A work day

Each new day, we need to wake up again,

It’s our responsibility that call us to work went.

In your house, every details we started to prepare,

Hoping for a new good day, with good things there.

After let house maybe there is the first deception:

The transportation doesn’t come, the traffic is stopped, oh my God, how much emotion!

This commute should be used to think in good things,

But was used for contrary, generation stress and disgusting.

After some difficulty time, at the work went possible to arrive,

We try keeping calm and disposition, to have a good vibe.

Sometimes in few minutes the diary routine is coming,

People asking something, e-mails, telephone calls and meetings.

Asks are coming and we need intelligence to managing.

It’s arrival the lunch time, a pause to give a little recess,

That one and special moment, but sometime we haven’t rest.

The majority of time there are much requested things to do,

That we let our rest time and dedicate to resolve all issue.

The hours passing and the work’s time comes to its final,

But someone thinks: I can’t go now, I’ll stay more, it’s my normal.

However, there are others that for theirs houses return day’s end,

Returning for your happiness environment, familiar environment.

Where again will can stop and a has a little bit of rest,

Because tomorrow again by the responsibility they’ll be guest.