You’re obvious to me.

Inspired in Fulke Greville’s poem Caelica 56: "All My Senses, Like Beacon's Flame". 22 de Março, 2014.

All my senses like beacons’ flame

All my thoughts and desires, I see them on fire,

I see they’re lighting,

Who could tell the obvious to me?

Cupid did best shoot and I see,

I see why my thoughts and desires are on fire

I see they’re lighting

Uh! What is obvious to me?

Now I see you are the reason why my thoughts are on fire,

Now I see you are the reason why I have all desires,

Now I see and I can tell: you’re obvious to me.

I can tell: you’re obvious to me.

Carlos Maciel CJMaciel
Enviado por Carlos Maciel CJMaciel em 17/06/2020
Código do texto: T6979587
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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