Naked on the Internet

The clay that nature has created Marcelinha had been burned by the fire demon. All his vital fluid carrying seduction. Sex for her was armed by cutting the great sea. For her, the woman lived a crossroads. His love experiences were considered cold, too shy to please a man. Their experiences were assessed in a multiple-letter word. Gave themselves a direct order and went on his way, his body wallowing Benfeita lines to compliment the sun.

Marcela came with the roads and technological progress. New love you have produced new effects. Always discovering variations, because sex was in her tired soul and monoculture, on all points of view. Looking for a brand new toy.

Then came the Cleomenes. Amateur photographer willing to entertain the world with images. Moreover, each profession brings a commandment, therefore photographed several times Marcelina nude poses as natural as the appearance of man on earth. "What is beautiful has to be shown!" - Cleomenes said it emphatically, with typical enthusiasm of the profession. Soon Marcelina was naked on the Internet. His dream of striking beauty generously reached the eyes of procreation unknown.... Eyes prepared by the same dreams we all dream. It happens that the weather plays new roles respectively in the destiny of every creature.

The hot cycle gives way to winter and everything changes so quickly relentless. After the fame of nudity did not perform the desired role from millions of naked women in the archives of the network.

Realized it was more an exhibition without identity. Only once played the surprise of Fame. There was an explicit photo in Marcelinha shoe. Came to see if it caused a sensation, but the shoemaker did not call, and went on to consider a shoe roto.

Everything changed when he met John Fernandes. She liked him immediately. Of his psychic vampirism that snatched him entirely. Always sober, was carrying a gym in the soul and religion in a way. Paranormal spirits and was mainly seen in the lantern to the basement.

She was now ex-wife free habits that sought faithfully in the past rubber lyrically explicit. By handing J. Fernandes has changed completely. And because he met the love they loved and married.

For many years put the internet nude photo of her unconscious in delay. Sort of a spare canister of consciousness where the lava forgetting the past experiences of the first and unconventional. Convinced J. Fernandez's move to Sao Paulo. Yes! They should change region.

Lied by telling him that he had dreamed of a healer. A healer who told him all about the passage. He described the dream clearly. J. Fernandes was impressed with the mirage. For each region healer running for a new kind of weight of the soul. Weigh different souls, revealed Marcelinha firmly feminine. Actually he was fleeing from an odd place. Even though he was living under a cascade could be connected to someone and then ... J. Fernandes discovered the nude photos. It would be the apocalypse, Bridal a calamity!

Even reformed their conduct in society divided between those who consider all the normal love, and others who prefer to erase any trace of physical existence of love in a sad moral abyss. When J. Fernandez stopped on the internet she would tense up walking back and forth through the kitchen.

Almost suffered a nervous breakdown when he shouted: "Come see this." The heart bursting from his mouth. Afraid to even think about when dragged into the room. Luckily the display there were solemn coats. He blamed the Cleomenes, defector ... He wiped the tears onion venting: "everything is variable in time and space."

The husband silently understood the concern of women. I knew the pictures. Do not react like asshole before such beauty. Preferred only silence to triumph routine, immersed in a secret that would reveal only in old age.
