I imagined that one day would surprise me to the Internet; I imagined that one day the users of the Internet would make me a great surprise, but confess to be been deceptive.
The singer Michael Jackson, who not yet has 24 hours of deceased, always made history since its infancy and after died that he will continue making; already sites exist that they are divulging to have videos and photos of autopsy of the singer; the worse one of everything is that thousand of free imbeciles and with character doubtful, still has access, exactly knowing that is joke of badly taste or virus…
A pity that will delay until somebody to learn…! Good rests to the Michael Jackson and navigating judgment, poor persons.
Carlos Henrique Mascarenhas Pires

CHaMP Brasil
Enviado por CHaMP Brasil em 26/06/2009
Código do texto: T1668666
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro