Transcendental Metaphor: 'pebbles' and 'men'

It was right before sunset, when the golden colors started to dance before the eyes and the birds sang their last song.

She was strolling by her hometown’s riverbank inspiring the smells that exhale from the plants, the earth and the river at that special hour of the day…

With the soul in peace, she sat on a rock looking at the clear waters flowing calmly as they have been doing for unknown time.

The leaving Sun inflected its rays on the golden river showing all its beauty.

Outstanding exquisite pebbles were shinning with their brilliant collors as stars of the earth … some had a vivid velvet moss gently covering them… No matter of the shapes, ovals or elipticals they resembled to gems sprouting from the ground, revealing unique natural beauty.

She leaned down and picked up one of them . She held it and felt in her hands its smoothness . That suave touch arose in her mind transcendental thoughts.

Looking at the pebble seriously, She wondered how much time had passed by till it became the pebble it was – at that specific momment in which she was holding it, in its perfect oval shape? How many thousand years?… Million years?…

And further… how much time shall pass till it will turn into sand?… Into dust?… Into nothing?….


As stones become pebbles after the passing of the time… this metamorphosys should certainly happen to men… And most of them don’t realize it… The transcendence they should try to pursuit …

How many lives would be necessary to make them real ’ human beings?


Likewise, considering that world’s population is now more than seven billion people and also that most of them struggle to live under unhuman conditions. Being so, how many of them take their time to think about the need of spiritual improvement?…

Amidst the ones who live considerably well, greediness grows as they get richer and richer. Certainly this is not a ‘generalization’… There are people who really care about their fellow men… very few people.

Mirna Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Rio de Janeiro, April 28th, 2012.