

Isa Colli is an Italian-Brazilian writer, a na ve of Espírito Santo, Brazil, passionate about wri ng ar cles of an educa onal nature.
Daughter of working-class parents, she began reading at
a very early, taking a liking to wri ng essays and inven ng stories for school homework. At 12 years old, she received a pink diary from her father as a gi , and in it, she recounted the experiences of her everyday life. Spontaneous texts revealed her fears, emo ons, di cul es and successes and childhood re ec ons. Over me, the words began to ow more and more easily, giving shape to fanciful characters, poems and beau ful love stories.

Asking the author how her hobby became her profession, she replies that “a book is not just a set of pages within a cover, neither it is limited to paragraphs, sentences and words. A book has a sound, a smell, a colour and a magic. A er I discovered the joy of living in the world of le ers, I spent a great part of my daily life dedicated to the enrichment of my daily wri ng without worrying if it’s a hobby or work.”