to persuade.

And if we obey God, we must disobey

ourselves; and it is in this disobeying

ourselves, wherein the hardness

of obeying Our God consists.

"I am a Hebrew,” he cries-

and then- “I fear the Lord

the God of Heaven who hath

made the sea and the dry land!”

I have read by what murky light may be

mine the lesson that Jonah teaches to all

sinners; and therefore to ye, and still

more to me, for I am a sinner than ye.

And now how gladly would I come

down from this mast-head and sit

on the hatches there where you sit,

and listen as you listen,

while some one of you reads me

that other and more awful lesson

which Jonah teaches to me,

as a pilot of the living God.

Woe to him whom this world charms

from Gospel duty! Woe to him who

seeks to pour oil upon the waters when

God has brewed them into a gale!

Woe to him who seeks to please rather

than to appal! Woe to him whose good

name is more to him than goodness!Woe to

him who, in this world,courts not dishonor!

Woe to him who would not be true, even

though to be false were salvation! Yea, woe to

him who as the great Pilot Paul has it while

preaching to others is himself a castaway!

"But oh! shipmates! on the starboard hand

of every woe, there is a sure delight;

and higher the top of that delight, than

the bottom of the woe is deep

And eternal delight and deliciousness will be his,

who coming to lay him down, can say with

his final breath- O Father!- chiefly known to me

by Thy rod- mortal or immortal, here I die.

I have striven to be Thine, more than to be this

world's, or mine own. Yet this is nothing: I leave

eternity to Thee; for what is man that

he should live out the lifetime of his God?"

He said no more, but slowly waving

a benediction, covered his face with his hands,

and so remained kneeling, till all the people had

departed, and he was left alone in the place.


God is everywhere…


Belo Horizonte, Congresso International

27 de julho de 2007.

Palestrante:Padre Geraldo Dôndice Vieira.

Mestrado em Ciências Bíblicas pelo Instituto

Bíblico de Roma.Reitor do Seminário

Arquidiocesano Santo Antônio,

Professor do ITASA.


Silvia Araujo Motta
Enviado por Silvia Araujo Motta em 04/08/2007
Reeditado em 04/08/2007
Código do texto: T592642
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro